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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. In this case, I'm wondering if the auto update function encountered a glitch or something went awry with the installation itself. I'd recommend re-downloading the installer and running an in-place update to see if that addresses the issue. If it helps to set your mind at ease; this will not affect your settings in any way.
  2. In terms of Gamebase functionality, you must bear in mind that GameEx acts purely as a "pass through" for any information that is displayed within GameEx itself. It is Gamebase that actually maintains all control of that information. You might be able to change the name of the emulator within Gamebase though. It's been quite a while since I've even messed with Gamebase so you may need to have a play. When you're in Gamebase itself check the Emulator Properties. There you should find a field called Emulator Name. If you alter that name, it should in theory carry over to GameEx although you may need to clear your cached info in GameEx for the modified info to take hold. I basically refer back to this excellent guide prepared by myonions for any questions related to Gamebase. The guide itself is specific to AtariST, but also serves as a great source of general information for Gamebase integration within GameEx.
  3. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! My wife and I just returned from a trip to Rome where I was fortunate enough to spend my 40th birthday (turns out gelato affogato al whiskey is a pretty fantastic substitute for birthday cake!) At any rate, thanks once again and I wish you all the best.
  4. And I was so looking forward to saying, "GameEx - now with free 'personal massager'"
  5. Awesome update Tom! I'm excited to check out the Xbox 360 controller functionality.
  6. Here are some suggested apps for viewing/editing the SQLite databases. Plese note Tom's note at the bottom of the first post, as that is what will allow you to open the .db3 files through Access. Once again though please be aware that making direct edits to the SQLite databases is not the safest or recommended approach to take here. I'm guessing you should be able to import the SQLite database into an Access database via Access itself (not 100% on that, but relatively certain).
  7. GameEx uses SQLite (*.db3) databases located under \GameEx\DATA\EMULATORS. If the SQLite database is not present GameEx will fall back to using an identically named Access (*.mdb) database which are considered legacy at this point. These databases are packaged as part of the GameEx installation, so while GameEx Online won't overwrite the databases, updating your GameEx installation might. Given this, it is recommended that you don't set out on your own to update the databases, being that all your hard work could be overwritten during an update. One caveat to this rule is that the Access databases are no longer updated so you should be safe to remove the SQLite database and update the Access version. Even still please realize that you may need to remove the SQLite database in the future during subsequent updates.
  8. Awesome! I've been wanting to do this ever since I saw the title of this thread, but now that the problem is resolved I can say with full confidence ...
  9. Unless you are super vested in using AHK for your script, I would just use an Advanced Emulator Config instead. On the Advanced Emulator Setup screen you'll find a setting called Advanced Config. Check that drop down list for the a selection that says [Mapping Off] Exit (ALT+F4). Enter that as your selection and, boom, you've just mapped Esc to send Alt+F4. Now! It's possible that you might not see that selection in the list. I've built a handful of custom configs for my setup, and at this point I can't remember which ones are mine and which ones are inbuilt. If that's the case I've attached the [Mapping Off] Exit (ALT+F4) config to this post. You'll want to close the Setup Wizard and drop the file into the following directory: \GameEx\CONFIG\EMULATORS. When you open up the Setup Wizard once again it will appear in the Advanced Config drop down list. Mapping Off Exit (ALT+F4).ini
  10. I'm not seeing any obvious errors happening in GameEx. What happens when you run the following command(s): D: "D:\Jogos\EMULADORES\Taito Type X\ArcadePC Loader\Games\BBCT\launcher.exe"
  11. Almost, but not quite good sir! We're looking for this one: Start > All Programs > GameEx > Utilities > Log File Make sure you post the log contents immediately after having experienced the error.
  12. Very curious. But good news I suppose! Let us know how it goes for you.
  13. These are all great suggestions from Dazz, and would be highly worth following up on. Just out of curiosity, what is the last game that appears in your current game list? (I'm wondering if this isn't the same old History.dat issue popping up again)
  14. In addition to Dazzle's suggestion please do post a copy of your GameEx.ini and your GameEx log, if that doesn't resolve the issue. Seeing the information contained in these files will allow us to get a better picture of what's happening. Here are some instructions, if you're not entirely sure of how to get to that info. Thanks!
  15. You should still be able to post it as an attachment. It would also be helpful to take a look at your log as all of this is going on. Seeing the information contained in these files will allow us to get a better picture of what's happening. Here are some instructions, if you're not entirely sure of how to get to that info. Don't go to MA dude, it's barely even supported anymore! (and there's almost certainly no hope of bug fixes/improvements AFAIK)
  16. Seriously, just once, I'd like to see a roller coaster called, "The Bowel Releaser" or "High Speed Laxative" or somesuch. XD
  17. Note to self: Remember to wear my brown pants when I ride Fury 325, because .... yeeeeaaaaaaah ....
  18. First pubes, now dongles. This thread is going straight into the gutter.
  19. Here's wishing you a wonderful birthday and many happy returns Jedah!
  20. Glad to hear that you discovered the solution, and thank you for reporting back with the details!
  21. Does this behavior happen outside of GameEx as well? I'd be fairly surprised if GameEx was having an impact on how games are displayed in the emulator. One thing you might want to look at is that ProSystem supports custom palettes (Options > Display > Palette ...). You might wan tto take a look at that setting to see if something got inadvertently maladjusted. It's certainly worth a look. From the ProSystem Documentation:
  22. Nice! I usually try to close my eyes and avoid thinking about how much I spend during sales like this, but I like how you've framed it in terms of money saved. Let's do this! Here's my haul: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis USD 2.99 (5.99 USD) [50%] (saved 3.00)The Last Express USD 1.49 (5.99 USD) [75%] (saved 4.50)Medal of Honor: Allied Assault War Chest USD 2.49 (9.99 USD) [75%] (saved 7.50)Pier Solar and the Great Architects Free (14.99 USD) [100%] (saved 14.99) Quest for Infamy USD 3.99 (19.99 USD) [80%] (saved 16.00)Star Wars: X-Wing Special Edition USD 4.99 (9.99 USD) [50%] (saved 5.00)Wizardry 6+7 USD 1.49 (5.99 USD) [75%] (saved 4.50)Wizardry 8 USD 1.99 (9.99 USD) [80%] (saved 8.00) Total Spent: 19.43Total Saved: 63.49 Good lord, that ought to keep me busy for a while! Thanks GOG!
  23. As you're probably aware EA regularly offers free games on Origin through their On The House program. I feel like it's gone through a lull in recent months with somewhat lackluster titles, but this month really has something to get excited about for old school RTS fans, the legendary Syndicate! Truth be known I've never been a huge RTS fan, but I definitely make an exception for this one. Go scoop it up!
  24. Happy Birthday to you both, and thank you for all that you contribute to the GameEx community!
  25. Sweet I just scored Pier Solar and the Great Architects for free! I neglected to mention in my first post that there is a random chance that you will receive your selected game for free when checking out. It doesn't hurt to add things to your cart and go to checkout just in case, which is what happened here (I just wanted to double check available payment options! )
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