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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. If you are in a "horizontal" view type, the change view icon can typically be reached if you navigate almost fully to the right in the topmost navigation menu. If you're in a "icon based" view the the Change View icon looks like a computer monitor displaying stars. If you're in a "text based" it will simply say <Change View>. You may need to change views a few times before finally getting back to your favorite. Good luck with this, and feel free to report back if you run into problems or if the above description is unclear.
  2. Hi Pisuke and Welcome to the GameEx Forums! MAME should appear as a downloadable emulator in the Setup Wizard on the Download Emulators screen. You can put MAME into a directory of your choosing, but by default it will download to C:/MAME if you go through the Setup Wizard. After you download MAME it is highly advised that you use the dedicated MAME configuration screen to configure it within GameEx. Good luck!
  3. Nice! Good catch man. Yep it's the little things that make a big difference.
  4. Well I've seen this sort of thing happen before, (with this thread being a possible match to your issue), but top be honest your settings look pretty good (assuming there's nothing missing). I'm wondering though ... it appears that you've made some back to back adjustments on this emulator slot (in addition to your comments you've got a combination of SSF and RetroArch stuff in there). I'm wondering if that hasn't muddled with the cached information stored for this emulator. It could be a worthwhile endeavor to remove the cache files associated with this emulator and let GameEx rebuild them. Go in to the GameEx\DATA directory and run a directory search for *cache*. In the search results, find the cache files that correspond to this emulator (probably something like EMU_11.xxx) and delete all of them. Next find the file called EMU_11.map, and also delete that one for good measure. GameEx will now rebuild these files the next time you run it. That might help. If you've been changing settings around, it may be the case that something went a little wonky with your cached data. If that doesn't work, it will likely be of some assistance to have a look at your full GameEx.ini as well as your log.
  5. Hi kyosan and Welcome to the GameEx Forums! You mentioned that you have everything operating fine outside of GameEx with Retroarch. Do you need to unzip your 7zipped files prior to running them outside of GameEx? If the answer is no, you'll want to change this to false: 7zip support in GameEx is intended for use with emulators that don't support direct loading of zipped roms (i.e it will unzip them prior to launching the emulator). Likewise, have you double checked the format of your disc images? If your disc images don't match this formatting, that might cause the issue you're seeing. Let us know how it goes.
  6. It sounds to me like you'll want to verify your roms using a rom auditing tool like ClrMamePro or ROM Center. These tools will afford the benefit of listing what specific components of your rom sets are missing (or rename them for you if that turns out to be the issue). Also remember that CHD files themselves aren't static and unchanging; they receive updates just like rom sets when MAME releases a new version (CHDs just aren't updated quite as often). Here's a pretty decent tutorial for using ClrMamePro, which is also capable of verifying your CHDs (described briefly here).
  7. This was my exact impression of Dark forces II as well. That series didn't pick up steam again until the release of the (utterly fantastic!) Jedi Outcast. Starfighter also released on Xbox and PS2 (which is the port that I've played). It's a perfectly serviceable air combat type game, although to my mind it's outgunned and outclassed by the aforementioned Rogue Squadron games (as well as by its own sequel, Jedi Starfighter)
  8. The most recent additions to the GOG LucasArts games library just went up this morning. After some pretty epic announcements last week, this one is a bit ... less dramatic. I suppose Starfighter might be fun on PC (I guess), and I've never played Republic Commando, although I've heard good things. How about for you guys? Any huge standouts here?
  9. I could be wrong, but this does sort of sound like what you're getting at (or else I'm misunderstanding - not entirely unlikely!) Stretch Res To X Set StrechResToX and StretchResToY to the resolution to, stretch games to if a game runs at a height above 288, or would display interlaced.
  10. I don't have extensive experience on this topic, but you may be able to adjust your ArcadeVGA settings in the setup wizard. Specifically you might want to take a look at the Stretch Res to X/Y settings. Just spit balling here.
  11. Hi jxf2487 and Welcome to the GameEx Forums! The location of your media and artwork will be determined by how you configure each applicable emulator. In other words, you can set your own artwork directories for each emulator. Refer to the Emulator Setup page for details on how to do this.
  12. Just a minor correction to this aspect. GameEx Online streams your media over the internet rather than over your LAN. So long as your GameEx machine is running, you can stream your media anywhere in the world (assuming you have an available internet connection). To my mind this aspect is huge. To put that in perspective, a Plex Pass, which allows you to do something similar, is going to cost you $149.99(!) USD for a lifetime license.
  13. They've been running a countdown timer on the front page of the site for subsequent announcements. Currently it's sitting at 3 days 21 hours until the next announcement. I'm with you on the Pod Racer thing!
  14. Easy now, Team Penis is a proud and noble clan. Accordingly they'll provide some stiff competition, you can't keep them down, they will surely be hard to beat, they take a pounding and keep coming back for more ... they are really good.
  15. Dudes, I'm soooooo ready to get my Rouge Squadron on! Being that this game has traditionally been almost impossible to emulate, I'm really pumped to finally have good version available in all its glory that will run on modern systems!
  16. Have a wonderful birthday ClassicGMR!
  17. Yeah I was actually going to suggest checking that out. It's in no way comprehensive mind, but it might provide a decent toe hold. Grab 'er right here if you're interested.
  18. No that helps a bunch actually. It does introduce a new wrinkle though. You'll also likely want to catalog handheld gaming systems (or other systems in which the 'controller' was integrated directly into the system itself). This sounds really cool Stigz!
  19. Just for the sake of clarity you're talking strictly about controllers designed for PC or compatible with PC, correct?
  20. Yeah sorry to hear that. This is a known defect that's being investigated. In a nutshell, the weather API that GameEx previously relied on is no longer functional. AFAIK, Tom is looking into alternatives. Thanks for reporting this.
  21. Hi UNFORGIVEN II Hey this is a terrible question, but I haven't seen it specifically referenced in the thread. Have you launched Injustice outside of GameEx prior to looking for it in GameEx? That's what I had to do with Richard and Alice to finally get it to appear in my GameEx list. I have had it happen before where games are immediately propagated to my GameEx list upon installation, but other times I actually have to run and configure the game outside of GameEx first. I feel silly for asking (and even worse for having neglected to do it myself), but there you go.
  22. Interestingly, I've recently encountered a similar issue with Richard and Alice not popping up in my GameEx list after having installed it from Steam. I've not taken a full accounting to see if I'm missing anything else, but I'm wondering if there's been yet another update to the Steam client altering the way it parses your Steam library (and by virtue of that fact had an impact to GameEx as well).
  23. This. Funny story. My wife brought some mylar balloons home for our kids after having worked a trade show all day. So later we were watching a movie with the kids streaming wirelessly from my HTPC/media server to the PS3 (The Book of Life which was pretty cute as it turns out). Any hoo, one of our daughters got antsy at one point and started whipping her balloons back and forth, in the general area of the PS3. Sure enough, we get the popup, "The PS3 has lost connection with the media server," and the movie cuts out. I tell her to go put her balloons away, and we were able to resume the movie without a hitch. I don't have definitive proof that the balloons caused it, and "correlation is not causation" as they say, but it sure did seem to be slightly too coincidental to be otherwise.
  24. That's an excellent question Han. I really hadn't considered turning one (or more) of the old routers into a simple® wired switch, or a port multiplier as it were. That's a pretty great idea. One of the ones I have is already running DD-WRT, so I think that one would be pretty easy. It's one of the old blue Linksys jobbies; man those things were tanks! The other one is not compatible with DD-WRT (or Tomato), so that one could take some additional research to see what it's capable of. In terms of my cables, that's the one piece of the equation that I usually do hang on to, and inevitably seem to find use for. So at least for now, I'll be hanging on to the cables. Sorry man! Thanks everyone for the suggestions! Edit: For the other one it looks like it should be as simple as turning off the wireless, and disabling DHCP ... which in truth is also exactly what I'd do with the DD-WRT one, it's just that I'm more familiar with that particular firmware.
  25. We're getting a bit of a jump on spring cleaning this year, being that we're slowly becoming swallowed whole by the bulk of our clutter and assorted detritus. In doing so I rediscovered a box containing my router graveyard. Now, I'm pretty good about re purposing and finding new work detail for old computers and whatnot, but my current router pretty much serves all my needs, and further I wouldn't want to degrade the overall performance of my wireless by introducing mixed wireless standards (this would be a hypothetical combination of N and G) in the form of a segmented network (not that I'd need such a thing anyway). So I put the question to you guys. What do you do with your old networking devices? Donate them? Sell them? Toss them in the bin? Turn them into toasters? I'm at a bit of a loss, but I do know that currently they're taking up valuable space in my home right now, which could be better used in other ways.
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