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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. As of this post their countdown timer is showing 14 hours and 20 minutes remaining in the sale. Better jump on it if you're interested! You can check it out right here.
  2. A wild double post appears! Well I never like seeing a bunch of errors appearing in any log, and I didn't realize that the Pro System emulator hadn't been updated since 2008(!) Looks like it's time to go on the hunt for an update. I'm a little bit tied up at the moment, but when I get a couple of free seconds I'm going to take this one for a spin to see how she goes
  3. Here's the contents of my ProSystem.ini At first I thought that maybe I had this set to run in Compatibility Mode, or to Run as Administrator (it's been a long time since I've set this one up), but turns out the answers are nope and nope respectively. I'm running version 1.3 if that helps. Maybe I just got lucky with this one? Edit: Interestingly my ProSystem.log shows the following, but like I say the games play fine ... so weird
  4. I have ProSystem working just fine through Windows 7 x64. It's noteworthy that this emulator doesn't support zipped ROMs though (all mine have a *.a78 file extension). In GameEx you could get around this limitation by enabling Zip/7-Zip/GoodMerge/RAR support if you didn't want to unzip all your ROMs. I have noticed that (on my system at least) this emulator takes a while to load. Here's my emulator config if it's helpful:
  5. Yeah I've pretty much converted to Chrome completely, primarily due to the fact that it synchronizes my content across all supported devices (primarily bookmarks, but also passwords if I chose to do that). It's conforms to CSS rendering standards, and it's JavaScript engine is on par with or exceeds that of Firefox. Unfortunately you do have to "buy-in" to the Google eco-system to really get the most out of Chrome, but for the most part that Eco-System is full of good applications and cool widgets, so that part is (mostly) fine with me. I've not fully sent Firefox packing though, There are some great Firefox extensions that I still use semi regularly, that are only available in Firefox (I'm looking at you DownThemAll). So on my two main computers I do still keep both Firefox and Chrome around. So I guess that counts as a split decision with a preference for Chrome.
  6. When you have an emulator that launches outside of GameEx but not within GameEx the problem is almost always related to your commend line (unless you're launching it outside of GameEx from the command prompt in which case it will likely be some other setting within your GameEx emulator config). I seem to recall that Project 64 had some subtle (but operationally significant) changes to their command parameters in one of the more recent releases (I think it may have been documented here, but YMMV). If you continue to have problems, please post a copy of your Emulator config and we can take a look at what you've got. Thanks man!
  7. The RetroArch advice is also good. I've only tooled around a bit with RetroArch, in terms of taking it for a test drive. I've stuck with ePSXe more out of familiarity than anything, but the RetroArch PlayStation emulator core does have a great reputation. If you do decide to stick with ePSXe as your emulator of choice in GameEx, I highly suggest using DaemonTools Lite in combination with Adultery's Virtual Drive Loader plugin. You can do it differently (using -loadbin and some creative Rom Filtering), but more often than not your game list will wind up looking a bit ugly by necessity (multi-track cue/bin images being one of the primary offenders, but I'm sure there are others). The great part about using DaemonTools is that it divorces ePSXe from caring about what format the disc images are in.
  8. Hi EvilForces! Sorry for a bit of a late reply, it was a holiday weekend in the U.S. which turned out to be a bit more lively that I had anticipated. If you're using DaemonTools Lite for your VirtualDrive you don't actually need to enter anything for the mount and unmount commands since DT is the recommended solution there (Adultery will have to correct me or expound on that if I'm wrong - I don't enter anything in those fields and it works great for me). For reference though, the commands you entered there do indeed have some significant issues. For your reference, here's the DT Lite command documentation (purely for reference mind, since the Plugin will do all of that for you). So that would be a good start in terms of GameEx. Did you get SSF working outside of GameEx?
  9. Indeed the first trailer is a fake, apparently cobbled together from a number of sources. Fake Star Wars: Force Awakens Trailer Is Most Impressive Pretty impressive for a fan made endeavor! It's too bad really because I thought that one had some fantastic looking scenes. The 'Luke beard bro-mance" is officially over.
  10. Hi Evilforces Unless you have a specific reason for using Yabuse, I would recommend using SSF instead. SSF has higher compatibility than Yabuse, has been updated (much) more recently than Yabuse, and (possibly most important) will be easier to find support threads to help you along the way.
  11. Good lord! This man's an animal folks! Fantastic work on all the recent updates gStAv!
  12. Daaay-um! Luke's rockin' that grizzled ol' beard with some style baby! The "Luke beard bro-mance" begins here and now.
  13. Happy Thanksgiving to all, and to all a good night! Wait a sec ... am I even on the right holiday?
  14. Well no not that crazy no, but I would say that they are as good as Mari Kart (bearing in mind that I haven't played the most recent entry in the Mario Kart series). I mean they don't break any new ground in the genre, and they are a bit of an also-ran, but they also don't pretend any differently. In addition, there's also something huge to be said that I can actually play the Sega titles natively on my computer. Sega is still more than capable of making a cool game when they set their mind to it. Sonic Generations was a rollicking good time as well!
  15. Awesome! You're off to a roaring start! And you figured out how to install the virtual SCSI drive (which is crucial to proper operation of ePSXe). So far so good! Whoa! Slow down cowboy! Your disc images are most likely just fine the way they are. The whole point of using DaemonTools for this purpose is that it divorces ePSXe from caring whatsoever about the format of the disc. So long as you can load it in DaemonTools (and it's a valid PlayStation disc image), ePSXe could care less about the disc format. We're leaving that part up to DaemonTools, which is more than ready to handle practically any disc image format you can throw at it. So first, let's try mounting one of your cue files in DaemonTools. Please try the following, and remember to mount the image to your SCSI drive, otherwise ePSXe is going to have a bad time. MmKay? Alrighty then, have you got that image mounted? Next we'll configure ePSXe to look for your virtual drive when you load up a game.
  16. I think I got'er fixed up for ya. Thanks for jumping through the hoops! I got roped into some pre-Thanksgiving house cleaning, so I may have some additional help for you a bit later (I love ya guys, but gots to keep the wife happy! ). DaemonTools is great advice. The -loadbin switch doesn't work with cue files IIRC, only bin files. That's why it's a poor way of doing things for multi-track bin images. It's also why the DaemonTools plan is such a bang-up idea.
  17. Lighty, please make a new thread for your ePSXe problems. Also please include all requested supporting documentation (in addition to your log please also include a copy of your GameEx.ini and/or your Emulator config. Please consult the How to Ask For Help thread for details). Not to put too terribly fine of a point on this, but this is the third time in this thread that I've requested you to start a new thread for your own ePSXe problems. It's not an easy emulator to configure, but that doesn't mean everyone experiences the same universal issue(s), and thus we prefer to deal with various user issues on a case be case basis (regardless of emulator really). Thanks!
  18. Yeah to be honest, I really recommend using a virtual drive for pretty much any disc based emulator that supports loading from an external drive. I've found that various CD-Rom plugins (including the default ones) can be sort of quirky and flaky. The nice thing about something like DaemonTools is that it's purely a virtual CD-ROM drive meaning that it does one thing very well and nothing else. This also allows you to configure (and troubleshoot) your emulator in incremental steps rather than trying to do everything at once and later wonder what single component is causing issues. When I'm setting up a new emulator, I get it working with DaemonTools first (hint: if you're doing this for the first time you'll want to install a virtual SCSI drive, since ePSXe won't work with the standard DaemonTools drive). I don't worry about trying to automate the image mounting yet, I simply mount the image in DaemonTools manually, then get it working through the emulator. Once that's all working properly, then I get the image to mount via automation. This is where Adultery's Virtual Drive Loader comes in exceedingly handy. You'll still need to figure out what 'component' of the disc image to add to your Rom Filter, but since you've already manually selected disc images to load in DaemonTools (and in doing so selected the various image components to load), you should already know what will work and what will not. The other thing to try of course is the Debug Setting I mentioned earlier. The success of this setting depends on whether ePSXe outputs verbose error messages or not, but it can be exceedingly helpful at times to determine the source of emulator issues. @lightly: Fell free to play along in this thread, and see if this advice is helping you along as well. If it's not though I need to reiterate my previous request that you start a separate thread so we can deal with your issues separately. I suspect you're at a slightly different point in your configuration process than sms2169, and thus trying to troubleshoot the separate problems simultaneously will inevitably lead to getting some wires crossed. Like I said, you're welcome to post in this thread, but creating a new thread will help to insure that you're receiving the personalized assistance that we're known for.
  19. Well so long as the disc images are valid (i.e. they don't produce read errors, and so forth), the multi-part image formats are probably fine. You just need to figure out which component is the one to load. Then you would use Rom Filter setting found on the Emulator Settings screen so that's the only file(s) that display in GameEx. So for instance if you were using cue/bin formats you would put an entry into the Rom Filter field that looks like this: *.cue You can enter multiple formats into the Rom Filter separated by commas: *.cue,*.img Having said all of that, it would also probably behoove you to reconsider mounting your disc images to DaemonTools. Adultery has a fantastic plugin to assist you in that endeavor, and it takes a lot of the pressure off in terms of figuring out how to load various image formats directly to the emulator.
  20. Closer at any rate. What's the exact format of your disc image used in conjunction with the command above? Is it img/sub/ccd (or simply img/sub)? I generally stick to cue/bin formats (not to mention that I also swear by DaemonTools), but in the case of the former wouldn't you launch the *.img rather than the *.sub (bearing in mind that the command line can significantly differ from what you've done from the GUI)? At any rate the first thing I would try would be to enable Debug Mode on the Advanced Emulator Settings screen in the Setup Wizard. In practice what this will do is to add a pause to the end of your runitgame.bat which will enable you to read any output from the Emulator (in the form of error messages and whatnot).
  21. Thanks for posting your plethora of troubleshooting files, it really does make a huge difference in getting to the bottom of issues much more painless. I'm not sure if it's the one 'magic bullet', but among other things I can see that your command line for ePSXe has an error in it. Those command parameters I highlighted should not have spaces in them. So it's just -slowboot and -loadbin respectively (no spaces). So that's a starting point. Give that a try and see if you get any further. Good luck! In your case I would urge you to both post your supporting files (in a new thread), and to investigate the Rom Filter setting found on the Emulator Settings screen in the Setup Wizard. Good luck to you as well!
  22. I know I certainly jumped on this one! I can speak from experience (and from watching my 5 year olds play) that the Sega All Stars Racing games are every bit as creative and fun as Mario Kart. <drops mic, walks off stage>
  23. This is likely due to the combination of the following settings (all found on the MAME Settings screen) Only Working GamesAllow Imperfect Games Only list MAME games where the driver is known to be fully working. In addition AllowImperfect allows a driver status of IMPERFECT to pass as working. In newer versions of MAME, games such as Galaga have a Driver Status as IMPERFECT although run very well. Set AllowImperfect to True to allow these games not to be filtered when OnlyWorking is set to True. Verify ROMS The Verify ROMs setting will trigger the -verifyroms command to be run against your MAME executable when GameEx is building your game list. If a game isn't confirmed as valid by MAME that game will be excluded from your game list. Only Existing Roms Only list MAME games that you have on your hard disk rom directory.As always remember to rebuild your MAME list any time you alter list settings in the Setup Wizard. If you continue to have issues please do upload a copy of your GamEx.ini as well as a copy of your log, so we can investigate your specific settings (see here for instructions). Good luck man!
  24. Fusion actually runs a few different systems (Sega SG1000, SC3000, SF7000, Master System, Game Gear, Genesis/Megadrive, SVP, Pico, SegaCD/MegaCD and 32X), and you can specify each of them as part of the Fusion command line. So for Game Gear, you'll want to create a new emulator slot through the Setup Wizard. The command line will look like this: Fusion.exe -gg -fullscreen "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" From there, you can configure your other settings according to your own setup (ROM directories, Artwork directories and the like). Good luck, and feel free to report back should you hit any snags!
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