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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. I'm going to show my naivety here, but I had no idea those candy cabs were so diminutive! Are they all that short or are the ones in the video (~0:48) small scale versions? Looks like a blast Draco, I'm glad you had the opportunity to go!
  2. Hi scoobie_snack The issue you describe is fairly common for emulators and/or games that require some sort of launcher (like PCSX2Bonus) for operation through GameEx. The problem that is happening is that GameEx only 'knows' about the executable you launch. Most of the time the executable is the emulator, so the system works as expected. The trouble is that in this case the executable only stays in memory long enough to launch PCSX2. When the executable completes GameEx just figures that you're done playing, since that's the process it's watching. You need to tell GameEx to also watch PCSX2. That's where an advanced emulator config will be your friend. Here's an example of what you need to do. Open up notepad and paste the following contents into it: Save that file with the following name (or one of your own choosing): [Mapping Off] PCSX2 (Process Close) and put it in the following directory: ...\GameEx\CONFIG\EMULATORS As I mentioned the above file is very close to what you need but not be exactly what you need. That's because of the following lines: #Additional processes to wait to exit or close on exit. Dont include the .exe. Leave blank not to use.Process1=pcsx2-r5875You'll notice that PCSX2 includes the release version in the name of the executable, so unless you're also using PCSX2 r5875, you'll need to modify that part so that it points to your own version of PCSX2. Here's how you do that: Open up the Setup Wizard and go to the Advanced Emulator Setup screen. There you'll find a field called Advanced Config. That's the one you're interested in, so open up the drop-down selection, and you'll find an entry for the file you created above. Make that selection. Now click on the '...' button, which will open up the Advanced Config Editor. Find the tab called Process Wait, and click on it. There you'll see pcsx2-r5875 listed as Process1. Double click on the text that says 'pcsx2-r5875' which will open up the editing box. Now click the text again which will open up a file explorer. Now just navigate to where ever you have PCSX2 located, and double click the executable for the emulator (make sure you don't choose the setup.exe). OK! We're there! Phew! That should help to address the issue you're experiencing. Hopefully it helps to put you on the right track. Good luck!
  3. I will say this for MagicEngine, it certainly has one of the nicest GUIs I've ever seen in an emulator. I love it when emulator authors go the extra mile and keep GUI elements in the same theme as the system being emulated. Kega fusion also does this to some extent, but MagicEngine probably does it the best. Any hoo, I've started driving this thread off topic, so I'll turn it back over to uber.
  4. In order to accomplish this, I think you would need to use two emulator slots for Dolphin in GameEx. One slot would use 7z support and a ROM filter of *.7z (along with any other necessary emulator settings). The other slot would use a ROM filter of *.iso (or whatever format your uncompressed images are in) and (probably) use ROMs in folders support (along with the other applicable settings). Then you would use the Emulator Groups feature to group the emulators together so that the games appeared in a single list within GameEx. There may be a different approach, but this is what I would try.
  5. Heh, I thought the same thing, but uber sent me a message saying that it wasn't resolved so I unlocked it again. I'll include you on the PM, LOL. Embrace the chaos!
  6. Consider it done my good man! Original Thread Now can I go back to griping about MagicEngine?
  7. So it sounds like this is where we currently stand with SSF? Carry on gents.
  8. Heh, I'm right there with you man. I've never jumped wholeheartedly on the MagicEngine band wagon. The pay wall is a bit high for me, and according to the website it's not been updated since 2008(!). Now granted, maybe it really is just that good ... but to continue to charge a high price, while at the same time neglecting to make improvements for 7 years seems a bit ... disingenuous(?) to this here penny pinchin' sonuvagun. </editorializing>
  9. Interesting. I'm not sure I'm following the exact details of your setup, but what happens if you disable the GameInfo plugin?
  10. Translation: "Fix my problem for me then tell me what you did" Just playin'
  11. Yeah I've noticed that as well. I think it's a solid decision, and allows for cleaner management of your library. More on that in a sec. So I tried out the client, and I have to say that I'm quite pleased so far! If you've tried other gaming clients, you'll already be relatively familiar with the core features of the Galaxy client. Upon signing into the app you'll be presented with a digital storefront for GOG which basically mirrors the layout and functionality of their website. You can alter your default view so that the app opens into the Library view which is the first change that I made in settings. The Library view has a nice intuitive layout, and allows you to do some interesting things. The right hand panel shows you your entire library of purchased games, whereasthe lefthad panel shows a list of the games you've installed through Galaxy. One interesting feature of the library view is that it allows you to apply filters to your library. The filter options include selections for System (i.e. Operating System), Language, Mode (Single Player, Multi-Player, and Co-Op), as well as Genre, which is a most welcome feature, and something missing in other big gaming clients. I should mention that I've not had much luck with filtering yet, so it seems that this feature is still being worked out to some extent. This is an alpha release after all. When you click on a game in your purchased games, you are given the option of installing the game (if you've not done so already), or perhaps most importantly importing the game into the client. This is a very welcome feature for those of us with an existing collection of installed GOG games. This means that you do not need to re-download your entire library for the purposes of the Galaxy client. Steam allows you to do this to an extent, but only as an external application. Galaxy allows you to import your game, at which point it runs a file compare and applies any updates you might be missing. The game will then appear in your installed library as the actual game, and not some goofy external application mumbo jumbo. This feature mostly worked well, for me. Here's where we get around to GOGs recent updates to separate bundled games into individual games in your library. I had a bit of trouble getting the client to recognize these games as an import (for those games that I had originally downloaded as their bundled versions). To be clear the client still functioned just fine, but it didn't recognize the file comparison and happily went about re-downloading the entire game again. This wasn't the end of the world as all the bundled games in my library consist of old adventure games that are relatively tiny on their own. This is possibly another feature of the app that may need a small amount of tweaking to be perfect. Clicking on an installed game takes you to a game specific screen that allows you to launch the game. Unfortunately this is currently the only means of launching a game, so you can't just right click on a game and launch it from library view. This would likely be my first feature request to implement, being that fewer clicks means better clicks. From the game specific screen, you can also opt to verify/repair your game files, download the all the extras for that game (a perk upon which GOG has built up their reputation), uninstall, etc. Galaxy has even implemented a framework which allows you to view the manual for the game as well as (what are presumably) user-submitted walkthroughs. Pretty slick! Other community driven features of the app allow you to view your forum posts to the GOG forums. Here's the settings screen which further reveals some of the functionality we can expect to see in future releases of the client Once again several of these are standard gaming client features, but are exciting to see here nonetheless. Auto-updating for GOG games! YES! Achievements! I'd love to see them implement an achievement system for older games in their catalog, but I'm guessing this feature is intended for their newer titles. Friend and Chat! It's good to have friends! Game Time Tracking! Boo! At any rate, I've been very pleased with the client so far, and I'm looking forward to future enhancments.
  12. Dudes I just got my Alpha Key for the GOG Galaxy Client Alpha. I'm still at work so I've not had the chance to check it out yet, but I'm pretty interested to see everything they've been keeping under wraps. Hopefully it will be good considering the amount of time it's been in development! At any rate, those of you who signed up for Galaxy beta testing should check your inboxes for a client Alpha key as well.
  13. Hi wman, When you have a moment, please so post a copy of your GameEx.ini (or your individual emulator configs for these emulators) in addition to the log you've already posted. The log gives us a bit of information about your PCSX2 Lunch config, but your settings will give us a lot more information. I've never used PS2Lunch, but I've had fantastic luck with PCSX2Bonus. PS2Lunch has some supporters around here though, so they might be able to assist with your PCSX2 woes. Here are some instructions for setting up ePSXeCutor in GameEx (also check out the posts that follow which describe how to properly create shortcuts for ePSXeCutor).
  14. I would totally agree in cases where GOG has the same titles. Currently the only issue is that GOG has no where near the catalog available through Steam. In this case I'd only utilize the Steam sale for those desirable titles not already available on GOG (i.e. Pinball FX2 tables and LEGO games in this case). The Force Unleashed games are also pretty great, but I'm not sure I can recommend the first one being as its a 30GB download (EA couldn't be bothered with compressing textures in the PC release).
  15. Do those paths display that way in the Setup Wizard? What happens when you Verify Setup in the Setup Wizard? Does it give you any warnings?
  16. Steam is also running a May the 4th sale with some good deals. There's definitely some overlap with the GOG sale, but there's also some more recent unique titles on deep discount (including Pinball FX2 tables for those looking to build up their collection). Among other things, the LEGO Star Wars games are rather brilliant if you've not tried them (that's right haters ... LEGO games rule. )
  17. Long time, no see Tiki! Good to see you around, even if under less than ideal circumstances. At any rate it would likely also be beneficial to post the log for the Xpadder Plugin itself (\GameEx\PLUGINS\Xpadder\xpadder.log), being as it will show when/if Xpadder profiles are being loaded. Thanks man!
  18. A map file would certainly do the trick, but you may not have to go to those lengths. Depending on how your disc images are named, it may just be a matter of removing the parenthetical text filter in your settings. Check out the Remove Text in Brackets setting found on the Advanced Emulator Setup screen in the Setup Wizard.
  19. Hi Uber I notice you have a bunch of double slashes all over the place in your directory strings for media directories. Here's one example of many: Are these UNC shared folders or something? Even then the double slash seems like it's in a strange place. I'd take a look at those directory strings to see if you need to make some adjustments. I could definitely be wrong, I'm just not sure I've ever seen network directories structured quite like that.
  20. The comedic timing on this post is perfect. Three weeks later ... wait a sec ... there it is!
  21. Happy Birthday old man! Hopefully that retirement is treating you right! (Possibly NSFW)
  22. No need to make an external application to accomplish this! (Unless you really want to ) Have a look at the Help Text setting found on the Emulator Setup screen in the Setup Wizard. If you're just looking to add a textual message, that should do nicely. If you're wanting to do something a bit more graphical you could create an image and use the Controls Path setting found on the Advanced Emulator Setup screen. (If you were already using an image for the Controls Path you could simply modify your existing one). These two settings can also be used in conjunction with one another if you wish.
  23. Are you using an nLited (or other custom) build of Windows? That can definitely cause some oddball problems if that's the case. The reason I ask is because of this error in your log: 22:08:14.3 4/6/2015: --**--22:08:14.3 4/6/2015: Error: File not found.22:08:14.3 4/6/2015: at Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.Shell(String PathName, AppWinStyle Style, Boolean Wait, Int32 Timeout)22:08:14.3 4/6/2015: at ay.a(String A_0, AppWinStyle A_1, Boolean A_2)22:08:14.3 4/6/2015: at GameEx.GameEx.MainForm.a(Boolean A_0, String A_1, Boolean A_2)22:08:14.3 4/6/2015: at GameEx.GameEx.MainForm..ctor()This error is not specifically related to GameEx, but rather indicates that there are some missing MS dependencies (possibly .NET related?).
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