Unfortunately, plaindrom, you cannot there from here. Items in the "tray" are for quick access instead of having to use the start menu or all Progams, or desktop icons. Taskbar is where minimized programs will reside until maximized again. If you re-read your original post, you said that you were looking for a way for GameEx to open at startup. You did not mention that you wanted to exit GameEx to Windows to cause GameEx to minimize instead of shutting down. If you click in the upper-right corner, GameEx will go from fullscreen to windowed mode. From there you can miniize to the taskbar. Otherwise, you can go to Advanced Configuration under Display Settings and on Page 2, change the settings from Full Screen to Windowed, save the change, then open GameEx and resize the window to a fullscreen size (caveat being that you will always have a windows frame around yoru GameEx screen. Adultery, you are correct. That is what I was saying. I am not sure if there is any other way to achieve what he is wanting to do.