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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Meh, I'm not interested. It opens up a huge pandora's box of issues that they STILL haven't fully addressed. Lots of people still have issues, there's a big security gap that I just can't trust Microsoft with patching due to their new workflows. I dunno. I'm still happy with my decaying copy of Windows 7.
  2. Looks like a few more requests for our list eh? A lot of those games we already have... Rygar, Shinobi, 1942, Snow Brows, R-Type, etc. If you'd like to join in on our competition, I'm sure @GimmeClassics can break away from his busy life to welcome you. He likes to welcome new players. Just incase, I'll do the same! Hope to hear from you soon.
  3. You know? I've never actually sat through and watched a Western. HUGE chunk of cinema missing out of my life. Same with Noir, and War. I've been such a Sci-Fi//Fantasy nerd with a bit of Arnold Action thrown in. I should probably break down and find some of the more popular ones and watch them. Edit: I take that back. I think I've seen Hondo. There was an episode of "Married With Children" where Al was whining because Peg wouldn't let him watch/record Hondo on TV. Later I recall seeing it was on and watched it. Though I couldn't tell you ANYTHING about it. Also.. does movies like "El Mariachi, Desperado, and Once Upon a Time in Mexico" count? Or are we looking more for Spaghetti Westerns, like "Blazing Saddles"?
  4. Nice find.. not worth it. I already have them. If this was a sudden "Oh look, surprise! Here it is in glorious HD BluRay!" then I'd be hitting that button. But nah. You're better just streaming it.
  5. Always happy to see scores on the older games. Thanks for the submission! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  6. Never give up! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  7. Wow.. I think you've played this before lol. Maybe something broke in a later update of MAME that prevents this from loading? Updated OP, DB, RSS
  8. Sorry MO... being a GOTM (even though your score doesn't really put you in contention) I can't accept your score with 2 extra credits in the machine. I mean, you let the time go so you could add initials, so obviously the game is over. But our official rules say just 1 credit 1 play. It's probably no big deal, and continuing would just reset your score. I'd have to test this to verify. But fair is fair, and this is how we role. Can you try again with just 1 credit? Thanks man! @RedDog Wow.. nice improvement... too bad that score would put you in 1st place on the in-game board and not 5th. Nice try though lol.
  9. I've been out of the gaming (PC) world for so long.. I'm still running a 250. Wow.. 6GB of on board ram... my PC only has 4 lol.
  10. Nice entry to take the lead! How dare you forget about our little competition in this neck of the Internet Woods? And to play Pokemon Go? Shame! I'll have to try the Vs. Super Mario Brothers. I only vaguely knew those Vs systems were in MAME. I never seen one outside of it. Maybe you're missing the Vs components? I don't know much about MAME other than how to compile (using the HK script/program) and dumping a full romset into the folder. Are you using the wrong roms maybe? Make sure you have 'excitebk' (Vs. Excitebike (set EB4-4 A)). I also noticed in my version of GUI MAME (v 0.154 Sept 4, 2014) that the details in the info says it's from the romset "0.146u1". It also uses "vsnes.c" as the core.. maybe you're missing that? Other than that.. maybe somebody else knows better. If it works in v129 just post a screenshot from that. LOL! Wow nice! Way to take the lead back from Exed! We like that. Too bad this game isn't a GOTM.. you'd probably have it for sure! Updated OP, DB, RSS PS - Thanks guys for the momentum increase these last few posts. Makes me glad to still be a part of this!
  11. Nice.. so Red's skill is truly legit.
  12. I could be a total douche bag and deny this score because the initials are wrong... but I'm not a douche bag, or any feminine hygiene product for that matter. So I'll be cool like you guys know I am, and accept it. Haha! Yeah that's right, I was going to take your score anyway, but felt like bringing it up cause I'm that kinda guy. Nice job RD.. lol What "spiel"? I'm dead serious! You sole post now has you on the board. There is room for 6 more "I'm not good enough to even post" entries, so don't feel bad at all. In fact, you're just a few kills shy of MY score. I should probably find some time to play this again to make sure my score isn't beaten. That, and we don't want to see Exed with another trophy. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  13. I think the lag affected us all. I even mentioned it in my submission by saying the controls are sluggish. I chalked it up to just being an old game that hadn't been optimized with good technology yet. Maybe the emulation just isn't up to par for it yet? I wonder if the game lags/etc on an actual machine.
  14. Thanks for the tips! This is another one of those games where I think repetitivity and practice will provide a better score. It's a good game for sure.
  15. Heh... "No, that's not true... that's IMPOSSIBLE!!!" Updated OP, DB, RSS
  16. I guess I suck at this game. Never really played it before, which is always a plus in my book. I love trying new things. This game is tricky. Took me a while to get comfortable with the controls before I realized I was wiping out a lot because I wasn't controlling the angle of my front wheel. I didn't get a name entry screen the last time I Game Over'ed so I screen shot right after the end of the race to be safe. This is what I had: Score: 37,140
  17. I have no interest in playing this ridiculous game. Everybody where I work plays it. They're spending more time with there faces in their phones than they are acknowledging and helping our customers or doing their jobs. On the other hand, I did try to install it the other day on my phone, and GooglePlay said my phone was incompatible. So there, I have a valid excuse. People need to get a life. There's too much drama already happening because of this game (people getting mugged/killed, etc).
  18. Heh, sorry I missed this last night. Seems only fair you get the fist post! Nice opening score! I'll see if I can get a score posted soon too. Maybe Sunday. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  19. This month's Bonus game comes from our June 2016 GOTM Winner RedDog. We like to reward our GOTM winners with more than just a signature banner if we can. This game was chosen because it's one of his favorites. Works for me! Enjoy this fine game from Nintendo! Excitebike (エキサイトバイク Ekisaitobaiku?) is a motocross racing video game franchise made by Nintendo. It debuted as a game for the Famicom in Japan in 1984 and as a launch title for the NES in 1985. It is the first game of the Excite series, succeeded by its direct sequel Excitebike 64, its spiritual successors Excite Truck and Excitebots: Trick Racing, and the WiiWare title Excitebike: World Rally. 3D Classics: Excitebike, a 3D remake of the original game, was free for a limited time to promote the launch of the Nintendo eShop in June 2011, and has since been available for $5.99. -Quote from Wikipedia.
  20. Vs. ExciteBike Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 RedDog 167,320 2 Cynicaster 123,485 3 rtkiii 119,650 4 ExedExes 95,470 5 millerbrad 74,435 6 Luigimaker 67,380 7 Floyd Turbo 60,785 8 KRC 51,650 9 hansolo77 37,140 Last Updated by hansolo77: 07-24-2020 Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Vs. ExciteBike: ROMSet: ExciteBk 1st Half Qualifying Time: Easy 2nd Half Qualifying Time: Easy Unused: Off Special Rules: None The green coloured default values match the Twin Galaxies settings. The red coloured values need to be changed! # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide: # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide: # general rules for submitting you hi-score:
  21. hansolo77

    Total Newb

    I use Stella for 2600, and MESS for 5200 and 7800. I've not updated anything in years since my system is stable and working as is. But I looked and I'm running MESS v 0.154 if that helps.
  22. Thanks RedDog, a game I've never heard of before!
  23. Just a heads up, RedDog has requested ExciteBike for our next BONUS game. I've got a migraine tonight so I won't be adding it tonight. I'll try to get it tomorrow or Thursday (day off) definitely. Keep those scores coming!
  24. Wow.. I go to that page and Firefox throws up a huge red warning about it being reported as containing Malware. That sucks. Hopefully it'll get fixed soon.
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