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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. And I bet now you guys are good pals. That's the way it was with me and my brother all the time too. Mortal Kombat was my game. If he beat me I'd get so pissed I'd tackle him and beat the shit out of him. Mom took the Sega away (put it in the cabinet over the fridge because we couldn't reach it). It was devastating. Especially since it was MY game that I bought, and I couldn't play it by myself. Then later on we got a ping pong table in our basement. We would play a lot after school. Until he started getting better than me so I would always take my paddle and (edge side) bang it on the table to the point where it got dented. If it wasn't that, then I was serving the ball really hard trying to hit him instead. Then we couldn't play that anymore either. But, we were kids. Fast forward to today. He lives in South Carolina with his wife and kids. I live in Ohio with my dad. He comes up to visit now and then. We never see each other anymore, so when we do we don't fight anymore except in play. He was actually in the Army for a bit and can probably kill me with a touch now. My parents always said, we'd hate our lives if we grew up fighting forever. He's the best friend I'll ever have, even if he was a punk ass bitch.
  2. That "gamer" must have some serious issues. I mean, for his dad to rely on such drastic measures to get his point across. I've seen this video before. But still, it makes you think. How did he buy all these games and spend "hundreds of dollars" if he doesn't have a job? Almost seems like a staged act. I mean, who cradles and coddles an empty case like he did at the end? And who howls like that if not for an act? Still, if it's legit.. pretty messed up, but he deserved it.
  3. HEADS UP!!! Last day to submit a score for this GOTM!!
  4. He officially retired? I thought he was just laying low and hanging out? Oh well. Happy Birthday man!
  5. Wow another killer score! Nice job Cynicaster! No chance anybody can catch you now.. or is there? Updated OP, DB, RSS
  6. I think I'm actually going to buy another stick of RAM (about $50) and the rack to put the server in. I've been waiting for it to come down in price but it hasn't. So I'm going to pull the trigger on it. I'm just waiting to hear back from Norco on what mounting hardware I need to get.
  7. Nice one! I definitely need to come back and try this game again. Thanks for posting a new score too. Looks like a ghost town in here! Don't forget to vote if you haven't yet for next months GOTM! UPDATED OP, DB, RSS!!!!!
  8. Thanks Draco! If nobody else suggests something else, I'll work on that.
  9. Everything works? That's awesome! My turn again! Should I upgrade my CPU or RAM next? I've bought enough hard drives for the time being, and have 30tb of storage, about 3tb free. When I built my server, I went with the cheapest CPU the mobo could run to make sure the mobo worked (there were reviews/reports that the mobo was 50/50 odds and I didn't want to risk expensive CPU's with no way to know which part of the server wasn't working right). According to the manufacturer of my mobo, the best CPU I think it can handle is an E3 Xeon (link) but I'm not sure. What do you guys think? (link) The problem is, NewEgg reports a new version of this is available, but the socket seems different (LGA1150 vs LGA1151). I'm also not sure if this IS the best. According to the CPU Support List, it can actually run the E3-1286 (link) but who can afford that chunk of green on a CPU? ($1,015.23 + $79.99 Shipping). Also, looking down the list, they show some Core i3's and Core i5's too. Are they better, or are Xeon's truly the top of the line? As for RAM, I'm already running 8gb of the Kingston ECC KVR16E11/8 (link) from their Memory QVL.. so the only thing I can do is buy more sticks to get up to 32. Everything runs good now, but whenever I'm streaming I notice my CPU usage stays constantly over 90% usage, and spikes to 100% very frequently. So I'm looking to drop that. I've also noticed when I'm doing disk stuff, like PerfectDisk defragging, or StableBit Scanner sector checks, it takes a LOT of RAM usage. So I'm not really sure which I should consider getting first/priority.
  10. Oh yeah? Well.. we invented Football. (note the capital F) And no, I'm not talking about Soccer (although Soccer is an American term for football lol). I wonder who invented bowling? And for that matter.. I'm sure somebody French invented tennis, but some American dude probably invented the miniskirts the girls wear. <3
  11. Yeah.... looking at that, the fall of arcades started when they ran out of ideas and started to flood the market with fighting games. Then they just began rehashing home console games into an arcade box. That 4D game at the end is in my bowling alley, and looks so stupid I don't want to even try it. That, and it's a 3D game, and the 3D glasses were missing (typical for my neighborhood). I'm surprised they didn't say anything about the Star Wars BattlePods. But that might be newer than their 2013 cut off. I was actually surprised that there was a 20 year gap between the introduction of flipper style pinball and the introduction of the first VIDEO game. Good stuff!
  12. Yeah, the pinball. I've not played that machine, but the idea of having the balls coming right at your face is a bit much. Did they install some plexi or something to keep them from actually hitting you when they bounce out of the field (it happens)? And "force feedback" from a hockey helmet? LOL! I really don't like how you can't see the whole field, except for the little mini monitors they added.
  13. I went with the SSD on my server, but like Draco said, it wasn't really worth it. Yeah, the system boots up nice and quick if it's in a cold boot situation, but that hardly ever happens anymore. You might appreciate it if there is a System Update, as it installs a lot quicker (and of course the reboot is quick). This was my first SSD, and my experience was actually pretty bad. I bought a really cheap drive (120gb, like $40). It was dropping connections to the motherboard a lot, but I couldn't figure out why. Either a SATA cable issue, or power. Seems to have fixed itself though (knock on wood!) as I haven't had a major lockup from the OS drive failing in months. All it has is the OS, a separate hidden partition for emergency recovery, and 2 or 3 apps (CuteFTP, PerfectDisk, etc.). For storage, I went with StableBit DrivePool. Loving every minute of it, and it's not very expensive to get a license. If you get the trial, you'll soon discover how nice it is and buy a copy. I also have StableBit Scanner, which monitors drive health (SMART data) and on a schedule performs a data integrity and sector scan. It alerts you via on screen, email, and text (if you set it up) of a drive alert, and provides automated functions to start duplicating data off a failing drive into the rest of your pool so you don't risk the chance of data loss. With DrivePool, you have a lot more flexibility than with Window's Storage Spaces. For instance, you can specifically designate if you want a drive to be used for duplicated or unduplicated files. For me, if a drive is showing signs of failure, I mark it for use only as a duplicated drive (so no unduplicated files exist on it incase it completely dies). You can also specify a drive to be designated as the "new file/folder" drive, where anything new going into the pool goes there first, and is duplicated out later. I haven't set this up yet, but it's ideal for using an SSD as a download drive, to increase throughput. There are other features too, like specifying to have more than the standard 2x duplication across the pool, and even 1x on stuff you don't need duplicated, and this goes clear down to file level, so you can specify how an entire drive, folder, OR file is to be duplicated. It's a very mature program and is always being worked on. Their forum is very helpful and their chief tech support guy is really cool (sold me his spare SAS controller card and SAS cables!). I highly recommend it.
  14. Even though it's a bummer, at least you know what it is. Glad you figured out it was the PSU. As Draco said, that is a tough decision on where to go next. If you're short on cash, obviously replacing parts is better. But if longevity is more important, save your paycheck another week and upgrade. That's what I did. I was on a desktop turned server for years. Then I decided it was time to upgrade, and have been slowly adding bits and pieces to my server. Been probably a year now. Slow and steady wins the race, so they say.
  15. You sure it's not the PSU? Draco was dead on right when he suggested that as MY problem a year ago or so. There is a way you can jumper 2 pins on the motherboard connector of the power supply to force the PSU to power on. Not sure which ones, but if you look it up it's real easy (like use a paperclip or something). That can at least let you know that it's not the PSU. Also.. you sure you got the RAM in all the way? Sounds like a dumb obvious question, but since you are dealing with RAM, maybe you didn't install it right? Lastly, have you tried booting it WITHOUT RAM? There should be enough base RAM on the Mobo to let you at least get a POST.
  16. I loved the show when I was a kid because I wasn't allowed to watch it. Same with Married With Children. The Sega Genesis game pretty much sucked (we BlockBuster rented it a couple times). This game looks kinda fun. I wonder if it's MAME-able?
  17. <sigh> I'm sorry, this is yet another one of those NES games I've yet to play. Add it to my "eventually" list.
  18. I've only heard "Drop the Cosby's off at the pool.."
  19. A lot of shoot'em'ups follow that same - calculated prearranged flight path. They only seem random to an untrained and unpracticed eye. Nice improvement! -Updated OP, DB, RSS
  20. Yeah, because clearly we need more reason to fear planes crashing into buildings... Still, from a serious point of view, that is kinda cool. But training dogs to do repetitious things is old news.
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