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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Tokio / Scramble Formation Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 Mame Offender 379,700 2 ExedExes 340,200 3 GimmeClassics 185,900 4 rtkiii 161,600 5 Luigimaker 129,000 6 Floyd Turbo 124,700 7 millerbrad 88,200 Last Updated by hansolo77: 07-30-2019 Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Tokio / Scramble Formation: ROMSet: TokioB Cabinet: Upright Flip screen: Off Service Mode: Off Enemies: Many [Hard] Enemy shots: Few [Easy] Bonus Life: 100K 400K Lives: 3 Unused: Off Language: English Special Rules: The main ROMSet is still not functional as of Wolfmame 0.106 The green coloured default values match the Twin Galaxies settings. The red coloured values need to be changed! # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide: # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide: # general rules for submitting you hi-score:
  2. At the request of @rtkiii I figured out how to update the board, and have now done so. Nice job everybody!
  3. Ouch my heart. We will never see this again. 1 or 2 greats in the country perhaps, but never like it was. Malls practically don't exist anymore. Our bowling ally has a little arcade in it, with like 4 games (2 always broken). A row of skee-balls, 3 stupid little test-your-luck-by-throwing-away-your-token-in-the-machine games, 1 non-working pinball table, and 1 pool table missing 2 balls. They don't even have a dart board. They have a lazer tag room off to the side, but it's for reservation only, and they only open it for reservations 1 day a week. Lame city. The movie theater has better selection of games, like 7, and while they all work, they're all crap games that cost a dollar to play and have no replay value whatsoever. There is a Chucky Cheese down the road, but it's always full of little rug rat peons getting in your way. The mature version is Dave&Busters but I've never actually been there. We did at one point have a HUGE arcade for adults only (had to be 21 to get in because they sold alcohol). They advertised at one point to having 50 arcade machines and 15 pinball machines. It was in a mall next to the theater. But when I moved, I decided it's too far to drive (like 30 miles) across the the city to get to it so I never went back. I wasn't old enough to go in before, and now it's probably not even there anymore. It was a nice mall too, recently built to be a smaller Mall of America. They had a Planet Hollywood there and had a BUNCH of celebs come to open the place. But like so much stuff in our town, it's probably been run over by Somalians and Mexicans, and the place was probably refitted to be either a homeless shelter or a place for people to go to get food assistance. I say that because that's what our mall near me turned into. What once was THE place to go, now has just an empty mall floor, 3 out of 300 shops open, 1 is a DMV License renewal place, 1 is a Food Assistance Registrar location, and 1 is a large empty room they rent out for Gun Shows. Seriously, that's it. There used to be a Lazarus, Sears, JC Penny, a whole food court, every shop you could think of, 2 book stores, a toy store, and an arcade. Now there's police tape on all the entrances except for the North side where the 3 shops are located. You can still walk around the whole place, but there's nothing but drywall and security fencing where the shop doors used to be. So sad.
  4. @ExedExes Thanks a bunch for researching that and figuring out what's up. I have a 0.154 set so I think I'm good. TwinGalaxies must still be using a rule set from prior to 0.148u5. I'll update the OP to make sure there's no confusion. Although I agree, it would be in the best interest that everybody is using a rom set of at least 0.149+ @Cynicaster Nice first entry to the board! I like seeing your score progression too. Looks like you're getting better and better! @RedDog That's a good solid 2nd place entry. And to be honest, you're probably in no threat of not being on the board. Last month we only had 8 voters, of which probably only half will participate. The same is true for last month's GOTM. We only had 4 players. We have 34 registered players though, so I'm not sure what can be done to increase excitement for participation. Oh well. Anyway, yeah, you're probably fine. There's a whole month to improve.
  5. Pick your favorite: (link) I'm glad this wasn't our GOTM, I wouldn't have had a chance! Nice job! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  6. Nah don't say that! We can always come back and play it. Just not for the GOTM. But who knows? Maybe some day if we run out of suggestions, we'll come back and revisit it as a future GOTM. But yes, Bay Route was indeed a difficult game to play. I'm glad we have it here!
  7. The problem might have been the working path/etc. You have a folder name with a period. I don't think that works with GameEx.
  8. Heh ok. 1942 is on our list already, but I'm sure it'll work it's way into the polls.
  9. Thanks to our voters, this game has been selected as our August 2016 GOTM! For a bit of stat record keeping, we had 8 voters this month, and this game won with 4 of them. Thanks everybody who participated! 1941: Counter Attack is a vertical scrolling shooter arcade game by Capcom, released in February 1990. It was the second sequel to 1942, and the third game in the 19XX series. Later it was released on Capcom Classics Collection Remixed for the PSP and Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 2 for PlayStation 2 and Xbox. It was followed to 19XX: The War Against Destiny in 1996. The goal is to shoot down enemy airplanes and collect weapon power-ups (POW). The game uses a vitality system instead of life system in which if the player is hit, it loses one point of vitality and the player is destroyed if hit with 0 vitality then the player is given the option to continue. Lightning attacks can be used by pressing the B button which sacrifices a portion of life energy. One is only able to perform three loops per level and a bonus is awarded at the end of the level for unused loops. Player 1 uses a P-38 Lightning and Player 2 uses a new plane: Mosquito Mk IV. The game shifts from the original Pacific Front setting with that of the Western Front, in the north Atlantic Ocean. It was the first shoot 'em up to add +1 to the score when a continue is used. -Quote from Wikipedia (link)
  10. August 2016 GOTM Winner - Mame Offender - 850,600 (link) 1941 Counter Attack Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 Mame Offender 2,522,600 2 ExedExes 797,000 3 millerbrad 533,400 4 Cynicaster 442,000 5 Floyd Turbo 411,100 6 RedDog 368,400 7 Luigimaker 269,900 Last Updated by hansolo77: 01-25-2019 Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for 1941 Counter Attack: ROMSet: 1941 Difficulty: 3 or 4 [Normal] - (GAMEEX NOTE - This is dependent on your ROM set version. < 0.149 and it's 4. > 0.149 and it's 3. (details)) Level Up Timer: Slowly Bullet speed: Fast Initial vitality: 3 Bars Throttle game speed: On Unused: Off [All] Free Play: Off Freeze: Off Flip screen: Off Allow Continue: No Special Rules: This is a Single Player ONLY Variation! Continues are NOT allowed! The green coloured default values match the Twin Galaxies settings. The red coloured values need to be changed! # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide: # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide: # general rules for submitting you hi-score:
  11. WOW! Nice little buffer there lol. You're "little space" was about as much as I had actually earned in my play through! Anyway, congrats to our resident High Score champion ExedExes for yet another GOTM win! So here is the official headline! ExedExes - 145,900 (link) Nice job buddy! Now lets get some action on the next GOTM! Also.. friendly reminder! You can still submit scores for this game. It'll help in the overall leaderboard. We don't want to see ExedExes at the top from now on.
  12. Is there a difference between 1941 and the one we're currently voting (won) on?
  13. And rtkiii takes the lead! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  14. Thanks for being a good sport about it though. The reason we did that is because SOME games will actually keep your current score if you continue. So you could in effect keep playing and add to your score. Of course, if you stopped long enough to enter initials, that's you're own fault. Not to mention that you could have popped in 5 credits to start with and just now got down to 0. There's no real way to know. We just made this rule to try and keep everything fair. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  15. They are making pirating more and more demanding when they do this kind of crap. I mean, if it's gonna be available to subscribers in one part of the world, why not others? I just don't get it. It's like they WANT the series to fail. They'll think it sucked in the USA because not enough subscribers are watching it, but people in Europe will love it. But, that's not the market they're targeting, so it'll get cancelled. If the show is more or less designed to be an on-going drama script rather than an episodic alien of the week.. they're gonna put it on a summer hiatus with a cliff hanger and then cancel it. I hate the media anymore. What I would LOVE to hear is that the Paramount execs decide to order up 7 seasons (or more) and then they're at least contracted to produce. I mean, the show's gotta last at least a full season right? If it's destined to fail, the least they could do is tie up any loose ends before the final episode ends.
  16. hansolo77


    I have NOT seen BvS yet.. got the special collector's edition extended 3D BluRay though (haven't opened it yet). I gotta say, that movie does look intriguing. But like all trailers, they pretty much show all the best parts. I hear BvS's trailers all showed the best parts, that the movie is all talk except for like a 5 minute fight that is pretty much shown in the trailers. As for WW.... it almost looks like a period piece, like the first Captain America was before he got unfrozen. Have to wait and see.
  17. Hidden - Well Said... I guess the new show IS going to be available on Netflix too.. This is good news. I'm a little more relaxed about my hate towards them now for this. But still, they need to do something about that ship!
  18. Still better than I can do, way to go! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  19. hansolo77


    That Millennium Falcon table looks awesome too! I wonder if it's from the same guy? He should make me something too.
  20. Honestly.. not impressed... Ship design looks worse than the NX-01 Not going to pay to watch CGI looks worse than than Space Rangers Not going to pay to watch Still no idea when it takes place... although it is officially in the EXISTING canon and not the reboot NOT GOING TO PAY TO WATCH This show is going to bomb so bad. I wish it wouldn't. We need more Star Trek. We need it to be good. We need it to last. By limiting the show to just their private online streaming subscription service, they're going to see it's not very popular and cancel it. The die hard fans will pay ANYTHING. The true Trekkie's won't buy into their cash-cow scheme. Surely they must know that it's probably going to be the most heavily pirated TV show ever after Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, and The Simpsons. I even read an official quote from the producers saying something like "If it doesn't sell, we won't continue it". So it's probably going to fail within 2-3 weeks. Star Trek has always been available free, on local broadcast channels. You didn't need cable. I just shake my head at it and yell "no!" We'll just have to wait and see I guess. But honestly, that ship looks horrible. And the CGI looks like early 90's TV.. DS9 and Voyager CGI looked better, not to mention Enterprise's. However, I do like the idea (and queues from the music) that maybe this is a hybrid Federation and Klingon ship, and if it takes place some time after the Khitomer Conference when they all got buddy-buddy.. it would be interesting to see. Especially if it's got a cloak and they go off to find adventures in Romulan territory. But they'll probably ruin the whole thing and not go anywhere near that.
  21. Not bad! I forgot about this game lol. Thanks for the submission! - Updated OP, DB, RSS
  22. Man, I feel like I should just give up retro gaming altogether. I been trying to play some games for the RetroAchievements.com website, and I just plain suck. If it weren't for my brother loving this stuff, I probably would never play! - Updated OP, DB, RSS
  23. I played Half-Life.. Loved it. Played Half-Life 2, enjoyed it but not as much as the first one.. got too confusing. Then they started coming out with these "Episodes". My purchase of HL2 gave me the first Episode free. That was the extent of my play. I moved on and never really came back to Half-Life 2. The new render engine was awesome to play Counter-Strike Source in, but aside from that.. I moved on. I always wanted to go back and play it again with the latest episodes. Not even sure where it left off. I didn't read that whole article. Just enough to see it was about Half-Life and and the fact that 3 is kinda gone. It's a real shame. Why spend all that time and money writing a great script to get you into a game and have feelings for characters, then cut them out with a cliff hanger ending with you expecting more? That's why I hate today's TV. A show can get cancelled any time, and the FANS are the one's who suffer. Fringe, Star Trek Enterprise, and Firefly are all examples of this. Sure, sci-fi doesn't fit well in today's society.. but there are enough people at Comic-Con each year to bring in enough money for them to at least finish the series on a different network. Look at Stargate... It lasted a few years on Showtime, then SyFy picked it up and it did GREAT.. so well in fact they're wanting to reboot the movie with a sequel, regardless of the fact there is like 15 years of post-movie content already out for it. Sort of like they did with Star Trek.. to hell with the fact that they rebooted the franchise, destroyed a main character's home planet and rewrote the timeline, and ignored the pre-existing continuity. Some of these guys just don't get it.
  24. hansolo77


    Uh... you have to ask? I'd be happy with a Carbonite Han Solo comforter for my bed... or a life size replica leaning on my wall (complete with lights).. but that Sarlacc table is friggin genius! By me that! I'd take the Tie Fighter computer desk if it was on sale at a garage sale maybe. lol
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