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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Thanks for bringing some much needed enthusiasm back to the GOTM guys! Now I just wish I could get over this "cold" so I actually felt like playing. You've definitely got me wanting to play! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  2. All I can do is say WOW to you guys. I totally suck at Donkey Kong. I've never made it to the 2nd stage in the arcade version, and only made it to the 3rd stage once ever on my old Atari 800. You guys are just too good for me! Thanks for bumping the game though. I'm not sure if it'll do any good, since I'm sure a lot people are using the custom map file I referenced -> HERE! <- And if not, why not? It's the easiest way to get the active list of games. Just plug it in as it's own emulator and away you go! Then you don't need to come to this forum to see what games are available. Perhaps in the future (via Evolution) we'll even have the ability of seeing the current high scores for that game, thus one less reason to visit the forum to see who's score you have to beat. But that's wishful thinking. In the meanwhile, bump away! It's always nice to see a score being posted on a game that's not been featured for a while. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  3. Welcome back Cyn! Sorry I didn't get to this sooner, I'm really sick (again). Seems like I'm sick a lot, but in reality I haven't been THIS kinda sick in over a year. Stuffy Nose, Dizziness, Migraines, Sore Throat, (slightly now more productive) Coughing, Fever, Chills, Body Aches. Sounds a a full on Cold War going on in my body. Went to a Minute Clinic on Sunday and they diagnosed it as "Acute Nasopharyngitis". Why they couldn't just say "Cold" is beyond me. What bugs me is that there isn't really anything you can do about it. They prescribed Capmist, which I have not had huge success with. The last time I was sick, it was the same diagnosis and the same prescription. But I'm on day 3 now of active medicating, and I feel worse than I did before. The dizziness and extreme fatigue (with complete lack of sleep) is killing me. My nostrils are so raw they're flaking. UHG! Anyway, I'm sure ya'll don't want to hear me go on about my illnesses. So I'll just leave this as is. Thanks for the post Cynicaster. Nice to have you back playing with us! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  4. The problem with speculation is the let down when the movie is released, and you find out that THEIR idea sucks compared to yours. Like "Rei is Obi-Wan's grand child" or "Snoke is Darth Plagueis". We can come up with way better ideas than what the writing staff will probably come up with. So I don't like the let down. As for the downfall of Kylo... do they explain that in the "new-canon" books? I've not read them yet. I'm going to read one as soon as I finish A Dance With Dragons. Though I also wanna read Ready Player One. There's also a bunch of juvenile books that deal with the earlier lives of Rey, Poe, and Kylo so maybe there's something there? I doubt it since to have Kylo be so f*ed up, the story would have to be pretty dark and not something for kids to read.
  5. Thanks for using the spoiler/hidden flags guys. I really don't want to ruin this movie. Star Wars is my all-time favorite genre. Heh, Star Wars as a genre. I'm really excited about all the news for upcoming movies, but I don't want any plot spoilers or story ideas other than "Episode 7 is about what happened after Return of the Jedi" or "Rogue One shows HOW the Rebellion got the Death Star Plans". Even THAT bit is potentially too much because you already know now what the basic plot and outcome of the movie will be. But still... 3 more months and counting! WOOOOOOO!!!
  6. Nah, they'll just come out with another form of optical media. The next media has already been announced by Sony/Panasonic. It's called "Archival Disc" and can hold 300gb of data, as compared to BluRay's dual layer 50gb. The problem is that this media is still in a compressed format. The VIDEO stream alone for a 1080p scanned film is in the 2-3TB file size range. But now that 4k is making a push, those things are 4-6TB relatively. And that's just the video stream. Truly uncompressed AUDIO streams can be 2-3TB per channel. So if you're looking at a fully uncompressed 4k scan of a film, say 6TB, and truly uncompressed audio of 5.1 (even though Atmos gets up to the 8+ range) channels makes 15TB, altogether you're looking at 21TB for 1 film. So everything is getting compressed down to fit on a disc that will play at home. DVD's have their resolution cut to 640x480, and an extremely low bitrate. BluRay's at a higher 1920x1080 resolution but only a slightly better bitrate. 4k Ultra BluRay's use a lower bitrate to allow for the larger resolution. So while you get the resolution, the actual bitrate suffers causing more motion blur and pixelation in high action frames. Also, you don't benefit from seeing a 4k video unless you're blasting the video out through 80+ inch TV's anyway. Most homes might top out at 60 inches, and 4k looks just as good as 1080p. In fact, when I'm watching stuff I've downloaded, I don't notice any difference between 1080p and 720p on my 42inch TV. So I really don't see the point in getting 4k at all. Yea the resolution looks good, and it sounds good on paper (bigger is better) but the increased bitrate compression required to make the data fit in the same media makes it worthless. Uncompressed data is going to need to be the next major jump, and at (the above calculated) 21TB per film, there's just no easily foreseeable advancement coming in a long time. At least not until larger capacity mediums become available. Even the next "Archival Disc" format is going to have compressed data. It'll look better, but it's not the best. And there's no way in hell I'm buying Star Wars again just to have it in 4k, especially if I won't notice any difference unless I'm in a room with a 100+ inch screen.
  7. I tried playing this a bit with my keyboard controls when I was testing the (non existent) DIP switches.... don't know what my problem was. Pressing the keys didn't do anything until I held them down. Not sure I can get the hang of the controls. I'll have to give this one a try soon though. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  8. Yay! First score of the month! I kind of expected a slow roll out with the holiday weekend. Glad to see it just the same! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  9. Wow Mo, setting the score bar high already. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  10. I'm probably going to be getting a new TV when I move out. I feel like I want something a little bigger (36in is great for a bedroom, but in my own place I'm gonna want something bigger for the Living Room...). I'm probably going to get something that is 3D, but 4k is probably going to catch on soon too. So I'm stuck right now. Is 3D/4k in a relationship yet, or are they bitter rivals? And what about curved? Technology is starting to move faster than me, and I'm only 36! In other news... has anybody watched any of these (fake?) YouTube videos where people are trying to say the script has been leaked for Episode 8 and they talk about Rey's parents being revealed and the Luke/Snoke relationships? I don't want any spoilers so I'm purposely trying my best to ignore them. I'm just curious if anybody's watched them and wonder how hokey they sound. They're always fun to make your mind wander, but a true fan won't speculate and will just wait and see. I just want official teasers/trailers.
  11. September 2016's BONUS game comes to us courtesy of our August 2016 GOTM winner MAME Offender! We like to give our winners something back as a congratulatory gift, and this was the game he chose as one of his favorites. So enjoy this odd gem! If you think you're doing really good, be sure to pop over to the official World Rankings site (TwinGalaxies) and compare. If you're REALLY that good, you should record your progress in Wolfmame and send it to them to have your name forever glorified on their website! Bubbles is an arcade video game developed by Williams Electronics and released in 1982. The player uses a joystick to control a bubble in a kitchen sink. The object is to progress through levels by cleaning the sink while avoiding enemies. The game received a mixed reception from critics. Development was handled by John Kotlarik and Python Anghelo. Kotlarik wanted to create a non-violent game inspired by Pac-Man. Anghelo designed the game's artwork and scenario as well as a special plastic cabinet that saw limited use. Bubbles was not ported to any contemporary systems, but was later released as a web-based version and on home consoles as part of arcade compilations. Bubbles is an action game with puzzle elements where the player controls the protagonist, a soap bubble, from a top-down perspective. The object is to clean a kitchen sink by maneuvering over ants, crumbs, and grease spots to absorb them before they slide into the drain. As the bubble absorbs more objects, it grows in size, eventually acquiring first eyes and then a smiling mouth. At the same time, sponges and scrub brushes slowly move around the sink, cleaning it on their own in competition with the player. Touching either of these enemies costs a player one life unless the bubble is large enough to have a complete face. In this case, the enemy will be knocked away and the bubble will shrink. Sponges and brushes can be knocked into the drain for bonus points, eliminating them from play. Two other enemies in the sink are stationary razor blades and roaches that crawl out of the drain. Contact with a blade is always fatal, while the bubble can safely touch the roach only while carrying a broom, which will kill the roach with one hit. The broom can be acquired by running over a cleaning lady who appears in the sink from time to time.[1][2] A level ends when all of the point-scoring objects are gone - either lost down the drain, cleaned by sponges/brushes, eaten by roaches, or absorbed by the bubble. At this point, if the bubble is large enough to have a complete face, the player moves on to the next level; otherwise, one life is lost and the level must be replayed. In addition, whenever the bubble has a face, the drain flashes green, giving the player a chance to enter it and skip the next level. Entering the drain while the bubble is too small costs one life.[1][2] - Quote from Wikipedia
  12. Bubbles Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 Mame Offender 183,200 2 Cynicaster 146,450 3 ExedExes 118,640 4 Luigimaker 72,700 5 rtkiii 67,460 6 millerbrad 49,230 7 RedDog 46,580 8 Floyd Turbo 39,980 9 hansolo77 29,610 Last Updated by hansolo77: 04-20-2019 Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Bubbles: ROMSet: Bubbles Extra Man: Every 25,000 [Internal Default] Men For 1 Credit Game: 3 [Internal Default] Difficulty of Play: 5 [Internal Default] Special Rules: None The green coloured default values match the Twin Galaxies settings. The red coloured values need to be changed! # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide: # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide: # general rules for submitting you hi-score:
  13. I used to play this on our Atari 800 back in the good old days. I remember being pretty good at it. But that was with a joystick and 1 fire button. Not sure how well I'll be on the arcade version (and using an Xbox 360 controller).
  14. Ooof! Little late for that submission for the GOTM, but you already won, so this just makes the #1 spot harder to beat! Nice score! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  15. This was a close race in the polls. In fact, we had a 3 way tie up until I checked this morning for the winner, and this was the one! So thanks to everybody who voted. And if you voted, you owe it to us to compete too! Voting is only half the fun! Happy gaming! Zaxxon (ザクソン?) is a 1982 isometric shooter arcade game developed and released by Sega. Some sources[13][14][15] claim that Japanese electronics company Ikegami Tsushinki also worked on the development of Zaxxon. The game gives the player the experience of flying a fighter craft through a fortress while shooting at enemy entities (missiles, enemy gunfire, etc.) The object of the game is to hit as many targets as possible without being shot down or running out of fuel—which can be replenished, paradoxically, by blowing up fuel drums.[16] At the time of its release, Zaxxon was unique as it was the first game to employ axonometric projection, which lent its name to the game (AXXON from AXONometric projection). The type of axonometric projection is isometric projection: this effect simulated three dimensions from a third-person viewpoint. It was also one of the first video games to display shadows, to indicate the ship's altitude above the surface;[17] the game also employed an altitude meter, allowing the player to control how high or low the ship is above the surface.[18] It was also the first arcade game to be advertised on television,[19] with a commercial produced by Paramount Pictures for $150,000.[20] The world record on Zaxxon is 4,680,740 points scored by Vernon Kalanikaus of Lā'ie, Hawai'i, on March 15, 1982, according to the Twin Galaxies Intergalactic Scoreboard.[21] A bootleg of the game was released in the arcades in 1982 called Jackson.[22] - Quote from Wikipedia (link)
  16. September 2016 GOTM Winner: Mame Offender - 134,250 Zaxxon Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 Mame Offender 134,250 2 ExedExes 85,700 3 Cynicaster 64,050 4 hansolo77 15,950 5 millerbrad 15,550 6 Floyd Turbo 11,400 7 rtkiii 8,400 8 RedDog 6,450 9 Luigimaker 5,500 Last Updated by hansolo77: 02-24-2019 Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Zaxxon: ROMSet: Zaxxon Bonus Life: 10000 Lives: 3 Cabinet: Upright Special Rules: None The green coloured default values match the Twin Galaxies settings. The red coloured values need to be changed! # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide: # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide: # general rules for submitting you hi-score:
  17. LOL.. gonna have to wait for GC to come back for the banners... but yes.. the winner is: Mame Offender - 850,600 (link) Congrats buddy! Everybody else, join me in congratulating our winner of this month's GOTM Competition! As a friendly reminder.. even though the month's competition is over, that doesn't mean you have to stop playing this game. You can still play and submit scores. We'd love to see them. Not only does it give you the benefit of adding points towards your overall score (which calculates all of the games you've participated in) but if you beat Mame Offender, you get to bask in the pleasure of knowing you've bested the best! So keep them coming!
  18. Yeah I've had that installed for years, back when it was posted in the thread we had for "other" games that are good for an arcade console... The controls are really difficult to configure and use though. You have 2 analog sticks, 1 for cockpit swiveling and 1 for targeting. I suppose if I spent more time on it I could make it work really nice and actually play it. I pretty much just have it installed for novelty purposes now.
  19. I made it past the first level in my trial run (to see what the default dip switches are). But I wanted to play it more legit for a score at a later time. Shame I never got around to it! So yeah, head's up everybody! Only 1 day left to play (tomorrow). Thursday I'll announce the winner!
  20. I'm so sad to learn of this. I thought he was already no longer with us, until recently when I was researching something and saw he was still around. This is so sad for me. 2 icons of my youth gone in one month. Rest in Peace Gene.
  21. I think it was mentioned before. Like you said, it might not meet the requirements of our competition. It's definitely a high profile classic game. I'll have to check and see if it's do-able.
  22. Wow, definitely worth the $15 to get them all. I just wish I had a PS3/PS4.
  23. Feel free.. I've never moved a post before, and I've never even ventured into the Pinball forums here.
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