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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Dark Matter is one of those "watchlist" shows I have on Trakt. It's something I'm intrigued to watch, but not so much that I've started yet. I actually have a bunch of those on my list. 11.22.63 - " An unassuming divorced English teacher stumbles upon a time portal that leads to Sept. 9, 1958, and goes on a quest to try and prevent the assassination of John F. Kennedy. " JJ Abrams and Stephen King as Exec Producers Childhood's End - " Childhood's End is a 1953 science fiction novel by the British author Arthur C. Clarke. The story follows the peaceful alien invasion[1] of Earth by the mysterious Overlords, whose arrival begins decades of apparent utopia under indirect alien rule, at the cost of human identity and culture. " Killjoys - Bounty Hunters in Space... like Boba Fett and the gang. Defiance - Dad highly recommends this. The Librarians - Sounds like a fun show to watch.
  2. No problem! We don't have very many active players here anymore, so I'd hate this to become a reason for you not to participate! Like I said, it's ok this time. Free free to keep submitting scores!
  3. Don't forget the monsters... there are people out there right now with gadgets trying to catch them all, but they just keep coming.
  4. They really needed to do something POST Voyager in terms of the timeline. What was wrong with Enterprise? It's pretty good, just cancelled before it should have. The best stuff was dealing with the Temporal Cold War, that they never finished. The whole bit where they have people in the 27th(?) century going back through time to watch events and prevent bad guys from changing history sounds like an awesome plot for a TV series. Putting this new show 10 years before Kirk yet after Enterprise puts a huge limit on the possible stories available to them. If they base the show on any thing related to past Star Trek franchises, that means they can't have technology BETTER than Kirk's time, and WORSE than Archer's time. It was hard enough for them to develop a look for Enterprise that didn't look better than what the original series had. Finding a niche in between is going to be hard. The only thing I can think of is perhaps the show will take a "Voyager" type approach, where the ship exists out of touch with everyone else. Or perhaps they fall into a Temporal Rift (classic Star Trek gimmick) and get sent into a future time. I just don't understand how they feel like THIS time frame is the best for telling the story they want to tell. Another thing I'm eager to learn is the cast. I have TV Guide's from before the Deep Space Nine premier showing cast photos and story plots from 6+ months before. We're only a little over 4 months out now and the most recent thing we've heard is that they're still casting. WTF.. the show starts in 4 months. How can they still be casting? When are they going to have time to ACT? This show is going to be an epic crunch-time failure. There is so much negative around this show, I really doubt it's going to go anywhere. Such a shame too because the only positive thing coming out of this is that there is going to be a new Trek.
  5. I went to pre-order it, but can't. Amazon says it's for Prime Members only. Such nonsense.
  6. Thanks for your submission and interest in joining our competition! There's a minor problem with your submission though. I'll allow it because it's clearly not a screenshot from Google or something. But you need to make sure you have your initials in the game, and not something generic like A, or AAA, etc. This helps us eliminate the possibility of cheaters. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  7. Did you double dip? I did, and I don't mind. It's Star Wars crying out loud. I'm a bit upset they didn't include the commentary on the first release, but oh well... http://www.blu-ray.com/news/?id=19607
  8. Miss him, hope he's having an awesome birthday!
  9. Yeah... pull my weight. I need something to change. I need money. I'm definitely going to start researching what options I have for investing.
  10. Anything Roger Moore. But if you want GOOD Bond quotes, ignore anything Roger Moore.
  11. Wow.. I wish you were my financial advisor. I've been working now for (OMG) 22 years. Started when I was 14, now I'm 36. And I'll be 100% honest with you. I have no money (well, I have like $100 free to spend whenever, but nothing saved). I have no credit. I live with my dad. I'm making plans though. I set up a savings account with my bank this past April, and have $50 a week going into it from my paycheck. It's not much, but $200 a month is a lot considering. I started it off with an $800 deposit straight from my Income Tax return. Then here the last month and a half or so I set up that $50 a week. I'm at $1150 now. My goal is to save up enough so I can buy a car in cash. I can't get credit with anybody. I've tried all the major companies. I've even tried getting an Amazon card and a Kroger (Grocery Store) card. I work for Kroger, have been for 8 years, and they still won't give me one. I can't even get overdraft credit through my bank that I've been with for like 15 years. It's not that I have bad credit. It just says ZERO on all my reports. I don't know how it got to zero, I used to have a credit card, and was even able to get a loan for a brand new car on my own without a cosigner. Now I can't even get something on layaway at Walmart. I can't even walk into Best Buy and sign up for a payment plan for something, and yet come back the next day with cash in hand. Nobody wants to trust me. Without credit, I'll never be able to move on with my life. My current train-wreck plan is save up enough money for a car. Then I can change my hours at work so I can work full time (currently I'm limited because I have to have hours that work around my dad driving me, and he doesn't want to be up real late or get up real early to do that). Once I have full time, I'll be getting more money per week (I'm capped at $10.10/hour being part time, full time is $15.80). Also with a car, I can actually move up in the company to a better paying position because I won't be restricted as much to something "10 minutes away". Once I have the money coming in, I plan on moving out. That can't happen soon enough, but little steps. Investing in my future is always something I've really wanted to do, but never had the know-how. When I got my first job, the company I worked for (no longer exists) offered me the ability to establish a 401k. I didn't know what that meant, so I didn't sign up for it. Years later I heard about a transferring 401k, where they offered me the ability to transfer the account over so they could keep adding to it. Once again, I didn't really know what they were talking about, and didn't have an account anyway. So I didn't take the advantage. Now I'm at a place that (I believe.. still have to check) offers 401k, but I've not followed up with any of it. @RIP-Felix Seeing all your numbers, it makes me feel like you know a lot more about this stuff than I do. It makes me feel almost ignorant for not having done anything. As I said, I've been working for 22 years. Had I signed up back then on my first job, just think of the money I could have now, and be safe and protected. I'm 36, and imagine I got another 30 or so years left before companies start telling me it's time to retire. I definitely need to set something up. And the sooner the better. Going Stock Market seems almost like an option I shouldn't consider. Not necessarily gambling, but as you said...there are ups and downs and no guarantee it's a safe bet. A savings account with a bank is a sure bet, but the payoff isn't there. What should I do?
  12. I've only worked at 1 job in my life that offered stock options. Of course, it was limited. You could only buy stock in THAT company, and they didn't match it. If you lose your job, you lose your stock. The only way to cash out is if you sell back your stock before you quit or retire. And honestly, I was watching the value of that company have a negative turn every single day, so was not at all interested in buying. Having never actually dabbled in the market, I don't know hardly anything about it. If there is a way that an average Joe Blow can just walk up (or on the computer, whatever) and buy a share of stock, then turn around a few days later to sell it back for a quick buck.. then yes this is for gambling purposes only. Now, if you're buying stock on a regular basis, and keep it long term, then yes, you're investing. But you have to sell back sometime, or else you never benefit from the ownership. Not knowing how the market will last on your share makes it seem more like a gamble too. So I went with the votes as middle ground, depending on the situation, and the first one as #2. From the point of view of somebody who has no experience in the matter, all I see is a bunch of people throwing money into it, with the ultimate goal of making money. This is what gambling is.
  13. This is indeed sad news. It was bound to happen. We all die sometimes. I'm just glad he lived a full life and was able to bring joy and happiness to the world with the characters he brought to life, and to the people he worked closely with. Rest in Peace. We'll miss you!
  14. Yeah I guess I misread that. Still, I'm not impressed with the idea of doing this just to help increase ratings and diversity.
  15. WTF TIMES INFINITY This show is going to bomb so bad.... A female lead, who is not the captain and is openly gay (not much of an issue with gay, but if they're going to be showcasing her gayness by having her making out with other girls in each episode I might hurl). The cast will include a Klingon captain (I knew there would be Klingons!) yet the show will take place a decade before the Original Series and yet still be designated USS... Um? Klingons and Terrans don't get a long, and there was never a Klingon serving aboard any USS ship before Worf in TNG.. so if this takes place in the "PRIME" timeline, how is this even possible? There are just too many plot holes. Any intelligent Trekkie will see the problems from the start. Any other redneck Trekkie probably won't care in the slightest and not even catch it.
  16. I used to have an autographed copy of that book before the fire, though it was on the shelf with other "to read eventually" books that never made it. I'll be getting it again someday. Plan on rebuilding my entire collection.
  17. I think the roof is pretty high already. Gotta keep your place in check though! I smell it too.. I was beginning to wonder what that smell was. I've never heard of 99% of these games. That why I like this competition. Fresh new games all the time that have lots of good history with them. Thanks for the updated scores guys! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  18. I don't have RetroArch installed on my PC (yet). But on my PI, RetroArch installs with all of their "cores" in a /RetroArch/Cores/ path. Maybe this is the problem? Your command line is trying to launch the core from the root path of RetroArch, but they actually exist in a further subfolder? If you notice, even in @MacMahoun's post, he's got a FULL path spelled out, and his core is in the /cores/ path. Might be all you need. So in theory, you'd want it to be something like: retroarch.exe -L "c:\yourpathto\RetroArch\cores\yourcore" "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" -c "c:\yourpathto\RetroArch\yourcoreconfig" -f The -L flag tells it to load a specific CORE (indicated via a full path after), then the typical ROMPATH\ROMFILE requirements, then the -c flag tells it to load a specific config file (indicated again via the full path after). I'm not sure what the -f flag does, unless that just tell is to run full screen rather than windowed. You might not even need the "-c <blah blah config>" bit. RetroArch can be configured to automatically load a CORE config upon loading the core. Then you can even break it down further to have it load a specific GAME config per ROM if you so desire.
  19. The month don't count into it. This is a Bonus game. It's just an extra game to play. No rewards at the end of the month. But if you're good, it'll boost your overall score. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  20. OOH! And MO takes the lead! I'm definitely going to be playing this on my day off. Gotta get that entry, even if it's not the greatest. I like to participate. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  21. Wow, nice one Exed! There's definitely going to be a competition this month! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  22. Thanks for submitting the first entry! Looks like a fun game I'm going to have a go at soon. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  23. This game was selected to be the bonus game because it's one of ExedExes favorites. We like to reward our GOTM winners with the option to provide a game they like to be added to our competition. So enjoy this crazy fun shooter from Taito! PLEASE NOTE - The original ROM (tokio) is unplayable due to the protection not being broken. To that end, a bootleg version (tokiob) is the ROM we will be playing with. In order to play this game though, you need to have both the Parent and the Clone for it work. Thanks! Scramble Formation (スクランブル・フォーメーション Sukuranburu Fōmēshon?) is a vertical scrolling shooter game released by Taito in Japanese arcades in 1986.[1] It was released by Romstar in North American arcades under the name Tokio. In the game, the player controls a red propeller-driven airplane, flying over the city of Tokyo.[2] He's able to shoot and capture other red, smaller planes, which then will follow the player in formation. The player can choose between 3 formations: the first is able to shoot both air-to-air and air-to-ground projectiles, the second only air-to-air (but on a larger area), the third only air-to-ground (but on a larger area as well). During gameplay, the player should react accordingly to the threats and quickly decide which one of the 3 formation types is more adequate at one given moment. The game is divided in areas, depicting key places in Tokyo, such as Shinjuku, Akasaka, and Ginza. There are no clearly defined "levels", but at some points the player is faced by a giant mothership, which can be shot down by hitting its engines. -Quote from Wikipedia (link)
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