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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. It only appears pointless because you didn't move up any places. But that's not really the point. As long as you had fun playing, it wasn't pointless at all! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  2. Yeah my PC is mere 2.1 ghz Core2Duo. Pretty pathetic by today's standards. But at the time, it was the best you could get. My last upgrade was so I could play the original Doom 3 for PC when it first came out. Those were the days.
  3. Aside from causing seizures, I don't see the point of this. What does VR do to this random jumble of flashing blots of colors and lines? Seems pretty pointless to me.
  4. Just keep digging that knife in deeper MO lol Updated OP, DB, RSS
  5. Just posting up a quick reminder.. if you wanna get in on this month's GOTM, you need to post a score sometime in the next 3 days. Happy Playing!
  6. LOL I'm confused.. I just loaded up the High Score DBM to update your score, and it shows a score already submitted on the 9/22 that was higher.. then I realized I was on the wrong game hehe.. that was for Bubbles LOL!!! Good score there MO, hopefully somebody will beat it before Friday (snicker) Updated OP, DB, RSS
  7. hansolo77


    Woah stig, taking it an unhealthy level there! LOL. I dunno, I'm just getting bored not finding a girl in my neighborhood. They're all generically similar. I've been going through various stages of celebrity crushes lately. They all seem to be leaning towards women from across the pond. First it was Emma Watson, then I've been noticing how much of an equal rights activist she is, and turned me down quite a bit (not literally, just figuratively as far as hotness). Then there was Lily James. I'd heard of her show she was on before, uh Downton Abbey.. But I never knew of her till she was in Cinderella. Then it was OMG where have you been my whole life? Then I heard some stuff and the attitude she's been giving people about the use of CG on her waist for that movie, and once again got kinda turned down from it. Not so much the fact that she's defending herself, saying Disney made the alterations without her consent, but because of her attitude and way about going about it. She could have just laughed it off, but she's taking it like people are dissing her and her body, saying she's a liar and fat, etc. Just be cool with it and move on, but she just keeps on an on about it. Not cool. Lately, and although like all the others I know it'll never happen, it's been Daisy Ridley. The only thing I've ever officially seen her in is Star Wars 7. But I follow her on FB, and she's a true dear heart. Not only is she attractive and smart, but the things she posts make you really feel like a human along side her. She's not let the fame of her new role destroy her life (at least not yet). That's very attractive to me. You could always say I'm just in to her because she's the new goddess of Star Wars (replacing Leia), but I like for other reasons. Her charity work is so great. I'd probably die if I ever met her. But anyway, back to this crazy chick. I think I'm attracted to her because of her face. She has a nice pretty face. And wouldn't you know, by the look of her name, I'd say she's Russian, or from somewhere around that area. Not a surprise, as once again it's showing I'm attracted to these women overseas more than the same old generic faces we have living around here. OK, done with my banter.
  8. That's better than my attempts rtkiii. I think I just had a lucky run when I hit that 15k. My previous scores didn't even make the in-game board. You can at least see your progression as you got better.. or maybe you had an ok score then sucked, then got even better lol. In any case, it's still better than 90% of the other eligible contenders here because at least you posted up a score! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  9. It was tricky at first. Till I got the hang of it. The part that bugged me was the spiders. I guess you have to have the "broom" bit on your bubble actually touch them, but if your bubble alone touches them (even if you have the broom bit) you die. So lining up the angle was tricky. I got up to around stage 3, where some sponges came out to join the brushes and blades. It's a fun game, and I can easily get addicted to it. But to get to your guy's level of points is probably not going to happen. Thanks for the bonus game suggestion MO!
  10. It's been so long ago, I don't know if I did or not. I suppose I could always load it up and see. I still have my beta test game (it was the full version, free to testers!) and memory card. Though I don't have my PS2 controller. Lost that in the fire. In fact, I'm surprised I was able to salvage the PS2 and it's power/av cables. There was so much "fiberglassy" ash inside all the vents, I didn't think it would ever run again. Then I heard about the soft-mod you could do, and the ability to install games to the internal HDD (phat models). I decided to clean it up best I could (lots of unscrewing, then overnight soaks in soapy water and alcohol and 3 days of air drying everything), reconnected everything, and to my surprise it still works! I installed the soft-mod (basically running a modified firmware via an extra memory card) and put in my only remaining IDE drive (120gb). Installed half a dozen games on it, and it's amazing. I'm actually impressed by how nice it runs in comparison to emulators because my system is sooo outdated it barely runs PSX games. That's a joke too, considering my RPi3 runs PSX full speed. I just recently finished my first ever play through of Kingdom Hearts. Loved it btw. When I find some time, and a spare controller, I'll load up GT3 and see where my license is at.
  11. Since I played a couple games today and submitted scores, I've gone ahead and updated the board. Did you move? Check it out! FYI, I'm now in the Top 10.. WOop!
  12. Another crazy set of scores you guys got going here. I played as much as I could before I got tired of it. My pitiful score is the best on the machine but the lowest on our boards. Oh well. Initials: HAN Score: 29,610 Updated OP, DB, RSS
  13. Geez you guys never cease to amaze me! I decided to play this game a bit just now to try and get my name on the board. After probably $5 in quarters, I finally managed to get a decent enough score to try and submit it here. Come here to post it up, and you guys have x9 my score. UHG!!! No way, that's insane. Good job guys! Initials: HAN Score: 15,950 Updated OP, DB, RSS
  14. You guys rock. Thanks for kinda talking me out of it. I think ultimately I'll just wait. Get that car first. Then see where I'm at. I'm gonna start doing more research and find out what my options are.
  15. hansolo77


    She's cute. Though I'd never date her. If she gets off by doing that kinda crazy stuff, no way. She'd want me to do it with her (which HE does...) and with my luck she'd fall and I'd be so messed up from it. Nope. Not a chance. She's cute though.
  16. This makes me DROOL. I haven't played a good racing game since Gran Turismo 3 on the PS2 lol. I actually beta tested that game, so that's why it was the last I played. Have they come out with a full size steering wheel/pedals/shifters with true force FEEDBACK and not vibration yet? I know there was a really good one (really expensive too) that came out a few years ago for PC, but my system wasn't up to PAR to be able to run the games the wheel was designed for. Uhg.. I miss those days greatly. I'm very very VERY (like somebody better talk me out of it) close to buying an XB1. I was going to wait till the price came down. Then I was gonna wait because I heard the latest model isn't worth it (to get that VR stuff) when a new console altogether is coming very soon. But man. I'm missing out. I miss playing on Xbox Live with my friends. I haven't played Halo 5 yet, and literally hate myself for not playing Star Wars Battlefront yet. WTF is wrong with me? Why am I doing this to myself with suffering and torment? <sigh> Should I just do it? I mean, I have finally achieved full-time at work, and in the next few months I'm basically going to get a raise of nearly $6 an hour. I was capped at part-time and now have to work up to the full-time cap, but I already have the required hours worked, they just can't give it to me all at once. That's a LOT more money. We typically get raises twice a year, in the $.05 - $.15 range (unless you're topped out). I could have afforded it before. But I'm trying to be responsible and save up for a car so I can finally move out. But man.. I really REALLY wanna do this. My Kindle died on me so I had to buy a new tablet, and dropped like $600 to Amazon like it was nothing just this last month. I've already replaced the cash now and have more in Savings now than I did before. Should I do it guys? Come on.. talk me in or out of it! lol
  17. For me, assume my Status is "Reading the Forums and Updating the High Score Tables"... if you wanna know what I'm playing, the signature does that.
  18. Nice one.. but @Cynicaster can't let that score go! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  19. I think it looks awesome. I just wish I had a next gen console lol.
  20. Heh almost didn't count without that screenshot. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  21. Ok I'm going to make a real dedicated effort to try and play this game some time this week. Not sure when, but I'm missing out! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  22. Nice score! Thanks for the submission! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  23. It's just our age getting in the way. I didn't want to believe it when Dad would tell me the same thing when I tried to get him to play games with me and my brother as kids. He was all "I'm too old to play those games, they're too complicated and fast". Now 30 years later, we're suffering from the same issues. As for your score.. don't feel bad about it at all. I haven't even posted up a score yet, so you're already doing better than me. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  24. Thanks! I'm feeling much better now. Still not 100%, but definitely in the +75%!
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