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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Mapping it to just left and right isn't enough though, that's why I'm not sure it'll work. You need to have it reverse too.
  2. I'm not a fan of the thick beard.. but hey.. It's Wolverine, my absolute favorite comic character of all time, and played by Hugh Jackman, my absolute favorite Wolverine actor (only seconded by Steve Blum) in what will hopefully be his crowing roll. I'm so very upset that he's leaving the franchise and hanging up his claws. He was an actor before, but not well known, then his breakout roll as Wolverine in the first X-Men movie put him in the spotlight. Years later, I can't think of anybody else who could play him. "He's the best there is at what he does". The trailer is leaving a lot of opportunities for speculation though... who's the girl? Is it X-23 (aka Laura Kinney, Wolverine's clone)? If that's the case, we could still see more "Wolverine" movies just with her as the lead (that's what Marvel comics did after they killed off Logan). But, in the comics, Logan is back.. He's "old" because he comes from the future, but he still lives. That's a nice chance for Hugh to come back. Be a mentor, etc. He won't have to do much action (although Old Logan in the comics is just as bit as gritty as ever). Maybe Hugh can do more cameos. I just hate that this is his last..
  3. WOW!! Now I want one.. even though I already made one out of a full size NES, and a mini Sega. lol
  4. Yeah I need to get back and change my settings so i can submit a score. I thought maybe I could change the controller layout to mimic my Atari way (stick controls up and down, thrust, and turning the other way reverses automatically) but I don't know how I can do that, since mapping a button to a stick axis is probably not a possible option in MAME. The problem I always have with this game, is I get anxiety when I start hearing the "cry for help" from the humans being picked up, and I start blasting blindly, and end up killing most of them outright. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  5. @stigzler Nope.. I'm actually surprised there wasn't like 4-5 guess of this already. I didn't get a chance to turn on my PC last night to see if anybody had any guesses, and only 1.. from today an hour ago is here. You guys don't know, or nobody ventured a guess yet? Here's another clue.. It's also a quote from a movie (which is why I don't care what platform the quote is from because it was on many). @Adultery - Check your PM's man. I got a problem with the DBM!
  6. Thanks for the approval MO, and thanks for being a good sport. I updated the board to show Cynicaster now holds the only entry, and I've updated YOUR entry to show it's been disqualified. I've also updated the board to show a link to the recommended instructions for getting the correct settings. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  7. Wow really? Sweet! Ok.. so this is a quote from possibly multiple games again.. I don't care what system, but the game is specific! "Leave them to me, I'll deal with them myself."
  8. Thanks for the information Cyn. The settings bit was a complete bust for me because I couldn't figure out how to get back in there and check them to make sure if they needed changed or not. We definitely need to change settings to match TG's. When I have a free moment, I'll try and make the changes here and see what needs fixed. So before I accept your score, I just want to make sure that you DO have the settings set to match TG now?
  9. Kratos sounds familiar..Like something out of a Clash of the Titans movie, but I don't know of any games that did that. It'd have to be a game that features an adult who is talking to a child... I've never played it (it's only for PlayStation and I was of the XB360 camp) but is it maybe God of War?
  10. I knew most of these, except for the Darth Vader chest writing, and the character partially named after Lucas' son. NEAT! I had heard about that mini poster but never saw anything to confirm it. Nice review. I agree with much you said. It definitely is a WAR movie, with a lot more violence than what existed in previous entries into the franchise. I mean, 2 tests from the super laser, while only using 1 reactor for each, shows how devastating the weapon will ultimately become. They wipe out entire cities without so much as a gasp from those who initiated it. I will say though, that you owe it to yourself to read the Rogue One: Catalyst book. I just finished it, and it leads right into the opening scenes of the movie, yet starts out when Lyra is pregnant with Jyn. It goes deep into the relationship between Erso and Krennic (and Krennic and Tarkin), how they were friends and Krennic was essentially lying to him about what his research into kyber crystals was ultimately being used for. It's a pretty good read, and helps you get more out of the Rogue One movie afterwards as you'll pick up a lot of the nuances that exist in the movie that you never realized were there before. -- Also, I agree somewhat with your statement about the women. I too feel that if another major female lead is next to come, it does appear to be an overcompensating saturation of female leads to help bring down the sexist female regime. However, I love women, and seeing them in prominent roles is a nice refresher to the over testosterone exhibition of men in these kinds of movies. But I'd hate it if going forward they feature more females just to make a point. It needs to be even. Jyn could have been a male character, and Cassian could have been female. Or even the other characters, like the pilot or one of the "mercs" they picked up. But I don't mind Jyn being female. It was nice. And she didn't really show any kind of feminine weakness, or get into any kind of sappy love story. She was an excellent, strong character. They all were. My only gripe was re-using editing room alternate cuts from A New Hope to fill in some of the scenes during the aerial assault scenes. I loved the movie. Can't wait to get it home on BluRay!
  11. The going theme for excuses (according to my previous poll) stems from lack of time to play. I think there's more to it than that, like when there IS time to play, nobody wants to play RETRO games. And take it a step further by saying if you have the time to play and want to play RETRO, you're probably not interested in playing anything in the high score competition because of 1) the games are too hard or 2) the ability to gain a significant placement on the boards requires greater skill than they're capable of. This seems to fit my own personal flow chart as well. I've been so busy with other things, I've not had time to play. When I do, it's usually not something RETRO. When I am feeling retro, I'll play something else rather than compete for a high score. I dunno why, it just seems like there's other things getting in my way, and I'm typically just interested in playing games I'm familiar with or had previously (or currently) owned. I'm starting to try new things, and if anything this HS competition is definitely helping to improve my exposure to them. Personally, I don't think it has anything to do with Michael Jackson. Rumors and politics aside, MJ was a pretty cool guy. He just sorta lost it later in life, but in the mid to late 80's and early 90's, he really was the King of Pop. I wish I got to meet him, or at least be at one of his concerts. His music and videos were awesome, especially Moonwalker. The game is campy and cheesy, but it fit the targeted audience perfectly, and only MJ could get away with it. When he passed away, something special died with him. His legacy still lives on though. I myself am ashamed I've not played this yet. If it's any consolation, I played the MJ slot machine at the casino... Updated OP, DB, RSS
  12. Way to set the bar high! Good job MO! Updated OP, DB, RSS -->Also a quick heads up. I sent Adultery an email asking about the DBM program. I'm getting a couple of errors, so the input I've added may not actually save. This means access to the high scores from within GameEx may not be fully updated (like, Defender may be missing from the list, and the updated leaderboard may be "out of date"). Hopefully I'll hear back from Adultery soon and this will all be resolved quickly!
  13. Yeah, why they try to be all like "we don't lip sync" and then she gets totally exposed.
  14. F.E.A.R Just a guess, since you said 360/PS3, and it has the word fear in it lol.
  15. Thanks for the enthusiasm MO. Looking forward to this new year of gaming and a slew of new high scores!
  16. Here's to 4! Congrats on the win MO!
  17. Updated to remove Defender, as it was chosen as a new addition to the competition. Please keep those submissions for ideas coming!
  18. Defender is an arcade video game developed and released by Williams Electronics in February 1981.[1] A horizontally scrolling shoot 'em up, the game is set on a fictional planet where the player must defeat waves of invading aliens while protecting astronauts. Development was led by Eugene Jarvis, a pinball programmer at Williams; Defender was Jarvis' first video game project and drew inspiration from Space Invaders and Asteroids. Defender was one of the most important titles of the Golden Age of Video Arcade Games, selling over 55,000 units to become the company's best selling game and one of the highest-grossing arcade games ever. Praise among critics focused on the game's audio-visuals and gameplay. It is frequently listed as one of Jarvis' best contributions to the video game industry, as well as one of the most difficult video games. Though not the first game to scroll horizontally, it created the genre of purely horizontal scrolling shooters. It inspired the development of other games and was followed by sequels and many imitations. There were many ports to contemporary systems, most of them by either Atari, Inc. or its software label for non-Atari platforms, Atarisoft. - Quote from Wikipedia It should be noted, that in order to actually START this game, I had to press F3. The need to change the dip switches in unavailable, as they're software controlled rather than hardware. When you first start the game, that programmable software is displayed. Then you can change the various aspects of the game. Since I was only interested at discovering what the default settings are, I didn't make any changes to mine. After pressing F3, I was unable to figure out how to get back into the system to make the necessary changes. To that end, I'm perfectly satisfied if you don't make any changes. This game is already going to cause a lot issues with controls. If we get any submissions at all, it'll be a miracle. Happy gaming!
  19. Mame Offender - 53,275 (link) Defender Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 Mame Offender 53,275 2 hansolo77 48,500 3 Cynicaster 36,950 4 patrickfx 33,200 5 ExedExes 25,125 6 rtkiii 15,500 7 Luigimaker 8,625 Last Updated by hansolo77: 02-24-2018 Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Defender: ROMSet: Defender Starting ships: 5 Number of ships is game adjustment 09 [set to 5] Bonus ship level is game adjustment 08 [set to 0] All other game adjustments should be default. Special Rules: None Special Note - Feel free to set up your control panel in whatever layout is best for you. The original control panel layout is most likely not how yours is set up. As long as you can play the game, We'll not be concerned with the controls.. *As this game does NOT have any kind of dip switches, the ability to change the settings requires software modification. Please confirm you've made the above adjustments to the number of ships available and on the bonus, so that we know you're using strict TG's rules. A detailed walkthrough of performing these adjustments is given to us thanks to Cynicaster here [link]. Entries not matching these rules will not be accepted. The green coloured default values match the Twin Galaxies settings. The red coloured values need to be changed! # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide: # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide: # general rules for submitting you hi-score:
  20. Make it quick, I'm ready to finalize this month's GOTM.
  21. 2016 just can't end fast enough. Try working in a grocery store, with 5 (FIVE!) major events are happening. We get busy when just ONE of them is going on! OSU Buckeyes playing a football bowl game. Columbus Blue Jackets playing for their 15th straight win (a tie for the franchise only happening 1 other time (and they did it!!)) New Year's Eve (parties and drunkards all over place) Bad Weather (people freak the f* out when they say "snow" on tv, we got non-sticking flurries and the shelves were wiped) 1st of the month tomorrow (lots of people around here get their government assist checks (welfare, social security, food stamps, etc..) on the 1st. Because of the holiday, it came TODAY). Seriously.... we get busy every Saturday during football season. Like CRAZY busy. Then we had the Blue Jackets, who have routinely sucked @$$ and are now doing extremely well thanks a fully healthy roster. People gonna be watching this and partying, bunch of posers. I've been watching them since game one, hoping for some good turnout. New Year's Eve is always crazy busy in the Liquor Store, people getting drunk. They come around to the Deli to get the munchies. Bad Weather causes so much drama with these idiot people. "Oh, we need to buy EVERYTHING we can get our hands on because we're gonna get snowed in and be stranded for days without food". 1st of the month is the worst. Brings out the worst people. People who should be WORKING, getting their groceries. They're rude and unworthy. They got no business shopping for deli meats, party trays, cakes, etc with Food Stamps. They need to be buying necessities, like Milk, Bread, and Soap (I had to add that one if you smelled some of the people coming in today). UHG!!! I'm glad to finally be home and off my feet. And I'm off tomorrow thank God. So yeah, Happy New Year everybody! Hope the change over is safe for you and your family. In reality, tomorrow's just another day, but hey.. it's still fun to say "SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!"
  22. Just to throw into the mix... William Christopher, Father Mulcahey from M*A*S*H today too. JEEZ!
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