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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Thanks Tom!
  2. Yup, I vaguely remember Atari's downfall. I told dad about this this thread, and about how Atari's is treating that "asteroids" guy. He just went nuts. Dad was always an Atari fanboy. He had the 2600, 2 of the Atari 800 8-bit computers, and the Atari ST. He was a full supporter (although also a pirate <snicker>). He said Atari just one day decided to stop everything and completely left the scene, leaving it's fanbase stranded. For YEARS they were silent, non-supportive of anything the population tried to do, and ultimately turned their backs to everything. Atari just flat out gave up, and didn't care anymore. Now all of a sudden, they CARE? They don't want anything to tarnish their name? For Christ's sake, they abandoned everybody and the entire industry, without warning. When you do that, you pretty much have no control anymore over the things people do. Kinda reminds me of what happened to the guys that created the Superman comics. For years, they tried to get their comic going in the newspapers, but nobody wanted to publish them. So they developed a comic book and found a publisher (later known as DC Comics) to publish their stories. All of a sudden, the population loved them, and the newspapers were quick to want to buy into the biz. Many years later, the creators had a problem with the way DC Comics were controlling their stories, preventing them from telling them the way they wanted. So DC Comics FIRED the creators, saying Superman was a DC trademark and they could do whatever they wanted with him. That put the 2 creators of the greatest comic book hero out on the street because the company took over. They tried to sue DC for rights infringement, and for not paying out royalties to them. They lost, and for something like 30 years the creator's were forgotten. Then they made the Christopher Reeve movies, and the director pitied the situation with the creators, and fought the DC Comics company. They never got their job back, never got their super hero back, but now get a percentage of royalties, and a subtitle at the start of the comics saying they're created it.
  3. This is a tough one for me. I've never had that kind of problem. Somebody with a little more .net knowledge might be a bit more helpful. Here's a few things I think that might help though... i can reproduce this when i start Gameex with the -listupdate string Why are you running this command line? You should be able to just launch GameEx directly. It looks like it updates the MAME database just fine. If you need to update the list in the future, you can do it directly from within GameEx (if you have the option enabled in the setup wizard). (taken from the GameEx log) 12:42:24.0 09.09.2011: Cannot Load Play List. Check Path and filename Are you using a Custom Menu layout? I think this error in the log is reporting you don't have any game lists. If you're just using MAME right now, you need to make sure you have it setup to display on the Start Page. If you're using Custom Menu's, you need to make sure you have it setup properlly there as well. This might be what's hanging you up too. (taken from the first line of the error log) Informationen über das Aufrufen von JIT-Debuggen I believe the JIT-Debugger is actually from JAVA isn't it? Are you sure you have the latest version of Java installed? You mentioned you have the latest version of .net, but I would check JAVA too, just to be safe. Hope this helps a little. Again, I'm not proficient in these types of errors. I would start with those suggestions I made, and go from there. If I got that kind of error, that's where I would start. Then I would post here, like you did, and hope somebody else can help. Good Luck! And welcome to the forum!
  4. ....wow 4tb's? I still have 500gb drives in my server. And even then, I only have 4.2 tb's total in 10 drives! I finally bought my first 1tb drive for it just a few months ago. And it didn't even work on any of my SATA controller cards (pci expansion controllers) because it was too large. It only worked on a dedicated motherboard controller. I highly doubt it will handle 4tb's. I'd almost bet it wouldn't even handle a 2tb. I remember lots of talk about how the 3tb's would cause major headaches to users because of the contoller size, and that some people would actually have to engage a jumper on the drive, limiting it's capacity. Granted, I'd love to have one, or 10. To replace all my 500gb's would be awesome. But eventually I'd get to the point where I had all these extra spare drives and nothing to use them for! What a terrible thought!
  5. I find that second reading absolutely rediculous. Just because the guy has 'asteroids' in his domain name, he's getting a ceast and desist order?! That's like them going after a pest control website that gets rid of 'centipede' problems! How can they possibly own the rights to a common word? Next, they'll be trying to sue NASA for using the term 'lunar lander'. What a joke! Clearly a sign of the crippling economy, with them trying to sue for outrageous claims just to try and get some money.
  6. I'd be interested, IF I had an iPAD. Since I only have an iPOD, this probably wouldn't work for me. And I don't really see the advantage of it, considering it only runs the offical Atari Museum (I think thats what it's called) app, that probably has the controls onscreen for the touch play. Not really advantageous there... But, if I had the money, and didn't care; I'd agree with Adultery and probably get the iCade.
  7. Oh.. Guess I just never use GameEx's built in Music Player. I prefer Media Center's since it loads my embedded artwork with ease.
  8. Hey Draco, what visualization(s) are you using? Looks like you got some different ones than just the ones that come with Media Player...
  9. I don't think his problem is with it running in full screen. It sounds like he wants to display a full single page at a time, rather than have it zoomed in to fill the entire screen, where you have to scroll the page to read it all. I, too, don't know of any way to accomplish this, outside of just running Adobe Reader separately (outside of GameEx).
  10. Looks good Draco. Can't wait to try this on my own system!
  11. Nope, I guess Dad's planning on getting married in October. That probably wouldn't work out to well.
  12. Extra day off?! HAH! I had the day off, then my mom called me and wanted me to help her move. So my brother and I were the only people she could get to move all her heavy stuff in 1 truck load. I about broke my back trying to lift a hide-a-bed couch up a flight of stairs to her apartment. Uhg. I wish she'd just get over it and move back in with dad.
  13. Thanks for the translations. I don't need them, but thanks for helping the community out anyway!
  14. Sorry for the late comment; thanks Tom!
  15. Woot Woot!! Heheh.
  16. Great! Glad you got it to work.
  17. Stupid iPod. Why won't they get flash on them? GRRRR!
  18. Hells ya! I live in Columbus Ohio. Just got back from the computer store (Micro Center), took 315 and it goes right past OSU stadium. I saw the crowd, and the blimp. Listening to the game on the radio, about 15 minutes into 1st period, then the last 5 in the 2nd on the way home. Akron sucks!
  19. Thanks for the updates Tom!
  20. Wow, I can only stand to listen to the first one till they started talking.. I couldn't even listen to the 2nd one with all the foul langauge in the first 10 seconds. Am I just getting old? 31 is the new 70. LOL!
  21. I check for firmwares all the time. http://www.samsung.com/us/support/downloads/BD-C6500/XAA I curently have v1021.4. The last update was back in April. That enabled 1 of my Disney BluRays to work, but not all of them. They probably won't ever fix the problem I'm having because they feel my problem is in a very small percentage of the rest of the world. I'd estimate only about 1,000 out of 100,000+ players have this problem. That's only 10%. If it was a LOT higher, they might be a little more concerned. But they're just happy to shrug it off and not provide any support at all. They know that 'most' people don't have this problem. Draco's is proof, and the thousands of positive reviews the player gets on Amazon, Samsung's site, C-Net, Home Theater sites, etc are all further proof. I just wish they'd acknowledge the problem. I don't even care if they fix it, because I have work arounds. But why be so blatently refusing to say "yes, it's a problem." The best I ever got was a "it's a known problem and a fix is in the works". But even that hasn't happened yet. I saw last week somebody reported a problem with one of their new 3D players, and Samsung sent out a new firmware within 2 days to fix the problem. When I asked about mine, other user's reported this player is now 'no longer supported' which makes me think they've given up on the issue. I've not taken my BluRay player to my brother's. However, he has borrowed my BluRay movies to watch on his PS3, and they play fine. Frankly, I don't see what the advantage would be, accept to test the online functionality. I'm pretty confident though that the problem I'm having is not related to my ISP/Modem, as I stated earlier that none of my other devices have this problem.
  22. I have trouble with streaming, but that's not ALL I'm having. Plus, the thing with Netflix is a complete joke. I have other devices I can use with Netflix; XBOX360, Internet Explorer, Windows Media Center, My Brothers PS3. NONE of them have the load time delay. They all start playing within a matter of seconds. Only when I use this BluRay player do I have the apparent load times. It's completely unusable, so I never use it. I use the Media Center version. It's better organized anyway, and loads up instantly on whatever I choose to watch. What really aggrevates me more than anything is Samsung not acknowledging the problem. They say it's something I am doing wrong. They say there's a problem with MY equipment (like you suggested about the ISP/modem), not their player. Plus, it's not just about the Netflix. I'm fine with using Netflix on the computer. I'd just really like the player to work as advertised on the box when it comes to loading and playing BluRay disks. "Start's Playing BluRays in as Little as 3 Seconds!". Maybe that's what the little loading bar in the bottom corner is for. But the rest of the minutes long black screens, it's unneccessary, and not what I bought the player for. If I knew loading movies takes almost 10 minutes from putting in the disk to actually having the movie playing, I wouldn't have wasted my $299 for the player. The thing is, it DOESN'T take that long on my brothers PS3, and it DOESN'T take that long on my computer's BluRay drive. The problem is with the player! And Samsung refuses to admit they had a faulty batch (since Draco's apparently works brilliantly). I'd send it back to them for a replacement using a batch that works correctly, but they've told me my warranty doesn't cover that. The warranty covers situations where a piece is broke when I take it out of the box. That's about it. I'm fed up with Samsung. I'll never buy another Samsung product.
  23. Here's the 2nd video I made earlier today. This shows how long it takes for a FOX bluray to get to the FOX trailer. I wish I had left it recording. After the FOX trailer, it went to a little animated FOX logo icon that lasted about 3 minutes, then the screen went completely black for another 2 before actually showing the menu. Would like feedback if anybody has any...
  24. Yes, the only way to get rid of the Nag Screen is to compile your own version. MAME is only released 1 way, with the nag screen. If you've downloaded a version of MAME that didn't have the nag screen, you got it illegally, as it's in the license agreement with MAME that it must be included with any official release. Compiling your own version is the only way to get the nag screen off, enable cheats, enable highscores, and anything else you might want to do that is different from the official release. It's not hard to do, especially if you use HK's MAME compiler.
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