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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. I got a PSX and PS2 with some games. Don't really have the money though to go out and buy the necessary hardware to capture them into the computer. I used to have a capture card, but I gave it to my brother years ago for his HTPC. The only thing I have now is 3 Hauppauge DVR cards that can only do coaxial cables.
  2. I was going to mention coverflow too, but I thought about it and decided to wait a until this is more refined and stable before starting up more requests. That 2nd video is awesome, and exactly what GameEx needs to keep up to date. Looking good Tom!
  3. Yeah, the picture I showed here was of my main/media center case. My OTHER case, which I used strictly for gaming, is so far gone. The hard drive in it stopped working about a week before the fire, so the case had been open while I was working on replacing the drive. Then when the fire came, the ceiling collapsed down and sideways against the case, knocking it over, and the insides completely vulnerable. When it was all said and done, there was a pool of water in the case about 3 inches deep (some had drained out), and there was cheap fuzzy insulation all thrown around inside. I didn't bother to save any of the components that were left, like the motherboard, processor, ram, $500 video card, etc, but I saved the case. I haven't been able to save up enough money to rebuild this computer, so it's just sitting in the closet, still filled with all the insulation crud. Whenever I get the chance, I'm gonna take it outside and powerwash it out.
  4. I think your theme looks awesome, can't wait to see it released.
  5. This looks like a step towards Media Browser, which I'm for completely. Gone would be the days of the old 2005 MCE style menus, and bring in the new tab style browsing. http://www.mediabrowser.tv/
  6. I voted for ya, not really sure what it's for. Is it just a competition for who has the crummiest case or something? I think my fire survivor would probably be a good case to use.
  7. hansolo77


    For MAME, you need to hit [TAB] while in game, and configure the controls. You can configure default controls for all games, but some may require an additional tweak here and there as needed. For emulators, your best bet is to get them working outside of GameEx first. A lot of emulators like to run in full screen, and you can't access the options menu with your mouse from that. If you use MESS for some emulators, you configure your gamepad the same way there as you do with MAME, by hitting [TAB].
  8. I've known about it for a long time too. Thought all the 'regulars' knew about it. Huh.
  10. Tom is right. If it's a MAME game, just press whatever you use to add a coin. If it's an emulator, I think you just need to hit whatever you have mapped to 'start', thus taking over the game.
  11. Currently, I think the only thing you can do is make a batch file that would 'move' your extracted ISO to another folder, then just run it directly via something like an external application.
  12. Keep up the great work Tom!
  13. You should still be able to sign up for tester access. I figured they would either accept or deny you, and if accepted you would have EARLY beta access (like months ago) and be able to continue testing right up till release day. Turns out the way they're doing it is having a preselected group of people over certain periods of patching. That way they can get a feel for the market with fresh faces in every beta group. My test will take place this weekened, addressing specific issues made revelant in previous beta group testing. If I provide enough quality feedback of my test experience, they said I may be selected for further testing access. After testing, I assume I'm free to play throughout the remaining test time. I'll at least get a feel for the game, and verify my computer system is adequet enough to play it before I go out and buy it. I remember when I beta'd Star Wars Galaxies, I got a free in-game gift (wearable sunglasses.. woo) and a 50% discount coupon for the Collector's Edition of the game when it came out (much more valuable, with a book, artbook, map, sew-on patch, soundtrack, behind the scenes DVD, and exclusive preferred access to the game when the servers were busy). I have high hopes for this game. If the previous games released by these guys are any clue to the quality of their products, this should easily be worth the time and money. I know I can't talk about the game once I start testing (like who'll know, but I'm a legit guy about it) so I won't be able to talk about it here afterwards. Hope too see ya round the galaxy!
  14. I played the X360 version and loved it. Granted the PS3 version was all on one disk, it was really cool being able to play as a "CSI COP" from the booming Hollywood days. Wish there were more games like it.
  15. Anybody interested in playing this when it comes out? I know there's a few Star Wars buffs in here. I've been waiting for what seems like forever. I loved Galaxies until they rebuilt the classes and made JEDI a starting profession. That's when I quit playing. Now with a new Star Wars MMO coming out, it's gonna be awesome again! I got an email yesterday that I was selected to be a tester for the game before it comes out (I think it's December 20th). The "beta" test will be this weekend, 11/11/11 to 11/13/11. I'm looking forward to trying it out. Was curious if anybody else on here got an invite and would maybe like to buddy up in a party.
  16. More news, and a release date: http://pc.ign.com/articles/121/1211970p1.html Pretty cool video trailer on there too, with Leonard Nimoy narrating a backstory that makes the game look really REALLY interesting. SAVE THE DATE: January 17, 2012.
  17. I guess I completly missed that part about the separate folder paths for artwork. That's worthy of a new version number in itself. Not just a .point. I already said thanks once, but this deserves another! Now to get them all setup. THANKS TOM!!!
  18. I don't believe the weather icon's were included until version 3 or 4 themes. It's nice to have for sure.
  19. Wow, I never made it past Algebra 2. That looks like Calculus or Trigonometry. Way too complicated for me! That reminds me of a picture I saw a while back where somebody ordered a pizza and had a special request to have it sliced in an isosceles triangle, which of course they did.
  20. Well, I got an email from them a few weeks ago saying the whole fiasco with splitting the company and changing the dvd-by-mail service name to "Qwikster" turned out to be not a great idea, and they decided not to go with it. However, the last I heard was they're still splitting the company, still keeping the current pricing structure, still losing 80% of streaming content (Starz) very soon, and still keeping everything under the Netflix name. There's rumors that they 'might' offer a 2-month free grace period for people to return to Netflix if you cancelled because of this. Since I didn't cancel, I don't think it's fair that I myself wouldn't be privy to such a deal. If anything, those customers who stayed with them should get preferential treatment, like a discount for a year or something. Otherwise, I could just quit now, then sign back up and reap the benefits.
  21. Looks really cool! It helps to have a decent audio track to key too.
  22. RE: http://money.msn.com/top-stocks/post.aspx?post=adbf739e-2f2c-418c-a40c-f9e8d19f82e5 Here's the latest.. stock reports are in, and surpise? Netflix is down 800,000 members! Like they didn't expect it to happen? They're in shock? Whatever.
  23. I think he's talking about the mouse arrow being displayed on screen. I believe this has something to do with DirectX, but I'm not entirely sure. The mouse arrow should disappear as soon as another controller takes over, like a keyboard, gamepad, etc. The only time the arrow should be showing is when the mouse is actively being used. Unless you have GameEx running in a window. Are you sure you're running GameEx in Fullscreen?
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