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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Ok, so here's the first video I uploaded to YouTube. It shows how long I have to wait before Netflix videos start playing. Oddly enough, the video I chose has an [HD] logo next to the title, and it actually played. Perhaps Netflix fixed the [HD] streaming since I last tried. Regardless, this video still shows that it takes WAY too long to start a video. You can tell I didn't edit the video in any way because the ceiling fan is on in the reflection. I put in the description a little bit more detail about the video, such as the excuses Samsung Support gave me. Enjoy! Draco; could you confirm this with your player to see if it's like this for you too?
  2. I don't have Daphne setup on my system, but from the looks of the setup program (while glancing by) I think you're just looking at the default pre-config menus. You'll have to go in manually and edit the Daphne setup for your specific situation. What's on there right now is just a generic "this is how it should look" setup. You will have to add your own settings, paths, etc. You can also reoganize them in any way you want.
  3. Well, my internet upload speed really REALLY sucks, but I'm uploading a couple of videos to show you guys how bad this really is. Perhaps Draco can compare these to his. If they're the same, I won't worry so much. But if not, I'm definately going to have to consider getting a new one. EDIT - WOW, what a waste of time. Just spent like the last 2 hours uploading two video clips to Photobucket.. Neither one of them were successful, saying "Video Error" and that Photobucket had a problem with them. So... anybody know a decent site I can upload videos too? OOOh i know, Youtube!
  4. I'm not getting my pinball setup right now, but I plan to eventually here soon. Just waiting for some cash to get a bigger drive. From what I remember, Visual Pinball has user created tables that are either Recreated tables (real tables) or use made up tables. PinMAME or Visual PinMAME are ROMS that go with the user Recreated tables, that give you things like the animated score boards. Future Pinball is the "next stage in pinball evolution" that completely rewrote Visual Pinball from the ground up, giving better graphics, etc. When I last setup Future Pinball, there weren't any PinMAMEs that use it.
  5. That's the exact same one I have! I put the C in the wrong place, but that's it! Why would your's work but mine would have the same problem with 2 different ones? Did my store just get a bad batch maybe? Uhg that sucks, now I'm mad again, because somebody else has the same model with no problems! GRRR!! Ok, do you have the Family Guy Star Wars BluRays? Can you test and see how long it takes to load up? Maybe I'm just impatient and it's the same for you.
  6. I was just about to suggest that too. I thought perhaps he wasn't online, and the database that was hanging was the "GameEx Arcade", not MAME. If he's not online, or doesn't have an account with GameEx Arcade, I could see that causing the problem. I just loaded up GameEx myself and saw it 'stall' a few seconds on "GameEx Arcade", but it's the last one, which would make him think that's whats hanging. Glad you got it fixed Stigt! That was a new feature/addon recently added back about 8 or so updates ago. It gives you direct in-menu access to the GameEx arcade; an in-browser java/flash game room here: http://arcade.gameex.com/
  7. Yeah, one of my Canadian buddies (whom I play Halo with every night I can) has has the model directly under mine (Mine added wireless networking, while his has wired). His works like a dream he says. Mine has just ALWAYS given me trouble, from excessively long load times, to just downright pitiful media support. All this from a supposedly NEWER model.
  8. It looks like it's just loading up your emulator caches... Have you tried just letting it sit and finish loading? How long have you waited? If it's truely hanging on the MAME part, I would erase that cache and recreate it, as it may have been corrupted.
  9. Can you post your log for us to look at? Then we can see where exactly it's hanging up at.
  10. Welcome to the forums! Welcome to GameEx! The community here is top notch, and I'm sure we'll find your solution in no time. First and foremost, you'll need to tell us a little more about your setup. Can you please post a copy of your gameex.ini file and your log? This will help use better troubleshoot where the problem is. If you're having 'GameEx has encountered a problem' then there is probably something not configured right. Have you tried running MAME outside of GameEx to see if you have MAME setup right?
  11. Hey guys; So I bit the bullet a while ago and bought a new stand alone BluRay player. I was fed up with the crappy lack of BluRay implementation in my HTPC (actually, I read that Microsoft will NEVER release a driver/software capable of rendering BluRay while in Media Center because they're so pissed their HD-DVD format didn't win the HD war). This is also why they're not going to include BluRay in any new XBOX models (since BluRay is Sony, and the devil to them). Microsoft may break though, as there's just no better medium out there right now, and with a new XBOX model in the works, they'll pretty much have to, to be able to survive the next generation war against Nintendo and Playstation. Anyway, didn't mean to go off on a tangent there... So this BluRay player I got is from Samsung. It's a BD-6500C. I bought it because I have a Samsung HD Tv, and was happy with the brand. That turned out to be a mistake. Apparently this model has really poor support. It refuses to play some of my BluRays, because of new copy protections. It just flashes up that the disk is dirty or something and needs to be replaced. When they DID send out a firmware update for the player (only 1 since I've bought it), it didn't update to the most recent protections, and thus 2 of my BluRays still refuse to play. Also, It takes FOREVER to load the disks. Advertised right on the box, it says it's the fastest BluRay loader in the market. They're saying like 3 second boot times. If I turn the device on, eject, put in a BluRay, hit eject to close, it should take 3 seconds before the menu is up, but instead takes almost 3 minutes for a Paramount BluRay, 2 minutes on Fox, and the 1 Disney I have the actually loads is about 1 1/2 minutes. Seems pretty slow to me. I tested it with the BluRay drive in my HTPC, and it loads in less than 20 seconds on everything I throw at it. It almost seems like this BluRay player from Samsung is just a glorified DVD player, that has just begun to play BluRays, but isn't fully supported yet. The other thing I really hate about this player is the online functionality. It has very few apps, of which all cost like $4.99 to get, and are all just slideshows of artwork. The only one that's worth anything is the NetFlix app, that comes preinstalled. But even that's a joke and a half. The menu layout for the movies is so screwed up, it's impossible to navigate. You can't "search" for anything, and can only browse item lists 50 movies deep. If you're lucky enough to find a movie you want to watch, you literally have to wait 5 minutes for it to load. I know, I've timed it. From pressing [ENTER] on the play button onscreen, it goes to a black screen with the title in text in the center, and then a blank loading bar at the bottom for 5 minutes. Then suddenly it shows the load bar fill up in less than 2 seconds, and start playing. The NetFlix app will show HD streaming content, but is incapable of displaying them (actually says "this stream format is not supported). Why would it display it if it's not supported? Speaking of unsupported streams, if you want, you can burn your movies to CD/DVD and watch them directly with this player. HOWEVER, it only likes Xvid/Divx. It says it supports h.264 but doesn't. It says it supports .mkv, but it doesn't. What I've found you have to do is rename the files to .avi before you can even see the file on the disk. After that, it's a guessing game to hope the encoder used a setting it's capable of reading. So far, I can only get it to play .mkv containers that have a divx/xvid video and an mp3 in 128k bitrate. Anything higher, it just screeches and screams. Videos always stutter. I've tried burning at lower speeds, faster speeds, different media, even using a USB stick (the one good thing about this player). It doesn't matter. So what have I done about it? Well, right off the bat, I joined Samsungs support forum and wrote a very long pissed off topic about my problems. Turns out I'm not alone, not by a long shot. I was told to try Googling the model number, and sure enough; there's a TON of people out there having these same problems. So I took the player back to exchange it. They refused to exchange it for something else, only another identical model. So I did, and it still does the same thing. I then emailed Samsung's support directly. It took them 2 weeks to tell me the firmware is bad and to force a manual reset and redownload the firmware. Of course, I did it, and it didn't help. So I wrote them back and told them it didn't help, pointed them to my support thread on their forum. Then 3 weeks went buy after receing the "we have received your email and will be in contact when we have a solution). Their return email finally said "take it back to the store you got it from and exchange it." I blew my top! I was so f@#%ing pissed. I took it back, and they said it was past 90 days and they can't honor their return policy, but would exchange it with a restocking fee of 20%. I said no thanks, and took it home again. Wrote Samsung back again, told them it was past the return date, and asked them to PLEASE escalate the matter to a supervisor. The supervisor replied back, said to call him directly at a toll free number. We troubleshooted for almost an hour, with him having me do a forced reset/re-download of firmware, trying various BluRay disks, and online functions. He even did a remote connection from his computer directly to the BluRay player, and tested for latency, and verified via a system test that all the memory and such in the ROM was working as it should. He said it looked fine to him, but he would escalate it to "level 2". Level 2 sent me an email, saying they reviewed the issues and troubleshooting steps, and confirm this is a 'KNOWN' problem. They said a firmware patch is in the works, and when released I should re-try everything all over again, including a force reset. This email is still sitting in my inbox (so I know how long it takes) from back in February. They have still not released any updates for copy protection, or new firmwares to update compatibility with other media, and nothing at all about NetFlix (they actually said NetFlix wrote the app, and they have no control over it). So yeah, needless to say I bought a new BluRay movie, and it doesn't work. So I've gone back to my Level 2 email, and replied asking when this new update is coming out. That was 2 days ago, I haven't heard from them yet. This is really rediculous. So um; What BluRay players do you guys have? Can anybody recommend one for me? I'm thinking I'll just pass this one down to Dad, and get a new one. Here are my pre-requisits: - Plays ALL BluRays, preferrably in less than 3 minutes. - Accesses BD Live functionality (although there's never really anything out there worth having this for anyway) - Allows playing of downloaded media/movies without limitations on bitrate/format. - Has Netflix (not required, but a plus if the layout/menu is decent).
  12. The house is still standing, that's all that matters.
  13. It's not really 'drastic', just seems like a way to solve the problem that's not ideal. The write-protect option limits the functionality of Fusion from saving any other changes I might need to make. I may not ever have to make changes, but if I do, it would be nice to be able to SAVE them. Adultery's idea of a separate copy of Fusion seems to be working great for now though, I think I'll just stick to that.
  14. The above responses are correct. With mess64, you don't want to use -nonewui switch. Also, make absolute sure you have your command as mess64.exe and not mess.exe. If you use the default setting from GameEx (when it auto downloads the settings), it uses mess.exe and doesn't work because you don't actually HAVE that program. Also, make sure all your paths are correct. One little mistake can cause it not to load too. This probably isn't the problem since you are getting a rom list though, but it doesn't hurt to double check. Lastly, you say your roms are zipped. Is that all they are? ZIPPED? If they're in 7z, you need to enable the 7z support in GameEx, as MESS doesn't unzip 7z yet.
  15. I'm not mounting any images. Fusion has built-in capabilities to read iso's directly. For the half dozen or so games I have on the hard drive, it's a simple matter of telling Fusion (via command line) where the iso is located, and Fusion does the rest. When NOT using an ISO, Fusion has the ability to read from the CD drive, thus allowing you to play directly off an actual CD, not an ISO. When playing a game on the CD, Fusion need's to be told to use the CD drive to find the game, otherwise it doesn't know where to find it, and just loads up with nothing (the Sega CD boot rom, but with nothing loaded). I've test this outside of GameEx previously. That I how I figured out what it's doing. It changes the drive path setting in the INI when loading from an iso to 'None'. That then disables the auto-load from CD via GameEx. That's why I need a way to inject the drive path setting via Command Line so that the bat file works. Another solution I'm thinking might be possible is if Fusion can load a specfic ini file. Then I could just have 2 ini files, one for "iso" and one for "CD". Then just use the command line to tell it which ini file to use, based on the method needed.
  16. I don't mind testing. This works fine for now. I figured there'd be some kind of command line to force it to load the CD drive. I just have to dig a little and see what I can come up with. I'm off tomorrow, and I usually work better at figuring stuff out on my day's off.
  17. Hope everybody's safe and ok.
  18. I never thought of that. I'm using a separate copy of Fusion for every Sega console.. Master System, Game Gear, Genesis, 32, CD. Might as well have a separate for direct boot CD too. Glad you thought of it Adultery!
  19. Yea; the Fusion.ini file. I have a few Sega CD games on the hard drive, and when I play them through GameEx, the Fusion.ini file changes the line "DefaultDrive=5:0:0 HL-DT-ST BDDVDRW GGC-H20L 1.03" to "DefaultDrive=X:X:X None". It does that, apprently, so Fusion doesn't try to load the iso from the CD drive. This is fine, but after it does that, I can no longer direct boot from the CD drive, since the INI is now configured as "DefaultDrive=X:X:X None" and Fusion doesn't know where to find the CD. If there is some way to have Fusion just start up with "DefaultDrive=5:0:0 HL-DT-ST BDDVDRW GGC-H20L 1.03" for my direct boot (by adding a line to the command line for instance) that would be all I need.
  20. This method works great. I created a bat file, changed the Z to F for my drive, and it loads great! Only problem I have now is that whenever I load a Sega CD game off the hard drive, it changes the settings in the emulator back to "None" as the CD Drive to use. It no longer boots CD games from my drive unless I manually change it back. I'm trying the "read-only" approach, by making the file uneditable, but this seems drastic. Does anybody know of a way (via command line that I could add to the bat file) of forcing Fusion to load a specific drive?
  21. Nice idea. I rarely use Twitter, mostly because I can never remember my login information. I like to read Facebook on my iPod before I go to bed, but I don't really post much. I don't have a cell phone, so all those "social networking" type things don't really appeal to me as something I need to be constantly keeping in touch with and updating. Still, I think it's a cool idea to have them incorporated in GameEx...just further showing the awesome expandable power!
  22. Looks good. Is that for your "Web Applications?"
  23. Woah woah woah guys! I was being a smartass! I know you guys are a big help, and it's got nothing to do with me being impatient! Sheesh, way to make a guy feel bad. I was just expressing my happiness in that I was able to find it first, without having to wait for somebody else to try and troubleshoot it with me. I'll fix that post so nobody else has any moments.
  24. EDIT: Misunderstood smartass remark removed. So I spent a few hours today, trying to figure out how to make this thing work, and I just couldn't figure it out. So I did a Google (gasp!) search on the web for "winuae fullscreen" and found this link as the first suggestion: http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=33928 Turns out, it wasn't that hard to get working then. For some reason, WinUAE always loads a generic default setup, no matter what you do. You can save your settings, but you have to MANUALLY load those settings each and every time you start WinUAE. Perhaps this is a new failsafe feature in my version, I dunno. So anyway, GameBase has 2 settings it uses, each for a specific type of file (regular vs. WHDLoad). All I had to do was open each setting file and configure the new settings for Full Screen, then re-save (overwriting) the file using the same name. I did this for both files. Now when GameBase is running, it automatically tells WinUAE which setting file to load, and does all the work for you (hence why we love GameBase ). The hard part is that when you're loading and saving your settings files, it doesn't display in the dialog box that you have it open, but you do. As for the settings themselves, this is what I had to change. If you have a 16x9 display, and want the emulator to run in FULL SCREEN, and have (as close as you can) correct aspect ratio, I chose these settings: (All Settings under Host/Display Tab) Screen Box: Full Screen Drop Down: Primary Display Adapter / 720x480 / 16 / Default Screen Box: Windowed: 640x512 Centering Box: [x] Horizontal / [x] Vertical Settings Box: Native Mode Drop Down: Fullscreen + VSync Settings Box: RTG Mode Drop Down: Windowed Settings Box: [x] Correct Aspect Ratio Settings Box: [ ] Force Low Resolution Settings Box: [ ] Filtered Low Resolution Settings Box: Refresh Bar: Every Frame Settings Box: FPS ADJ: 50 Line Mode Box: Double Thats it. Make sure you make these changes to BOTH the "GameBase Amiga.uae" and "WHDLoad.uae" files in the GameBase Amiga sub folder of GameBase. Hope this helps somebody out there!
  25. For your 2nd issue, I can answer that. You might need a registered version of GameEx, I'm not really sure since mine is alread. You need to create a GameEx Live Tag from here: http://www.gameex.com/Community/GetaGametag.aspx After that, you'll get an email with your information. Go into your forum profile, and add the information you got in your email into your signature. Piece of cake!
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