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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Offtopic; WHS is awesome if I may say so... I've had it ever since it came out. Even though I've been through a fire and lost 7 out of the 10 original drives, I never once lost any of the data because of the way it manages drive space. If you got some extra money laying around, I fully recommend getting one setup in your home. Mines a self-built box with 10 drives (6 are 1tb, 3 are 500gb, and my boot is a 250gb). Almost 8TB of storage space. And I use every bit of it for filesharing, and about 100gb for client pc backups. I have our entire music collection and digital photos on there. Plus over 100 complete TV shows, and well over 200 movies in HD. I also now have all my ROMS, Emus, and artwork extras all backed up so if my game drive ever dies again, I can easily re-copy everything over. It's a very nice setup.
  2. Yeah I was thinking of using a hybrid, but I wanted to be able to update my artwork from EmuMovies.
  3. If GameEx doesn't support it yet, I'd like to put in a request to allow for multiple paths for artworks. For instance, I have some games that have screenshots, but not videos. If I can point the emulator setup to have both paths, then GameEx will display the videos first if available then the screenshots if not. This would also allow for box art vs 3d box art, as there are a few games that have box art, but not 3d, yet the 3d looks better so I could have both paths included in the emulator setup, then GameEx could show one if available then the other if not. This sort of ties in with the option of showing a generic image if no image is found. I'd like to see a static image if no video is available, etc. This shouldn't be hard to impliment, since there are already multiple path fields elsewhere in GameEx, such as in the MultiMedia sections for eBooks, Videos, Music, Pictures, etc. So for example: "C:\Artwork\NES\Snaps;C:\Artwork\NES\Video_AVI_HI_QUAL". Then have a toggle dropdown option for "Display First: Videos/Screenshots" or "Display First: 3D Boxes/2D Boxes".
  4. I completely forgot about groups! Good call Draco. Using Groups along with a map file for individual emulators would be exactly what he needs!
  5. The only way I know how to do this is with having 2 separate emulator listings. I know what you mean though; you want to just see 1 list of roms, and have GameEx automatically know which emulator to load for that rom. There is no way to do this. By setting up separate emulators though, you can have each emulator list the specific roms you want to run on it. You can do this 2 ways; either by making a separate rom path for each emulator and put only those roms for that emulator in them, or by using a MAP file. The advantage of a MAP file is that you can keep all your roms in 1 folder, rather than scattered amongst different emulators.
  6. Ok, so in theory theres not anything I would have to do on my end, apart from updating to a new version of GameEx once it all happens (announced for October 31st). I hope my Media Center weather app works after this too. I got a little weather icon on my home page of the Media Center that reads 3 days worth of weather for me.
  7. Just throwing this out there; is GameEx using the WeatherChannel.com's feed xml for the weather icon? Reason asking; I just got an email from them today saying the feed is going down, and you have to subscribe to a new API service to use their data.
  8. Also, you probably have to rebuild your MAME rom list after you've made any changes to your filters.
  9. Looks awesome Adultery! I too look forward to trying it out; and wish you my condolences as well.
  10. I'm in the US, and I can honestly say I've never really noticed any major slow downs. There may have been a hiccup or two, but you usually report it when it's happening. Been going fine for me.
  11. I too am glad you got it working! Dang blasted batteries. Wish we could have a batteryless cordless, but that'll never happen.
  12. Have you been able to make it work outside of GameEx?
  13. I dunno, it seems to be working like it should now. It's wierd that everything would suddenly start doing that. It wasn't just xbox.com, it was pretty much every website that had frames. I never heard of a website that uses frames to be preventing content to load within their frameset they themselves created. WIERD. As for the cookies, I did have to relogin again, but after closing and reopening, it looks like it's storing them right now. Something must have gotten corrupted somewhere. Don't know how or when, but it looks like it's all good now. Thanks for the help guys.
  14. I'm using Windows 7 x64... I tried both the 32 and 64 bit versions of IE with the same results. I don't have anything else installed. On my home server, I have a different version of IE installed, and IT connects to xbox.com fine. I also used my dad's computer, and it's fine as well. Its definately something on this computer. I'm going to try to revert to an earlier state and see if it fixes it.
  15. Yeah I do, everything worked fine until just these last couple of days. That's why I thought it might have been an update or something. I'm going to try to do a system recovery from a few days ago to see if that fixes it. I don't know what could have happened to screw everything up.
  16. According to the help>about.. it's 9.0.8112.16421 It's really wierd. It act's 'kinda' like I have a virus or something, but none of my scans show anything. Used Avast, Spybot, Ad-Aware, Malware Bytes, even Microsoft's own built in utility. I've also rebooted half a dozen times today.
  17. Hey, has anybody noticed lately having trouble with loading up some websites, and general functionality of Internet Explorer not working? For instance, when I try to go to www.xbox.com, all I get is a bunch of error messages about the website blocking frames: Uploaded with ImageShack.us Also, whenever I go to a forum website, like GameEx, it doesn't log me in anymore (ie; cookies). I've tried clearing my cache/cookies as a standard recovery option. Since Internet Explorer is an integral part of Windows, I can't really uninstall it to reinstall it. The cookie problem with sites like GameEx has been happening for about 2 days now, but the xbox.com website I just noticed today. Any ideas guys?
  18. No-No, it's more like onions. Onions have layers. (somewhat of a quote from Shrek)
  19. Hope this helps the new user's problem (forget his name, shame on me )
  20. I'm no pro either. Been dabbling in Photoshop for years too. I wouldn't even classify myself as an amature graphic artist. When it comes down to it, I'm just cheap wannabe who knows how to cut and paste and use layers. If I were asked to actually DESIGN something from scratch, I'd have no skillset at all. Most of my work is in designing replacement DVD covers (replacing those fire destroyed ones). I've got a full set of Disney Movies, going to be working on their counterparts next (like sequels and direct to home movies). I'm re-uploading all mine from my computer so they're safe online somewhere, I'll link them if anybody is intersted in seeing them.
  21. The videoslots text looks a bit weak compared to the rest of the graphics on that background. Other than that, the rest does look really cool!
  22. The scroll bar your speak of looks like it's lined up with the box below it. I can see where you'd want to be able to control it's length/location though. But I'd say right now it's just locking to the X Coordinate of the window below it.
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