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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Got ya covered! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  2. It'd be awesome if you could bring up a list of what achieves you can get while playing the game. Sorta like the Xbox, hit the center guide button, bring over the achievement list, and know what you have and what you still need to get. This is all one step closer to what I'd LOVE to see come in the next/future GameEx Evolution.
  3. I remember LORD too. Ahh I miss those days. The internet really took off once it got popular, now EVERYBODY knows about it, instead of just the few local nerds who knew something about BBS's.
  4. Cool, I love the idea. I'm an achievement hog on Xbox. Only thing I don't like is having to install ANOTHER emulator! But I guess that's understandable since you need something track your actions; like time, points, etc. I wonder if it has a way to export your achievements so you can plaster it onto your signature in forums or something.
  5. Eh? Hard to tell what it is, no graphics loading. I don't quite have the time to fiddle with another new pinball thing ATM.
  6. Well he said his ALLTIME high was 75k, but after reading the thread (and seeing the dip requirements) his new high is 70k. But it's all good, I'm not gonna stress it.
  7. WHAT?!!! NOOOOO!!!! Heheh, he took my spot!
  8. Hey at least you're in 3rd place! I'm still in last.
  9. GC is correct. While he is a little more lenient about allowing your score, I would be more strict and say previous scores don't count unless you've confirmed you're using the proper dip switches for complete fairness. I guess I'm just a bit over-protective or something.
  10. ....And yes, you can still play Pang and Rygar, or any of our other games, to get points for the Leaderboard. You just won't be able to earn GOTM Winner status on those games that were previous GOTM. Even if you beat the #1 spot on a previous GOTM game, the original winner will still hold that honor since the score was submitted during that month.
  11. I agree with GC in this matter. It's not because it's a really great score and we're just being mean. In the past, we've been very strict about using TwinGalaxies rules, and in every case they prohibit the use of things like Glitches, Safety Nets and other things like that. Now, provided the game IS programmed to include these things, TG generally shunned the idea of using anything other than just straight playing without any advantages. This warp zone is not automatically provided, you have to KNOW about it and how to get it, so somebody that's never played the game before would have a disadvantage to somebody who is aware, and that gives the person using these things an unfair "head start". So it is my "tying vote" that we agree to not use this warp zone for this game.
  12. Just a heads up murve33! You can play in ANY of our games, not just Time Pilot. With each score you post, you increase your stats on our Overall Leaderboard. Also, don't forget about our current GOTM (Game of the Month) Toobin'. If you win 1st place, you get a shiny badge you can add to your signature to show you've got what it takes! And welcome to our little corner of the community! Glad to have you.
  13. Heh my dad was a pirate back in those days, when I was just a youngin and unable to walk. He had 2 Atari 800's (no XL or anything) and had also self-modded the RAM upgrade. He used a hand held hole punch to put a notch in the 5.25 floppies. He had a (wow) 300BPS modem and would spend hours downloading a single game on his friend's pirate BBS. I remember when they started to emulate ANSI and you could get somewhat decent graphics on the door games. My favorite was Trade Wars 2002 (http://www.tradewars.com/default.html). For me, growing up in the house meant early exposure to computers, to which I'm happy to say makes me appear a lot smarter than most.
  14. YAY!! Glad it helped! Future Pinball is awesome. The physics are much better than Visual Pinball. I don't care much for all the flashy 3D stuff they got going on though, like the opening animation of walking up to the table, and being able to look around while playing. Whats the point of all that? But for PLAYING experience, Future Pinball is great. Now all we need is for VPinMAME to make a FPinMAME so we can get some real Recreated Tables that use ROMs and I'd be a happy guy!
  15. Yeah give me old school graphics and speed and I'll totally rule this game!
  16. hansolo77


    GameEx is just a frontend. That is; it's just the menu program. The games themselves need to be acquired through some means that are not allowed to be discussed here. If you download a trial, I believe it has some "MOCK" games to kinda advertise what a finished setup would look like.
  17. He said he can run the EXE ones fine, not the others. You might try (like DazzleHP suggested) putting your rom filter to *.fpt rather than EXE. To be honest, I'm not sure what the EXE's are for. I just checked mine (and realized I need to do a MAJOR overhaul on my setup) and the only EXE I have is for FuturePinball itself. Adding the Scan Sub Folders will help too if your tables are in subfolders (like mine are).
  18. Good job, moves you right up to 4th place! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  19. Sounds like you might have 2 instances of the ROM. Especially if it shows up in your ALL MAME GAMES list too. You could try hitting the DELETE key and removing one of the entries for you list, but you might have "delete roms" turned off in the GameEx config. I don't have this problem myself, but I'm using the MAP file vs the favorites.
  20. I never really bought into all the Elder Scrolls hype. I'll grant you, it is role-playing at it's finest. The graphics are awesome, and the voice acting for everything is a nice touch. However, I really couldn't get into them. I own a copy of Oblivion and Skyrim for my Xbox, and I played them both maybe 20 hours total. It's probably just my gaming style. But I prefer an RPG that has a set story and goals. Elder Scrolls, while having a sub story it seems, appears to me to just be one massive open world where you can literally just go and do whatever the heck you want and spend your entire life doing NOTHING. That's not for me.
  21. I been doing emulation and MAME for a while now. I remember seeing stuff about MAWS but to be completely honest, I don't know what it is. MAWS was dying or dead when I first started my stuff, so I never really cared much to find out what it was. I never had any use for it.
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