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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. I use GameBase for practically all my 8-bit computers. There's a lot of problems with MESS that I just don't like dealing with. When it comes down to it, all you really want is to play the games, and GameBase works great for that. As for where to aquire.. thats a no-no.
  2. Always nice to see an update. Thanks Tom!
  3. Cool. I wonder if it's an external attachment, or something you have to rip open the console and replace. If it's external, the guy could make a killing selling them and other devices for other consoles too. I'd buy one for my PSX.
  4. Ugh, another brilliantly awesome score. I can't even break the 100k mark and you guys are quadrupling it. Nice job! I just checked Dazzle, Mame Offender's score IS IN the DB already, looks like you got it ok. Update: Oops, you got the Galaga and Metal Slug ones too. I deleted my additions.
  5. Ok, that's 2 in a row Dazzle. You having trouble with the program? Updated DB, RSS
  6. I got ya bro! - Updated DB, RSS
  7. And we're off! Nice 1st entry helpman! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  8. Keeping me busy with updating the boards. I like it! Keep up the enthusiasm! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  9. Good enough for 3rd! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  10. I thought I would totally blow everybody out of the water with this one. I played it so much on the home version. Then I tried the MAME version for this competition, and it seems to me like the game moves to fast or something. You're right though, get your name on the board, get some points on the leaderboard, and come back to it whenever you feel like you want to try and get a better score. Best let the pro's keep you intimidated. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  11. Wow awesome score! You're really churning these scores out today, good job! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  12. I need to try playing this again sometime. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  13. Nice entry! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  14. Bomb Jack Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 Mame Offender 684,810 2 ExedExes 500,680 3 greatstone 320,900 4 Cynicaster 304,660 5 jedah 213,280 6 GimmeClassics 154,750 7 Luigimaker 88,650 8 wolfman24 75,030 9 millerbrad 73,980 10 Yung-Jedi 69,900 Last Updated by hansolo77: 08-13-2020 hansolo77 - 63,040 (link) rtkiii - 61,970 (link) murve33 - 57,600 points (link) helpman - 45,110 points (link) Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Bomb Jack: ROMSet: Bomb Jack (set 1) / bombjack Coin A: 1 Coin/1 Credit Coin B: 1 Coin/1 Credit Lives: 3 Cabinet: Upright Demo Sounds: On Bonus Life: None Bird Speed: Hard Enemy Number & Speed: Hard Special Coin: Easy Special Rules: Continues are NOT allowed! --> Note: TwinGalaxies remains DOWN. The above settings are the default, and should be just fine. If new data is presented, these settings may change, but we're good with these for right now. # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide > link # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide > link # general rules for submitting you hi-score > link # the above settings are the default Twin Galaxies settings > pending -Han
  15. I just checked the record books, and yep! Our February GOTM Champion is.. KRC with his score of 182,000 (link) Yay, congrats, and hats off my friend! Lets see somebody beat this score though, keep it interesting! GC should be in touch with you shortly KRC with your new badge of honor. In the meantime, we got a new game for you guys to play this month. Bomb Jack was selected, so enjoy it!
  16. Nice score, just barely squeezed past GC! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  17. I remember when this song came out, everybody was all like "This is too heavy.." Now it's like a classic alternative. There's stuff out there now that is just screaming into the mic and you can't understand a word they're saying. Give it enough time, and what we consider RAP will be old school oldies, and the current oldies will be classical, and the classical will be something entirely new like Orchestral or something. This song is actually really hard to play on Rock Band if you're in expert.
  18. Enjoy the day. Leave the High Score moderating to me and Dazz for the day. Take a day off!
  19. One question: WHY?! ok 2 questions: How'd he miss the flower guys in the pipes on stage 4-1? He must be modding. Modders.. grr
  20. It's a start, and it's an entry, so it's better already than all those others not participating! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  21. A definite improvement, keep it up! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  22. The controls are what got me. Its unnatural for some reason. Good scores though. Updated OP, DB, RSS
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