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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Grr you guys make me sick! I don't even wanna play anymore.. (pouts and stomps off to his room). LOL Updated OP, DB, RSS
  2. Yeah I loaded up the program but it just sat there on the banner screen without loading the program. I figure it was timing out trying to log in or something. I'll try back later after dinner if I remember, or maybe somebody else can have better luck.
  3. Maybe you have it filtered out because it is JAPANESE. See if you can run it manually. Might just be a GameEx config. Good score BTW helpman. I'm definitely going to play this some more when I get the chance. Updated OP, DB, RSS Seems like the FTP for the High Score database is down, or at least it is for me. I've manually entered your score in the OP, but the DB and RSS will have to be updated later.
  4. Killer score! Looks like we got another elitist on our hand. *gulp* Updated OP, DB, RSS!
  5. Nice job! Still hella better than me. I still have trouble with the first boss when I try playing it every now and then. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  6. Wow, you tripled the current high score. Not bad for a first entry. Consider yourself one of the family! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  7. This is a feature that I've rarely been able to see working even on my setup. I have everything enabled, and the proper MAME config with HiToText, etc. Only a few games actually show the highscores when I select them. It loads up a rendered GameEx screen similar to the image when you're looking at your GameEx stats or the screen you'd see when it was downloading an update. With so many updates recently though, it's possible this functionality has stopped working, or is now buggy. From what I can say, you've done everything right (aside from having the latest version of MAME, mine is .142 I think, so I know yours is older).
  8. KRC has often said he has scores he "means" to post but never gets around to it. Then I think he forgets about it and, well, that's that. I'm glad you're participating as much as you are. It's fun to have new scores to try to beat, and you're definitely keeping it interseting!
  9. Yeah, the console version of a lot of these games is easier. But I think in comparison, I like the Arcade version's graphics better. Nice score EE, way to take back the lead!
  10. I love the battles. Keep it up!
  11. I've never even tried Red Bull. My brother convinced me to try Monster finally, the Green one is good, I don't like the others. On topic though, good score EE. At the bottom forum's thread list, you can click on LOAD MORE TOPICS to see more on that page, or click the 2 to see the 2nd page. Lots more games to be offered. You can also find a full list easily enough by going to GAMES LIST thread GC created.
  12. Good ones KRC! Now we have something HUGE to fight for. Will KRC remain supreme, or will EE take his spots back?
  13. Heh, yep. I got a box like that in mybasement. Full of old computer parts. Always feel like you never know when you'll need it. Most of my stuff was hand-me-downs as we upgraded, or finds in the dumpster when people just through them out not knowing stuff like HDD's and RAM can be re-used. I got like 3 5.25 inch floppies down there, 2 tape backup drives (with 150mb tapes), 100 watt power supplies, I think a 100mb hard drive, lots of old 3.5 inch floppies (but no disks), a bunch of crap games that nobody's heard of, a couple ball mice, 2 or 3 BIG PLUG keyboards (pre-PS/2). Hehe I think I even have an old SoundBlaster. Thats how I learned about computers too. A friend of mine found a computer in the dumpster and never got it to work, gave it to me. I spent a summer taking it apart, making notes of how everything hooked up, and figured out how to fix it. Got it up and running, and it was a McDonald's drive-thru POS client. HEHE! Formatted that bad boy and put Telix (old-skool modem software that supported Z-Modem) on it so I could connect to our local Freenet and play MUDs and Chess.com matches. Remember having to type out the old modem AT commands to get the communications to work? Ahhh the good old days before the internet.
  14. Nice to see a good competitor changing up the ranks. Got a few games out there I gotta try harder at now. Way to go!
  15. Well, I did identify the mobo was the problem. According to numerous sources, the mobo was faulty. It was going to fail eventually, and typically failed within 2 years tops of purchase, but Dad didn't use it more than 15-20 minutes every couple of days. I'm sure if it was still under warranty, HP would have repaired/replaced it. Unfortunately, the warranty was LONG past expired. The replacement we ended up getting was such a chore to get fixed. The problem with it wasn't HP's fault. There was a 3rd party refurbisher that basically did the reclaim. According to the company's profile, they recycle old systems from businesses who upgrade, and then sell them to retailers for their profit. They go through and verify the system is capable of booting, format the hard drive, leave the recovery partition in place so it auto-installs Windows upon startup, and rebox it. Any kind of maintenance required, like BIOS updating, is the responsibility of the end-user. The system itself is also not available for HP warranty coverage. So when I went though trying to figure out how to fix it, I was pretty much left on my own. What I ended up doing was just giving up and posting a message on the HP support forums, describing the problem, and the many suggested solutions I tried with no success. There was a very helpful person who helped walked me through. The biggest problem I had was that the BIOS could only be updated via floppy disk (which pretty much doesn't exist anymore), CDROM (who wants to waste a disk for 23k?), or flash drive. Flash drive seemed the easiest option, but every time I tried, the computer would boot up saying the boot sector was corrupted. I went through days of searching the web trying to figure out how to make the USB flash drive bootable. When I finally figured it out, it still wouldn't work. Ultimately the solution came by formatting the drive via command prompt in the FAT32 filesystem, which surprisingly is no longer a listed format option inside of Windows (exFAT doesn't work). Once I did that, I was able to flash the BIOS via the built in utility IN the BIOS. But the alarm/warning still happened. The solution to that problem then was to remove the battery, power, and press a little yellow reset button the mobo for 20 seconds. Now everything is good. I even went as far as to replace the CDROM drive (read only, 48x speed) with the Lightscribe DVD-RW drive that came with the other HP, and also upgraded the RAM (4x512mb sticks) with RAM from the other HP (now 2x512mb and 2x1gb). We then installed the original HP's HDD too, so now he has the (ungodly small) 80gb boot drive and his original HP's 500gb as storage/apps/utilities. All and all, a pretty complex yet learning experience. Word of caution.. don't buy into the refurbished computer systems idea if you're not willing to take on the burden of solving any problems on your own. Sure, the price tag is appealing, but you really do get what you pay for. This system was $99. But we ended up spending like a week fixing it, and the system was in dire need of upgrading.
  16. Yeah I was talking about Dungeon Keeper. Pretty cool too their 80% discount on the other AD&D games. I don't have the time to sit on my bedroom floor (don't have a desk/chair since the fire) and play all those great games again, but I'd love too. I own the original Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. Both were great. They weren't the complete editions with all the expansions, which is a nice touch from GOG. I'd like to play BG 2 or NN2. There's just not enough time and money in this poor mans life to make it happen. Least not now.
  17. Yeah I too played the Atari version, never the arcade. When this game was listed on our competition, I failed horribly for probably the same reaason Dazzle suggests. The controls are screwy when trying to jump diagonally. Don't know why, but it makes all the difference for me.
  18. So a game that wouldn't run in today's systems is pre-configured with the DosBox emulator to make it compatible? And this game is free? Sounds like a winner. I might have to check these guys out.
  19. Question.. WTF is GOG? I've heard it mentioned a few times here and in other forums.
  20. Good job! I played this game for a little bit, but it's actually pretty hard for me. I don't have an arcade cab, I'm playing with a "joypad" and it tires my thumb out way too fast!
  21. Offtopic; Xbox One's territory is only SLIGHTLY better than the 360's. I'm shocked, and still going to wait before buying mine. Apparently, it isn't native 1080p, and there are a lot of graphic glitches and slowdowns. They mad rushed to get the console out and it'll cost them severely. It's not as good as the PS4 as far as the hardware is concerned, and it's more expensive to boot because they included a NOT REQUIRED additional piece of hardware (Kinect) that's driving their prices through the roof. Don't get me wrong, I will probably get one anyway. I'm a Halo fanboy and Halo 5 is going to be XB1 exclusive. I'll just wait till they get a better version out.
  22. Keep us updated on your progress. I'd love to see how it all turns out. I, too, wanna build a pincab and can't for the life of me see somebody paying the $10k or so I saw for the prefabricated build-it-yourself kits.
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