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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. My home server is a custom built pc. Its not fast, didn't really need it to be. It has a Celeron 420 cpu and only like 2gb memory. I don't know if it's capable of running anything newer, like Windows 7/8 that you mentioned. I have 11 HDD's at the moment, 4 internal, 5 via a hotswap bay, and 2 internal that are just kinda sitting inside the case not mounted anywhere. My biggest concern about upgrading is just that lack of support. Plus the original WHS is getting kinda old. It's always a good thing to start clean, format/repartition and have a nice clean uncluttered system. If a migration to a newer OS is going to require upgrading the base components (mobo/cpu/ram) to make it functional, I might just have to live with this setup I have now.
  2. Well I'm on a Matrix fix right now. Back during the "format wars" I bought an HDDVD/BluRay combo drive for my computer so I could watch either/or. Then I bought Fifth Element on BluRay and the Matrix trilogy on HDDVD to make sure the drive really could read both. While it did, the playback really sucked watching them on my computer.. I couldn't fastforward/rewind/skip chapters with the software, and whenever I went to change the volume there were horrendously loud pops and cracks generated in my audio from the software attempting to render an onscreen display of the volume meter. So I never bothered to watch ANYTHING with it. Once HDDVD was gone, and I knew BluRay won, I bought a standalone player for BluRay and use that. But I still had the Matrix trilogy on HDDVD and couldn't watch them. So this year's tax return I bought the set on BluRay, and have been watching it with all the special features for the last week and a half when I can. So yeah, I'm sorta in the Matrix zone right now.
  3. Microsoft has officially announced that as of April 1st, 2014, the first version of WHS will no longer be supported. This is such a great tragedy for me as I'm an avid user of this OS, and refused to upgrade. See, WHS v1 had a drive pooling feature which allowed you to simply add another drive to your system and it would automatically start using it as needed, without the need to do any major rebuilding of the file structure. The benefit of this also meant that you didn't need to rebuild any RAID arrays, and you could add any old drive (it didn't have to be identical in make/model/capacity. When the new WHS 2011 version came out, they removed the drive pooling features, and put the responsibility of drive management back into the hands of the user. I wanted to upgrade so I could use the new architecture and .NET features, but the drive pool was mandatory for me. So I never upgraded. Now that the v1 of WHS is no longer going to be supported, it's running the same course as Windows XP. So I'm looking for new alternatives.. Here's what I'm ultimately looking for: Drive Pooling to add or upgrade drives as needed without needing to know how to use RAIDFolder Duplication (this is another part of drive pooling that allowed seamless redundant backup of your files)Automated client backupsCapabilities to run uTorrent (my preferred torrent client, but others will probably work just as well)Prefer to be in a Windows environment since I'm familiar with it and can Remote Desktop into it for management purposesAnd the kill-all / end-all is the ability to do this install/upgrade to the alternative WITHOUT losing any of my data. I have 20 years of photos backed up between myself and my dad, plus his new wife's photos going back even farther. We can't lose this data, and there is over 3TB stored amongst the 11 drives (~13TB) in my pool. It's not cost effective to go out and buy an external 3+TB drive to copy this stuff over for the simple necessity to upgrade. So yeah, any ideas? Anybody else out there run into any similar situations who can provide me some help or suggestions based on their own experience?
  4. He's Neo from the Matrix...
  5. Although I have no reason to doubt you, could you please try playing with just 1 credit? I checked this game, and if you have more than one credit in the game and use a continue, your score remains. This is an unfair advantage and there is no way to verify that you didn't use any continues during your run with this score. Again, I don't doubt your score is legit, it's just at the bottom of the screen it says Credits 4, which makes it look like you might have been continuing. I'll leave the score this time, but please, in the future, try to refrain from having more than 1 credit per play. This was TwinGalaxy's ruling as well. Thanks!
  6. Don't forget about his back-end work to make the custom map file be autogenerated, and his continued efforts in maintaining the backend server which our scores are all saved and accessed. You're the man Adultery!
  7. Are you referring to the control panel image? You can view that directly in your menus before starting the game, and it will stay up until you close it. Other than that, Dazzle is probably right for you; using a rom manager will clean things up nicely.
  8. Heh it ain't 7mil, but it's better than mine. I can't get my thumb to move fast enough!
  9. I'm kinda surprised with that too.. wasn't this helpman's suggestion? He shoulda blown everybody out of the water.
  10. And with that score, ExedExes takes the lead! Awesome job. I really liked this game too. I'm not very good at it, but it is lots of fun! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  11. A nice & comfortable 3rd place. Nice job! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  12. I still can't believe how awesome you guys are. I'm still down here in last place with less than 62k and you're busting out 450k+.. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  13. Thanks for the tips. I'm sure it will come in handy. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  14. Never heard of this one.. looks interesting.
  15. This is the greatest forum ever!
  16. Yeah I noticed those huge timer bonus's too. When I get some free time, I'm definitely coming back to this game!
  17. Sorry I didn't get to finish updating these this morning, had to head in to work. Thanks for catching up things GC!
  18. Still good enough for 1st place! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  19. Way to take back 1st place! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  20. Works for me, I'm just trying to avoid upsetting everybody else is all.
  21. Can you maybe take another picture then with the same type background, just so we can be sure? It's just for legitimacy sake, not that we have reason to distrust you. Thanks for being a trooper. LOL
  22. They just keep churning out the goods!
  23. Yeah, i've learned the lesson many times the hard way, just for mentioning it.. crummy rules
  24. OH EM GEE That looks sweet. So the video of stars plays in the background, I get that.. but the rest of it (like your game selections) seems like a dedicated cab for those games specifically. How well would it look as an "all around" theme for other emulators, and all MAME games, etc. I really like the way it looks though, you did an AWESOME job.
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