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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. I use Firefox. For me, it's been hella stable and I've never had a problem with it (knock on wood). The only issue I have is when I'm trying to do stuff with Publishers Clearing House. For some reason, it doesn't handle and load the redirects properly so I have to open PCH on Internet Explorer. Other than that, I'm happy with it.
  2. This is our December Bonus game. Since the last poll was too close to call, we decided to add this game too. Enjoy! @Han: thanks for adding AB Cop > I've updated post #1 with the game's marquee ~GC
  3. A.B. Cop Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 jedah 47,711,600 2 Luigimaker 43,975,050 3 wolfman24 39,915,850 4 Yung-Jedi 28,632,800 5 ExedExes 27,215,650 6 Buzzin69 19,309,560 7 DazzleHP 18,716,530 8 Floyd Turbo 18,254,010 9 hansolo77 16,926,680 10 murve33 16,799,410 Last Updated by hansolo77: 05-16-2019 GimmeClassics - 16,291,660 (link) Mame Offender - 11,626,870 (link) rtkiii - 7,816,290 - (link) Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for A.B. Cop: ROMSet: ABCop Allow Continue: No Unknown: Off Time: Normal Difficulty: Normal Special Rules: Continues are NOT allowed! The only setting you need to change is "Allow Continue". But since our rules match TwinGalaxies, you should already know we don't allow continues. Everything else is OK by default. # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide: # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide: # general rules for submitting you hi-score:
  4. We have our first competitor! Nice score MO! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  5. Uhg! I hate you power players so much. heh Least you took 1st place. Good job! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  6. I don't know how much would be involved in making it work, but I think Media Browser uses Yahoo for it's weather services. Might be worth checking into. I also know that the Xbox community's Freestyle Dashboard uses an API from WorldWeatherOnline. Their API access is free, and is provided in xml. The problem with WWO is that their licenses are kinda limited. If you intend to use them, you would probably need to get the purchased license for more users. TeamFSD (xbox) got around this by having their users register their own API license if they wanted to use that feature. You simply plug the key into the settings in the program and it would work from there. If you don't want your users to have to register their own keys, then you would need to get the Premium version.
  7. Nice new entry, way to go! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  8. Yeah.. Speaking of which.. where DID that bearded, jedi-robe wearing Mark Hamil come from? UHG!!! cant... get... past... lightsaber... and... twin... popsicle... stick.. speeder.. (do in the voice of yoda "there is another skywalker") lol
  9. Way to take 1st Place YJ! I really need to play some games. Good thing I'm on vacation next week! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  10. There's no Initials on this post TIF, but I have no reason to doubt you. Keep up the good work! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  11. Another nail in the coffin! Great job TIF! You even kicked me off the board you jerk! heh Updated OP, DB, RSS
  12. Nice job! Not the best of us them (I can't say us because that would include me, and I haven't submitted a score yet!), but certainly good enough to work on your overall position. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  13. Silent but deadly! Another 1st post, 1st place score for TIF! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  14. Wow, TIF comes onto the scene for this game and takes the lead. Nice! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  15. Ok.. First I saw tthurman's teaser from last night. Then I came here to talk about how much I hate the way it's looking, with that god awful lightsaber and the fake looking black guy and the girl riding a wannabe speeder bike yet really cool Millennium Falcon. Then I saw Draco's teaser, with the chrome trooper, more dialog, and Vader/Emperor sound effects, and I'm stuck trying to decide which one is better. In reality, I think the 2nd one much better. But yet, if you go to the source, starwars.com, they show the first as legit. Draco's might be a fan made. I HATE THAT SABER.
  16. Ah yes, Thanksgiving. The day my Canadian friends think we celebrate killing Indians for their food. I corrected them by saying in reality, it celebrates the combining of our Native American friends with that of European Pilgrims in the hopes of surviving a long harsh winter by supporting each other. Of course, the TRUE reason for Thanksgiving is that the country has become so economically unstable that we lost our ability to have wholesome, hearty meals every day like we used to, and now can only afford to do it once a year; so we try to get as much family together as possible so you can make the most out of it, making your dollar stretch as far as possible. But anyway, I'm just a grumpy guy who had to work during this week in a grocery store deli/bakery and really hate all the last minute shoppers demanding things no longer in stock that they should have gotten last week in advance. Uh, yeah you can't expect to find a non-frozen turkey the day before Thanksgiving, asshat. And you should have bought your brown and serve rolls last time you were here when we had some left, instead of demanding we cook you some when (as I said) we don't have any left. Not to mention we don't have time to go out of our way to do that for you, when we have a line 10 people deep wanting to pick up their dinner orders that THEY intelligently ordered in advance. Idiot people. I suppose I should follow the annual tradition though, and announce my thanks to everybody... I'm thankful that both of my parents, while no longer married, are still alive. I'm thankful my brother is doing well in his schooling to become a nurses aide, hopefully he'll be the money maker in our family. I'm thankful I have a job, even though it sucks monkey balls. I'm thankful we have a car so I don't have to walk 3 miles to work and 3 miles home again in hot summer weather and freezing winter weather. I'm thankful I have a place to live instead of spending my life under an overpass on the highway inside a cardboard box I may or may not have. I'm thankful for our military who never gets enough credit for keeping our country safe. I'm thankful that my doctor agrees I suffer from depression and is willing to prescribe me medications to help keep me on the level so I don't hurt or kill myself. I'm thankful that when I come home from a long hard day at work, there is a community here at GameEx that I can relax with and share supportive and related conversations with. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!
  17. You can always go down and click the option to view controls, it will stay up till you go back to your romlist.
  18. Can't you just enable the delete function and go into your favorites and hit the delete key? That should remove it from your list, and since the rom no longer exists nothing will be physically deleted out of your rom path. Then just go back into your rom list and re-add the renamed rom.
  19. Agreed.. simply the best. Would be nice (for a future release) to have it perhaps LIST the websites that host the various files (like sources) so that you don't have to go look for them. I know you can't have the program automatically get them, but a clickable list in the program would be great. But I can't complain, I love how easy this makes compiling your own version. Thanks HK!
  20. Woot! I'll have a mini private party here just for you! Enjoy buddy!
  21. Cool man, thanks! Updated OP, DB, RSS Edit by GC: Updated LB
  22. Seems like a 3DS is the best handheld system to get, and all my friends at work play these dang blasted pokemon games on them. I just can't get into it. I suppose it can be fun running around trying to collect stuff if you got nothing better to do. But come on, how many more of these games can they possibly make?
  23. I experimented a bit, and plugged the drive back into my media center with true sata power and data cables. Booted right up. But when I tried using the USB adapter, it just kinda halts at like a 20% spinup then dies. I have 3 other HDD's (3.5in) that I had hoped I could try to recover using the external adapter. They all do the same thing though, only spin up partially then die. I'm too tired to keep messing with it tonight, but I'm off work tomorrow and will spend some time checking it out.
  24. I can update too... I got my replacement HDD in the mail yesterday and spent a good 13 hours cloning my WHS Boot Drive. All went well, and my WHS is running great! I decided to buy a USB->SATA adapter through Amazon, but it arrived late. I went ahead and disconnected all the drives in my media center and just cloned it directly using the SATA connectors in that. The USB-SATA adapter I bought came today though, and it doesn't even seem to be working right. I plugged it in, and the drive just sits there without spinning up. It came with an AC adapter for 3.5in drives but device doesn't do anything. Device Manager shows a new USB disk device, but it doesn't populate with drive details. And if you wait too long, it looks like the USB device just dies. There is a blue power light that goes out in about 20 seconds. It's also compatible with 2.5in drives (just unplug the AC adapter) but my spare "testing" 2.5in drive just clicks and clicks, without ever populating any drives that I can access through the Device Manager or Windows Explorer. Kinda bummed about all that, since this was more than $30 bucks with shipping. I'm going to wait and see what the manufacturer can do, as I've contacted their support about it. Apparently they only sell through Amazon or directly, so there's a good chance I can work a dispute with Amazon if I can't get anywhere. Here's the adapter I bought. I has great reviews, so I was psyched to buy it. http://www.ianker.com/product/68UPSATAA-02BU
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