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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Wow thanks Draco. I never thought to look at Amazon! It's a bit pricey, but you get 5 in one order, so it might just be exactly what I'm looking for.
  2. Just an update.. I now have all 3 seasons of TOS, plus the 7-disk (6 movie) TOS movie collection, and the 5-disk (4 movie) TNG movie collection, and the 1st season of TNG. Unfortunately, my case that TNG Season 1 came in was cracked, and I need to replace it. Does anybody know of a retailer (online most likely) that sells 6-disk Blu-Ray cases that are 14mm? I found one that sells them in 22mm but that's too large. I'd prefer to just use the same art insert and just change the plastic case.
  3. Consider yourself on them! If anything, you get some points for the Leaderboard, so it's not all that bad. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  4. I nice healthy advancement to your previous score, and a raise in rank to first place. Good job! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  5. wow 3 billion gb/s.. lucky dog
  6. Actually, I just checked, Amazon has dropped their price to $39.99 as well, and I believe they offer free ship if your purchase is over $35.
  7. July 2014 GOTM Winner: TodayIsForgotten - 393,925 (link) <- Boo, cheater and unsportsmanlike = ban! Robotron: 2084 Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 Cynicaster 633,400 2 Mame Offender 446,800 3 ExedExes 363,075 4 stephen 335,550 5 Fallout_002 268,950 6 murve33 264,800 7 Yung-Jedi 223,575 8 garetmax 142,800 9 rtkiii 142,125 10 wolfman24 107,325 Last Updated by hansolo77: 07-24-2020 GimmeClassics - 104,275 (link) hansolo77 - 82,175 (link) millerbrad - 57,800 (link) Scores below will (again) be added to the above hi-score table when we have received confirmation the correct difficulty setting has been used. Please click here for more info. Sorry for the inconvenience !! helpman - 72,775 (link) Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Robotron 2084: ROMSet: Robotron Extra Man: Every 25000 Turns per Player: 3 Difficulty: 5 Special Rules: Continues are NOT allowed! Notes: These are preset game settings, nothing needs changed! > The above game settings are correct but don't match the preset game settings. You've to change the difficulty setting to value 5. Please click here for info on how to change this. We ask you kindly to submit a (new) hi-score at the correct difficulty setting or reply to this thread and confirm you've been using the correct settings. Your hi-score will be added to the game's hi-score board when we have either received your confirmation or a new hi-score submission at the correct difficulty setting. Sorry for the inconvenience !! # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide > link # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide > link # general rules for submitting you hi-score > link # the above settings are the default Twin Galaxies settings > pending -Han
  8. Game over man! Game over! June's GOTM winner is (drum-roll): Yung-Jedi - 1,197,280 (link) He was successful in obtaining this score which nobody was able to overtake. Helpman came close, but still nearly 400k away. Nice job everybody and thanks for participating! Now just a friendly reminder! Even though the GOTM is over, that doesn't mean you can't continue to play this great game. You can still play it and compete for a position in the ranks. In fact, the overall leaderboard competition still exists, and you can even overtake Yung-Jedi's score. So please continue to submit new scores, and we look forward to seeing you in next month's competition!
  9. Welcome aboard! I'm sure I speak for everybody here that you're going to absolutely love it here. Everybody here is really cool and helpful. Some of us have a quirky sense of humor though, so watch out for that! As for your build. If it's functional, it works for me! I don't have anything at all. I just use my HDTV in my bedroom and play directly on that. Not the greatest, but again, it's functional and works for me! I think anything you do is great. I tried my hand at building an arcade stick. Turned out really REALLY bad, so I chucked it. In hindsight I wish I saved the parts so I could try again, but oh well. Anyway, if you have any question and need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask! And above all else, enjoy your stay!
  10. Doh! Thanks for reminding me of this. I wanted to see what the final selling value was... here it is: $750250.00
  11. Yeah, except I live with him, and in fact minutes AWAY from him is more worth it.. LOL! Just kidding though, I love my dad.
  12. I asked my dad if he wanted to do anything today. We only have 1 car and my stepmom is taking it to work later, so we kinda don't have the option to go somewhere and DO something. I thought about maybe going to the Casino (he likes it, and it's about a block away) but that also seems kinda like a lame thing to do. Oh well, at least I told him Happy Father's Day, and that alone seems to be sufficient.
  13. . . . really? Why can't I get into this? I know it's "football" although in the global term, wherein you moslty play with your FEET. The US term is "Soccer" whereas "football" is a bunch of guys in tight spandex playing with a ball that's not round, and is played mostly with your HANDS. I've tried to watch it, but can't get into it. It looks like a really slow version of hockey, the timer ticks UP instead of DOWN, and theres always some spanish guy yelling "Gooooooaaaal!" So yeah, am I American enough for ya?
  14. I dunno. This is supposed to be a hobby. Once you start attaching "JOB" to the title, it becomes more work than fun. Pretty much everything that has come out of the community has been from a fan doing their thing to contribute, or the few people (Tom, Adultery, HK, etc) who are better at coding to more facilitate new necessities. I don't mind popping in now and then to offer advice to a user who is stuck, but I wouldn't want to be identified as it being my Job to do so. My skills at Photoshop aren't that great so I haven't tried doing stuff like designing a theme or provide high quality graphics. If I could, I would, just to be a supporter to the community. I don't think the idea of being required to do something suits the community. Now, don't take that the hard way! I can clearly see your attempt and approach to try and get more things developed. I know of your projects, and many of them seem worthwhile. It's just a lot of users don't really want to spend the time contribute. And that's a shame. For what, every 10,000 leechers of our stuff (GameEx, Roms, Extra's, Themes, etc), maybe 1 would be willing to contribute something back. I find myself wanting to do more, but really don't have the time or patience. In fact, I'm a moderater of the High Score forums, yet I rarely even play anymore to be able to compete. I dunno. Maybe having a sticky thread of things we need to have done, with a "strikeout" list to show what's been completed. Tom's already got something like that in his Requests thread. But if you're looking for a more "user contributable" thread, although similiar, I can see the advantages of that.
  15. I never heard of this guy really. But I saw a Facebook post about it and he was the actor who played Drop Dead Fred, so I know him from that.
  16. Just make one for a Kindle and I'd be impressed Actually, it looks really cool, nice Draco!
  17. Looks like everybody's times got adjusted, hope its fixed! EDIT; time matches mine!
  18. Love the EmuMovies downloader. It just gets better and better!
  19. Thanks guys.. now on to the real problem
  20. It's actually been wonky for a long time. I just ignored it. I mean, most posts are coming up saying they're were made at like 4-5 in the morning, which I know is probably not true. I just chalked it up to everybody being in different time zones from mine (ie; if it's 9am here, it's really 3 am YOUR time, etc). So I just figured that was accurate. But since it's been brought up, add my name to the list of people who noticed. EDIT: I posted this as 10:53 (according to my computer clock) but it says it's 6:56am on the server. EDIT 2: I've noticed also that my computer's internal clock seems to be loosing about a minute every 3-4 weeks. Anybody have any idea what could be causing that? I have the Windows Time set to automatically update, but it doesn't unless I manually go in there and do it myself.
  21. Here's a link to the actual auction: http://www.gamegavel.com/item.cgi?show_item=958029 And here's a photo gallery: http://www.briannablank-photo.com/ClientPortal/Thomasson-The-Count/
  22. When you think about it, that's actually a pretty good price. But if that price is JUST THE CASE, then, uh.. not so much
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