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Everything posted by Mike_da_Spike

  1. It should not cancell itself. Can you provide the log file (in the pinballx\log directory) And your ini file from the same folder as Databasemanager is running ? You can set in the settings an auto update for vp table info as wellThthis will update tables that are changed outside the program (so for an same file name that is updated) This button itself is mostly only needed once when you want to do a bulk import. You will do this when you just started using database manager. When you add a new table or change a tables file(by using the 'select file' button), it will populate the data as well
  2. Did you brought it to @randr his attention?
  3. I had this morning that the site wasn't reachable, because a recirect od a dns entry wasn't found. But since a couple of hours, the site is working. Or is that the hijacked site ?
  4. Whats the exact name of your file that won't work ?
  5. Indeed. My com port is 5, but it autodetects it. Previous version of dmdext also detect the device type. Never had to set the fps. I think 60fps for a led display is pretty high. I created fx3 videos that can be used in the front end, but between 10 and 20 fps I hope this helps
  6. Maybe for you, but not for me. I'm filtering my vp tables and a common filter for tables that are recently modified (not the default that shows recently added) Too much filters? Maybe... but I like it with all those categorized filters/lists
  7. @scutters and I released a new version with a new feature in it. You can now download for Visual Pinball tables a POV (point of view) file from all our media locations ! Thanks to @chucky87 from Team PP that we could use his POV files and put it on @Tom Speirs FTP server. If you prefer to download files from Mega site, you can add the mega link to the MEGA folders (under settings) and you can download it from Mega as well. Or just drag and drop to the icon to import the POV file. By default this option is disabled. Enable it by going to 'Settings' screen and in the 'General' tab, select 'Show POV' to 'Yes' Have fun with this ! (and thanks @scutters for all your work too ! I should not forget you to thank for all the work with this tool) If You like PinballX Database Manager, please rate it on the download page (on bottom, give a review an rate it)
  8. This is my dmdext line for starting fx3 dmdext.exe mirror --source=pinballfx3 --no-virtual --quit-when-done -d pindmdv3 it is the memory grabber and works for me (dmdext 1.81)
  9. I have too much filters, and those are not showed on the lists menu anymore. Is it possible to make that list scrollable ? So that the list will scroll if it is too long, instead of removing the entries ? Thank you
  10. Cheers guys ! I hope we can have at least 16 years more fun. I'm just a young member (I mean just joined, not that young anymore), but if I knew this 16 years ago, I joined from the beginning ! Thanks to everyone who is involved with this project ! Congrats all !
  11. please attach your logfile and your settings file. I never tried to record in your setup, but can try it if I have some time (i have limited time, because I want to setup my arcade cabinet for moths now and still didnt do it)
  12. You can also consider the following tool: This creates a small video with wheel, vendor and year. All your dmd's videos will have the same look
  13. In the old days we never checked a manual. All those effort that people put it to write it was useless
  14. It is a new feature, so no tutorials yet available. Maybe @scutters will create a video tutorial how to use Database manager. It is in manual of database manager
  15. I assume you uses freezy's DMDdevice.dll to get coloured roms If so, within your visual pinball directory\Vpinmame, there is a file called DmdDevice.ini There is a a section called [Video] to setup : [video] ; if enabled, writes frames to an .avi file enabled = false ; path to folder or .avi file. if folder, gamename.avi is used. path = C:\pinball\PinballX\GeforceCapture\DMD Setting to to true, it will capture your DMD to an AVI file during the time that Visual pinball is running (you can do this at the same time as you record your video) You need to setup the path where the AVI files will be saved. Because it is VPINMAME. the filename will be the rom name, so you need to rename it afterwards (or drag and drop in PinballX dataabase manager to your real DMD display ) I hope this helps
  16. As of the release notes in 4.50, Tom removed default filters indeed and you can create your filters. In Gamemanager click on the list button on top , select system and follow the steps PinballX Databasemanager gies a step further. Within advanced search, yiu can add,delete or modify a filter. And you can see directly what the results are of your filter. PinballX Database manager can be downloaded in the download section Release notes 4.50:
  17. Pbx recorder records with ffmpeg and does a screen record. A real DMD is not a screen but a device (usb with com port setting) . So not able to just record it. If you want to record this, you need to find anothere way. Freezy's dmddevice.dll can be set to created avi files though pinmame. There are also on ftp some real DMD videos I created a small tool for (real) dmd and toppers to create a 7 second video that shows wheel, manufactor and year (see download section) Another way is a 3rd screen emulator, put your dmd there, and capture that So, sorry. Nothing out of the box if I recall it correctly for real dmd I hope this helps
  18. Hey tom, found this link with version 1.9 https://pinballx.software.informer.com/versions/ @axl your issue will be definitely fixed with version 4.61
  19. Can you please attach your log file and your config file ? I have 900 tables setup in vpx, all tables in fx3 and some other systems, so not a limitation of PBX
  20. Awesome ! If you want a life saver.. tey Databasemanager. It doesnt support subfolders, but worksso noce !
  21. sure ... blame the old guy ...
  22. I dont understand why tbe extension is in the name. Maybe gamemanager changed that, but normally it wasnt there Can you post your visual pinball.xml file as well ? And post the output of your tables dir: Dir /s /b (from your table dir)
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