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Everything posted by Mike_da_Spike

  1. Nice ! I have a big backlog of a couple of systems and Zaccaria is on of the. Is there a way to identify new tables, so I can built it into Database manager ?
  2. And congratulations to our own @scutterswho won the first weekly challenge and will always be the first who won the weekly challenge!
  3. Hard to say without knowing your pc Did these games work before l? You upgraded visual pinball right ? Do you have the rom (and is that working properly ?) Test pinmame rom to check of you have issues with the rom Are there any .vbs scripts in your table directory ? Are all the components of vp installed correctly ? Are these old tables that has a 3 option for the backglass ?
  4. Not wasting time. We are here to help !
  5. Be aware that quiting the emulator is different by using own exit key or by the quit emulator button in Pbx. And yes, if you select a wrong table, you need to wait a bit before the exit emulator button takes effect. To be honest, I never had this on my cab and I have a lot of tables !
  6. So all is working for you ? And where you still using vpx version 10.5 with pbx 4.06 ? I hope you have all latest releases now ! Did you buy the system with these version, or you didn't update the software since last year ?
  7. I even think that an exit of a table is intended set with a timeout of 15-20 seconds until it is fully loaded. As Tom said (and I raised the question myself), why you want to exit a table that you just started?
  8. I know pinmame can have a nag screen, but can be removed from the f1 screen. (Set to cabinet mode or something)
  9. Do you have pbx running as admin and set an exit emulator key in pbx ? This should terminate all processes and get you back to pbx. I don't use an mouse on my cabinet, but I can imagine that the mouse must be moved outside the looking area. And I'm curious: why you want to use your mouse in the first 20 seconds a table is launching ?
  10. Hey Chris, Databasemanager is doing a lot of things, but 1 thing it doesn't is changing displays . Not for PBX and not for vpx. Not sure what version you have of vpx, but I hope 10.6 Make a screenshot of your windows display settings (screen setup) , a screenshot of your vpx screen setup and a screenshot of your b2sserver setup. Maybe we can find whats going on
  11. You use an very old version of pbx (4.06) If vp9 os correct, I think you need to adjust vpx as well. Check vpx config and your directb2s config How is your windows setup as well ?
  12. Is it in pbx mixed up or in vpx ? Looks like your monitors switched or setup changed ?
  13. @Tom Speirsis the man who is doing all the hard work !
  14. Log shows 4.75. I cannot reproduce it either
  15. In the download section, you can select an older version as well to download. If you know when it broke (between which release) Tom can check it and fix ot, so you have the benefit of the latest features
  16. Message in the log : Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. But also some code messages. PinballX.EndpointVolume.IAudioEndpointVolume.GetMasterVolumeLevelScalar(Single& pfLevel) at PinballX.FrmMain.GetMasterVolume() at PinballX.FrmMain.a0() at PinballX.FrmMain..ctor() maybe @Tom Speirs has an idea if this is hardware or an code issue
  17. Hi @Draco1962. I bought it via this thread http://vpuniverse.com/forums/topic/4032-godmd-clocks-available/ But the original site is https://go-dmd.de I think if you buy it from the German site, you also need to buy an activation code afterwards and you need to get your own animated file on it(if I understand it). That version has also a temperature sensor and a movement sensor. My version, 'only' got wifi and remote control, but with activation and an 170 mb animation file (should contains 8 hours of different animations)
  18. No problem.
  19. What do you get when an Englishman has a crazy idea for months and he really want to add it to a program with a Dutch guy ? The basis of Database Manager version ! This started indeed as a joke and I tried to get it out of @scutters head, but he insisted to make a proof of concept to create a multi language version. When he made the POC for me, I get enthusiastic as well and we went through the complete code to change all our words/sentences/buttons/tooltips/etc. to make it multi language aware. It took a lot of time, until the code was changed, but important thing, how do we add another language. Scutters took care of the English part ( yes it was already there) I (Mike) took care of Dutch and American @PcTeknic was asked to do the Spanish part, and within a week he translated all (really appreciate it and thanks again !) 2 people who doesn't have anything to do with pinball took care of German (IJsblokje) and Portuguese (Rute O.) IJsblokje is working at the same company as me, but other team and Rute was a former colleagues of my (also from another team), but left the company to work at AWS French is still in progress and will be added when translation is done ! If someone wants to volunteer to translate Italian (or maybe another language), please let us know Also if you find anything that needs to be changed, or it doesn't look right, let us know ! We also added some new features that @Tom Speirsreleased in the last couple of PinballX versions A big thanks to @scutterswho started this ML version and what costs us a lot of time (and headaches) to get all to work. A small feature that I want to show, is the real time translation when a new version is available (need Database manager 20.11.12 or higher for this) This is for example in Spanish. I really don't know if this is correct (thats why the original release notes is in English below), but it looks nice So have fun with this release !
  20. The setup in vpx is for all tables, but some table use a different button than other tables.
  21. @BrandonLaw I tweaked most myself. Removed with poweshell the default windows apps. stopped a lot of services, which I think I don't need. i also launch Steam and Nvidia control panel as well.also launch DOFLINX, pinemhi leaderboard (everybody should do that!). Running windows degender, but skipps the complete pinball folder (also steam installed in that folder)
  22. Glad I could point you to a direction my friend !
  23. I use w10 20h2. An i7 7700 with 16gb ram and nvidia 2070 8gb video card I had issues with FP as well that it was slow and not performing. Because vpx is much better I didn't use it. Couple of months ago, I tried it again and followed TerryRed tutorial (normally I just try it). Also only use the new fp tables. All runs smoothly now, but still... VPX is the big winner for me. More photo realistics, better physics Also bought FX3, Pinball Wicked , zacaria. All plays smooth. Too bad I bought The Pinball Arcade with the Arcooda key. Realy a waste of money So not sure whats going on in your system. Check cpu, mem and gpu when running a game
  24. ah thats true. Pinball Arcade needs rotated screen, so, hide Backglass doesn't work (well, I thought it would only rotate the playfield and not the backglass) For pinball Wicked, I use Image monitor view. There is a thread in the form, but basically, I run a launch batch file : TITLE PinballWicked c:\windows\system32\reg.exe import C:\Pinball\DisplayTools\DC2\monitor_100dpi.reg C:\Pinball\DisplayTools\DC2\dc2.exe -configure=C:\Pinball\DisplayTools\DC2\4kdisplay_portrait.xml start "" /min C:\Pinball\Scripts\PBX\Image_Monitor_View.exe 1 "C:\pinball\PinballX\Media\Pinball Wicked\Backglass Images\Black Flaggers.png" start "" /min C:\Pinball\DMDext\dmdext.exe mirror --source=screen --position=15 10 810 200 --no-virtual -d pindmdv3 Line one set the title of the batch file (to kill it after wards) Line two set the registry key for 100%DPI (when I quiet , I set it to 150%, otherwise all is very small) Line three set the screen in portrait mode in 4k Line four shows an image on the backglass Line five is to mirror the on screen DMD to my pindmdv3 When stopping the game, you need of course kill the programs that are launch : @echo off "C:\Pinball\DisplayTools\DC\dc64cmd.exe" -rotate=up taskkill /im dmdext.exe /f taskkill /IM Image_Monitor_View.exe /F taskkill /im cmd.exe /f hope it make sense and that you can use it for TPA and freecammod
  25. I can confirm I have the same results Also apng won't work for backglass and playfield Renaming to png, will show the png animated for backglass, but playfield shows a black screen for me I tested with this one
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