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Everything posted by Mike_da_Spike

  1. Please post your log.txt and pinballx.ini
  2. I don't have Demons Tilt on my cab, but can you post your Pinball.log file (log file after you reproduce the issue) and your settings.ini ?
  3. Anything in the eventlog ?
  4. Beside the gameex user Id and password, all settings are in your pinballx.ini Never had this with pi ballx, but had in the past on an old harddrive an issue. Every reboot al my changes where reset, and was caused by bad blocks on the harddrive. If you dont have a backup of your config file, there is t a smart way. Options to create a backup : Post your file on this forum if you have an issue or a question Use a backup methode like windows backup, Google drive,One drive or Synology drive Copy periodicly your file to another location Not the silver bullet, but maybe a lesson learned for the future ?
  5. Oeps .. maybe i uploaded the wrong one, but pbx manual is included in the latest version of pinballx. It is the documentation link within your pinballx folder in your start menu Thanks for notifying. Uploaded latest version !
  6. Properly your instruction cards wont show correctly
  7. Oeps .. maybe i uploaded the wrong one, but pbx manual is included in the latest version of pinballx. It is the documentation link within your pinballx folder in your start menu
  8. The vista/xp edition is based on .net framework 4. The .core is the .net corr 6 version . Xp/vista cannot run this as this framework cannot be installed on that os. Did you try to delete flash.ocx from your pinballx directory And relaunch pinballx ?
  9. You weren't rude, and not our meaning to be rude too. But just try to help you. Dbm looks scary, but works like a charm. It is easy to use. If you scared that it wreck anything, make a copy of your database folder, so you can always revert back. But I think , if you try it, you will love it
  10. Nice, didn't know it was released yet (thought it was an April fools day joke) I will check tomorrow if I can download from epic and play this. Thanks for sharing (Not a bog fan of the ticket system they want to use, so not sure if it stays long on the cab)
  11. From zenpinball, it is not possible to see what table you bought, so best way is add all tables (databasemanager has a nice feature to add tables) and you can disable or enable that table, so not visible in your frontend
  12. Do you get an error ?
  13. As far as I remember, the list shows all the visual pinball files in the list. So if you clwar the tables in file explorer, it should show a difference in the list as well But to be honest, I'm not a game list manager user (found another tool that will work as wel)
  14. Is it possible to make the 'Lists' entry scrollable, if the menu is too long ? Right now, I loose entries, because I created a lot of filters and custom XML's
  15. Nice ! Good one @scutters, thats why you have the brains (and do I have the good looks ?)
  16. Gotcha ! Need to think about it So you want not the real backglass duringbplay, but only the recorded backglass ? Maybe a stupid question: why ?
  17. Make a full copy of your pinballx directory ! A couple of mo ths ago, i was brave to reinstall windows on the cab, but only with a good backup it made a success
  18. What version of 5.40/5.42 do you have of pbx ? I mean, 5.02 was the old .net and now ot is updated to .net corr 6. Check if you have the same issue with pinballx w7/vista edition. Or ypu using that ?
  19. I dont think it is crashing, but pbx doesn't launch visual pinball at all
  20. I understand, but think the software wants to have pbx started in landscape mode and set pbx to rotate 270 degrees. Just give it a try (with the image in the loading images folder)and if thats the case, you found an undocumented feature
  21. @Tom Speirs, is pbx doing something with pinmame before a game starts ? I have some tables where I see a virtual DMD, but only when launched via pbx. Not sure if it is the same as above describe
  22. How is the image created in the media/loading images directory ? If you rotate that for 90 degrees, will that show better (just 1 for test)
  23. Well, maybe we can do that. But if all the tables are like this, you must check the settings. There is somewhere an option for default tables. So new tables would have that setting. An option will be to open the file in notepad++,, do a find and replace Thanks ! Not good, but helping others
  24. I think the above showed it, but because it is French, i didnt realize it, so sorry for that. Your pinballx showed 13:37:01.47 28/03/2022: Not Hide Backglass! You have unchecked to hide the backglas, that means it shows the backglass from pbx during play. So nothing to record. Check this again and test
  25. Whats in your pinballx log file ? Still that the backglass is found and will be skipped ?
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