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Everything posted by headkaze

  1. This is a pre-release beta for testing. Please report bugs and problems here along with your PluginLCD.log file (located in GameEx\PLUGINS\PluginLCD). Some options do not work. Sorry but I need to get this released so testing can start. The final version will be released along with GameEx eventually.
  2. PlugInLCD Homepage
  3. No offence enoch and I feel a little bad we all jumped on you for your last post but these are feature requests. Put them in the feature request topic if you havn't already. And if there already in there, be patient and hope it will be attended to at some time. I think I can answer these on behalf of Tom though anyway. 1. I don't get what you mean about vpauto, its a wrapper required for VP. If you want VP to run nicely ask the authors of VP to make it easier to launch full screen using command line parameters. The fact is about VP, is they DONT WANT VP to run like that. They want warning screens, same goes for Mame except there is no way to compile your own version of VP. Your best bet is asking NoLogic to decompile the current VPAuto script and make it run more reliably. 2. Probably not. It works for most people, so why waste precious time making it a set one path function. All you have to do is edit your Daphne .txt files so they are correct and run fine in Daphne. Sometimes you have to do a little work to get an emulator working but good news is you only have to do it once 3. Probably not. There are so many more features and issues on the plate. The importance and priority of which depend on Tom and public demand. Part 2 1. Not sure about the favourites issue your experiencing. Perhaps another feature request or bug report? The former goes into the request topic, the latter requires a new post. 2. Not sure why your vertical bezel's arn't showing. But putting bug reports into unrelated threads doesn't really help you. You should start a new thread for bug reports. You also need to give more info. What is the problem, what is the result your getting and the expected result, and any more info you can foster regarding the problem. 3. Making music files available as folders. Yes, it's been requested but so has alot of other things (see the GameEx Most Wanted thread). It's not on the top of the list but it will get sorted if and when Tom decides.
  4. Wicked thanks again Nologic. I updated my list of ones left to go, only Horizontal, Vertical, Originals & Live ones now I combined your Maze & Puzzle ones for Maze & Puzzle Games.
  5. He was talking about stability, not features. Some people have Daphne and VP working in GameEx and the ambient thing is really a feature request. It's hard to blame a FE for Emulators that arn't command line or "FE friendly". Maybe you sould go ask the Daphne or VP authors to add better support for FE's? We all contribute wrappers and software to help make them work, but you can't possibly expect Tom (who incidently does GameEx for fun) to write all the wrappers and utils needed to get these programs working in GameEx. If GameEx was fully commercialised like Maximus Arcade you would expect built in support for emulators would be better, but that is simply not the case. An example of this was a MA user coming and leeching one of our wrappers recently. So I would say with some confidence that GameEx actually has better built in emulator support than commercial FE's.
  6. Hey sbaby, this time your not so unlucky this is a known problem I hope to fix in the next version. CPWizard has problems with "Switch resolution to fit" option active. Please stay for the next version of CPWizard to help me test my fix for this
  7. I made a change in the Theme Editor that I was never sure if Tom got around to putting into GameEx. So I may need to change that back or ask Tom to make the necessary change again. If you can just verify if my feelings on this are right. Open your Theme.ini file and under the [Layout] section Change "Info=" to "ImageInfo=" If you can get back to me on if that solves the problem.
  8. headkaze

    Key to Joy?

    There are a couple of ways to go about this. I had the exact same problem on my cab, so I what I did was configure it on my other PC then copy the VT config over to my cab. Another way is to edit the VT config file with a hex editor although that would be alot more complicated to do.
  9. headkaze

    Key to Joy?

    Did you place ppjoykey.exe and your config ini file in the same folder as Virtua Tennis along with the batch files?
  10. There is also a solution on this forum http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?sh...ic=1924&hl=
  11. I was going to do something like this for CPWizard which is launchable from GameEx. It was going to be a list of systems and maybe a picture and a small bio. I never thought of adding controller info and pictures but I guess that would be cool if someone has the time to gather all the data and images together. I think it would be cool to have circuit board images of internals and hacks/mods etc. I guess this could get as big as you wanted Anyway when I was scraping AllGame I scraped all the Bio data they had into an xml file. Your free to use it for your database. SysInfo.zip
  12. Thanks Nologic, really fine work This is my logo collection thus far. Mostly Nologic's work with some added console photos. I'll make this available as a pack when it's complete and got the rest of Nologic's great M logo series.
  13. Doh! Sorry my bad, that was supposed to be "Multiplayer Simultaneous"
  14. F**kin awesome Nologic! Keep em coming! I'll cross off the remaining logo's as they come.. Horizontal Lightgun Live Live GameEx Favorites Live MAWS Hall of Fame All Games Multiplayer Simultaneous Mame Maze & Puzzle Games Midway Not Played Originals Spinner Trackball Vector Vertical BTW I think you may have uploaded the wrong psd I can't find the text layer in that one.
  15. I've never mentioned "v9" ever
  16. 1. Yes it's called LCDPlugin and you can configure it from the Plugin Manager (Start->Programs->GameEx->Plugin Manager. But I would hold back because I'm working on LCDPlugin V2 which is going to be a rather large update which will include support for Ultimarc PACDrive (amongst other things) 2. Yes, just drop in a coin and you can play while in attract mode.
  17. Yeah I'm a fan of Mario 64 (and Mario Karts 64 too). BTW Mario 64 was released for Nintendo DS and it's a really great port. Now I can play it anywhere
  18. GBA has some Game & Watch games and you can play the originals or ones with updated graphics.
  19. Now he's even added a section for Vista
  20. You can use Direct3D mode for ArcadeVGA it's just recommended to use Direct Draw for more accurate per pixel rendering. Maybe Tom will allow you to set different command line options for attract mode since he will already have to set a different artwork folder (-artwork_directory). You can still have this feature in Direct Draw mode it's just not as clear. You can look at the screenshot images to make up your own mind.
  21. Two things I recommend is a. Use command line Mame and b. Use Mame Compiler to compile Mame with no disclaimer. Mame 0.118+ uses Raw Input system that GameEx cannot automatically skip.
  22. If you decide to go with what bkenobi suggested in installing the full version of XP then turning off unused services check out Black Vipers site for info on which ones are okay to disable. http://www.blackviper.com/WinXP/servicecfg.htm
  23. Tom is still trying to find time to implement this, but in the meantime I generated demo bezels to see what attract mode looked like with them on and I must say it's one of the coolest features! This is going to be really handy for finding new games to play expecially with the MAWS star ratings as a guide Now I've found something interesting along the way because during testing I was always using the ddraw setting because I often test through Remote Desktop. I was a little dissapointed at the quality of the bezels and some were quite unreadable. But when running it through GameEx I realised the quality was perfect! So then I found the reason why, using GameEx I have the d3d option set. So it seems the bezel quality is much better using Direct3D over Direct Draw. Attached are two screenshots of the bezel's one from using d3d and the other ddraw options. So I would recommend people when using this new feature to use d3d. Direct 3d (-d3d option) Direct Draw (-ddraw option)
  24. headkaze


    If it's an AutoIt script why not use an ini file that has a setting you can change? [General] XpadderExe=C:\Program Files\Xpadder\Xpadder.exe Check out the IniReadSection, IniRead, IniWrite and IniDelete functions.
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