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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. If I understand your problem correctly, try setting "map Keys" in the emulator configuration to yes. This will allow the escape key to exit. Si je comprends votre problème correctement, essayez de placer la "carte verouille" dans la configuration d'émulateur à oui. Ceci permettra à la clef d'évasion de sortir. Bonjour! Mathieu
  2. Why the limitation?
  3. I'd like to put in a feature request, to allow Gameex to run non-working games. I'm serious - Then you could sell to Google, and I could get my $54,649.00 You guys are stupid, you could have bought my 100 shares for $22,000.00 back on April 1st. Hell, I wish I had bought $44,000.00 worth of google... $10,649.00 profit in 23 days...
  4. LMAO - and I thought I was the only funny one here... (Excluding anyone with "British" humour, of course)
  5. I did not know this...Thanks for letting me know! After doing some searching, both here, and at the Gameex site, I came full circle, and found the [PC] Commodore 64 database right where it should be on my computer. (yesterday, I said I didn't have it)
  6. You didn't say what emulator you are setting up. Check the video options, and make sure it is set to run fullscreen. If that doesn't work, you could try setting show desktop=true.
  7. I could be wrong, but isn't the database for informational purposes? (manufacurer, year, description, etc) I think that you meant "map file" If you have a mapfile for the C64, Could you upload it, because I don't have it... I don't have a database for the C64 either....
  8. I wasn't picking on the spelling if your name, I really meant it was the smart thing to do.... What about that beer?
  9. My sister (no, this isn't the beginning of a joke) is married to a Maguire. His parents immigrated to the states from Ireland when he was a child. Do you know any Maguires? Probably a common name there...
  10. Reko - Did you ever get this resolved? I don't really mess around with the theme editor much, but am willing to try and help if I can... How about uploading your Mamewah theme, and maybe somebody else will give it a shot.
  11. I think you could use romlister to find the Mame roms you are looking for...If you want me too I could run a list for you, I would just need to know how many buttons, and If you have a joystick (4way,8way) As far as the "crash" issue, if the games work outside of Gameex, they should work inside of it. What games/emulators are you having problems with?
  12. I'm in San Diego now, I'm glad you didn't really need me, Because you don't even know where I am! Always looking for the easy way out...
  13. Brian, If roms in subfolders don't work, then what does "romsinfolders=true" Mean? Seriously, is it a bug? Schulpius, I got that you don't need to pee... Would it make a difference that the extension is .ZIP, insted of .zip? Edit: I changed the .zip extension on one of my zips to .asd, and 7z still unzipped it! So, I guess that's not it! @FrEquenCy I copied this from the Vice website: I hope that the last part is worthy of a post, because I don't think the rest of it was!
  14. I thought you had decided Vice didn't like zips.... I haven't had time to play!
  15. Close, It's Ultimate GameEx Guru! , with an exclamation point. Brian - The Eagle has landed...
  16. You had to see this one coming.
  17. Man, you are totally screwed, You'd better start drinking the beer again! Hey, if you have me over to help drink the beer, I will tell you that the information you are looking for is in: C:\program files\gameex\data\data.mdb Just copy and paste it over, and you'll be fine. Sorry if I gave you a start...I like joking around, It helps to pass the time here in prison... I'm just messing around again, but I am taking a survey: Is my fooling around fun? Or a pain in the butt? BTW: I like Killians Also: It was truly Ingenious of you to back up your files...
  18. Tom hasn't fixed it yet? What the hell! From what I got out of it, Mamedev changed the commandline options, so it may not be possible...
  19. I don't think I was "Boosting my status", I was giving HK Kudos for a job well done. Now, Thanks to you, I have another post under my belt!
  20. I'm setting up Visual pinball / Pinmame Using Brian's files...I figured out where the project 64 reference is coming from... Brian, is that right? BTW: If nobody has played "Haunted House", give it a try... There was one on campus back in '82, the only pinball game I liked. It has 3 levels, with flippers on all levels. The "Basement" level is sloped away from you, so when you hit the ball with the flipper, it comes back at you. If you lose the ball on this or the "2nd floor", you just keep playing on the main floor. So you get alot of play even if you are not very good (like me). Nice Setup Package Brian! I set it up in about ten minutes, all by myself !
  21. Where do I get my refund? I'm kidding....Gameex and Circo's Emumovies are worth every penny I paid!
  22. Well then, to that I can only say "Good investigative work HK!" All this time we've been telling people to turn bezels off, without thinking of the underlying cause... Seriously, Nice Job! This is post #600 for me...Come on Frequency, pick up the pace!
  23. Tom, When my computer goes into standby, Gameex is minimized upon return from standby. Brian says it's a bug, so it must be true... I will post my Config if you wish. Tempest
  24. If anybody can figure me out, I'll have Brian send you a dollar (He owes me one ) BTW: I do know that I've left myself wide open there, but the offer still stands... My therapist gets a dollar a minute (which is a deal!)
  25. I found this: -[no]artwork / -[no]art Use additional game artwork Here: http://www.mameworld.net/easyemu/mameguide/mamew32setup.htm Assuming that the [no] is optional, it appears to be a valid command...Unless of course it's been eliminated. But, If you say it doesn't work..I'll go with that!
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