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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Well, is there? Yes, I have GX set to "best match", but alot of stuff doesn't show....Anybody come up with a way? I think I remember a mention of a "fuzzy match tool", does this help?
  2. I'm just jumping in again....He's trying to play Game previews, I assume they are .AVI, and at the top of this thread, we had him download FFDshow from the GX website... They are .AVI right VOXX? Brian needs the short story.....
  3. I think I can see where Brian was going with this, since the audio files play correctly, you've narrowed it down to the video codec. I love watching a genuis at work! (there's my mandatory suck up for the week ) Of course if I'm wrong, he'll be along to correct me in a minute. Damn Brian, I either need to take a typing class, or get a faster connection...
  4. The mapfile can be helpful for displaying game names correctly in gameex. If your roms are "good sets", they will have a name like romname(u)(b1)(prototype).zip (I MADE THAT UP!) Instead of displaying that in your gamelist, if you use a mapfile, it will display Romname. If your roms are just gamename.zip, then a map file isn't necessary. The reason that it says "map does not exist", is because when you browse for it, you will need to remove the .map extension, because Gameex adds it on hence "sony playstation.map.map" So far as the volume issue goes, it does seem that it is a ffdshow issue....BRIAN???
  5. There must be something though, so if you will bear with us, we'd like to keep trying.... Have you tried playing the video through media player, or whatever software you have to play avi's outside of Gameex?
  6. I think I've gotten to the bottom of it, since my board is 400Mhz, and the processor is 800Mhz, when the FSB speed was cut in half, it also cut the processor speed in half. Make Sense?
  7. Yeah, that's what I was thinking....But apparently that was not a good answer. Go to advanced configuration > audio settings Enable media controls, if set to yes, will put a volume control in your toolbar. Music volume is a number from 1-100 to set the volume in gameex. I found this by looking at the Gameex set up guide provided by Adultery http://www.hfc-essentials.net/gameex/gesetup.php I think I will use it today to see what else I don't know about Gameex! Sorry for the bad advice before, I'm still learning too!
  8. Hell no! I played Tempest, and it is running at 85%! that means that it's not frames skipped, it's the percentage of full speed!!! AAAHHHH! When I right click on my computer, it say p4 2.6GHz, but it's running at 1.3GHz. WTF? I checked the BIOS, I see the clock speed, but not a way to change it...So then I pulled the battery out to reset. The clock on the computer is now wrong, so I would assume that that worked, but it is still running @ 1.3GHz. If it were a 2x4, I would cut it into pieces, and use it for blocking.... At least it still runs, and I can still setup stuff on it.....I'm not upset, I just don't get it....Will talk to you tomorrow!
  9. Hell yeah! I finally drank enough beer today to calm my nerves enough to try installing the new processor. When I pulled the heatsink out, the old processor came out with it...it didn't give me a chance to release it with the lever. I popped the new one in, added a little heat sink compound.....computer booted right up! What was I worried about? I took a couple of before and after notes...not sure what they mean. Before After Dead or Alive 45% 34% Carnevil 28% 21% I used F11 to show frame skipping, so to me it makes sense that the numbers are lower, but if that's what the numbers mean, it doesn't seem right that Carnevil would have lower numbers than Dead or Alive. So I'm not sure.... Even though Carnevil doesn't run at full speed, Carnival does! Thanks for the advice Brian!
  10. Tempest


    Good Morning Brian! I want you to know I saw that, but he said the "game manager" would not let him change the search criteria. I thought maybe the game manager was a function of MFME, so I made my suggestion. I am trying to rationalize my answer, because my "correct answer ratio" is getting low, and I don't want to get Shitlisted! (I know, DJ Infinity would rather see a perma-ban anyway!) At any rate, I just wanted to say hi, and the new "easy chat" feature hasn't been implemented yet.
  11. Tempest


    I don't use MFME, but generally speaking.... I would unzip one of your roms, and see if that is the only way to get the game manager to recognize your roms. If it is, it may not allow zips, and you may have to unzip them all. If you do have to unzip them, don't forget to change your Rom filter in Gameex to match the extension (*.gam?)
  12. I request that mention of this plugin to be made in this thread: User Submitted Plugins, Upload your plugins here. http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?showtopic=2704 Just Do It! (I don't have time to be assed around with you guys...) I Think HK should do it, since it's his baby. Edit: I would also like to note for anybody reading this thread that there are other possibilities of what the plugin could do here: http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?sh...c=5174&st=0
  13. There are a few people here with HTPC's, I'm sure they will be happy to help you when they wake up...it's a Global Community Suprisingly (at least to me it was), the forums are actually more active during the week. I guess people spend time with their familys on the weekends.... This may be a dead-end, but Headkazes Lcd/led plugin will control some screens check out his thread here: http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?sh...amp;gopid=29820
  14. Brian's always wanting a break from emulation, so I thought I'd try this. I've seen each of these three at least 15 times: The Breakfast Club - Molly Ringwald, Ally Sheedy, and three guys 48 Hours - Nick Nolte, Eddie Murphy The Matrix - Carrie Anne Moss, and some other people (lots of inside jokes if you watch it enough "copper top") Anything with Julia Roberts Pretty Woman Notting Hill - If your wife wants you to watch a chick flick watch this one Erin Brockovich Pelican Brief Conspiracy Theory Comedy - After listing these two, I realize I like "Smart Ass" comedy. Anybody suprised? Fletch - Chevy Chase - My kind of humor, and Dana Wheeler-Nicholson is my kind of cute Good Will Hunting - I'm not sure it's a comedy, but again my type of humor "Do you like apples?" Honorable mentions: Shawshank Redemption The Sixth Sense Lethal Weapon Die Hard The Terminator (all 3) The Family Man - Another "Chick Flick" I guess that's enough for now, if we can all decide on one, I have you over for a movie.
  15. Yeah, you'll want to set that filter for all your Emu's... In PJ64 goto options>settings>options, and check the box "go to fullscreen on loading rom"
  16. If you make the changes highlighted above, your config will match mine...No gaurantees that it will work! The *.zip may have to be something else if your roms aren't in zips. It might need to be *.z64, or whatever the extension is that your roms have. This filter will keep any other files from showing up in your games list. I had "" around my [rompath]/[romfile] but it didn't work.... I think I had problems with some of the games with databases, try turning this off as a last resort.
  17. And you can run the same game as well? Intereting... In the advanced configuration, export your emulator, then post (copy and paste) the contents here.
  18. You can specify multiple directories for mame roms. I don't know if that helps or not....
  19. This sounds cool. I will be trying this soon... I volunteer myself to make lists for all of the emulators based on the information at http://nonmame.retrogames.com/ I've got some things going on, but I will have them done by midweek.... Thanks Bkenobi!
  20. Three things (in reverse order): 3. Sweet deal! Every once in awhile things just work out! 2. I was almost done with your 3-sided upright 36" monitor cabinet. 1. This definately does not belong in this thread. (Come on Brian....Ban Him!) No seriously, outstanding find, and as usual, good work! It's because of your cabinets that I want to build a new one.
  21. If you read the error message, I'm pretty sure you'll find the answer. If there's any doubt about whether or not it's a Gameex problem, try running PJ64 on it's own (not through the Gameex FE) and starting the same game you tried previously... As for the other problem: I highly recommend that you keep a pillow handy (although one of those "keyboard wrist rests" will do)!
  22. That's what mine was doing, although I didn't have any blood on my forehead... This is how Brian helped me: Ok. Brian helped me get PJ64 working.... the command line should be: project64.exe [rompath]/[romfile] Apparently some version of PJ64 require Quotes, and some don't.... Thanks for your help Brian!
  23. You can either zip it first, and then upload the file, or it might be best to cut and paste the text into the window you type in.
  24. Tempest

    Zinc Wrapper

    I will try it in the morning, Got things to do tonight....I will let you know!
  25. Tempest


    Ok, but I don't need a path at all...closemul is entering the text into the "open file" box in FREEDO for me. So I thought that If I got rid of [rompath], It would go away, but it's still there. So it's trying to open G:\3DO\game name If there's a different way to do this, I will, but this is all I could find.
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