I'm probably stupid or something...My zinc folder has so much crap in it, it's not even funny... So I'm going through, setting up everygame using ZincGUI, and winterblasts plugin, and I'm thinking to myself that this can't be right... I need a Go here, and get this file, then configure it using this file then set it up in gameex like this, hand holding type of thing... Unless of course I am supposed to set up every game individually again, then just give me the OK, and I'll do it. I think this is what kept messing with me before, I just couldn't believe you had to go to this much trouble, until I finally broke down and did it. I'll tell you this, if I check the properties on my zinc folder, I have 494 files in 37 folders, 761MB total. Doesn't that seem crazy? You want to know why I'm stupid? Because Zinc runs at 24 FPS on my computer, and I'm still trying to set it up!