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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Tempest


    I told you not to listen to Frequency!
  2. Thank you for responding HK. If I were to do as the guy did and have the tv halfway out of the cabinet, and if I used a 27" 4:3 tv, then the width of the display would be about 21", and the height would be about 16". I would make the marquee 8" x 21", leaving the top half (8" x 21") I'm thinking that for this to look decent for art work, the top half should be split again into two pieces 8" x 10.5" effectively, two smaller 4:3 displays. I guess my questions are: Can I display the CPWizard in one of the smaller displays? I guess from what you said, I could have gameextender rotate various artwork on the second smaller display...Correct? Does this all make sense, and do you think it will look nice? It sounds like I need to update to the latest Gameex, check out the integrated CPWizard, and start fooling around with GameExtender. At this time, I don't have a video card with two outputs, but I see I have a VGA out on my laptop. Will this display a second picture, or just the same one twice? You don't have to answer that one, I'll plug in a monitor and see...
  3. Tempest


    I thought the space was in the wrong place....Obviously is was the quote mark (") that was wrong.
  4. Tempest


    Did you eliminate the second space? So far as the task bar...set "show desktop" to False. Edit: And stop listening to Frequency...he doesn't know what he's talking about! :LOL I'm Kidding, he's sharper than I am. Gotcha Frequency!
  5. Tempest


    I think that you have your spaces wrong in this line: Command=VirtuaNES.exe" [ROMPath]\[RomFile]" it should be: Command=VirtuaNES.exe "[ROMPath]\[RomFile]" with a space after VirtuaNES.exe, but not after the first quote here: "[ROMPath]\[RomFile]" Sorry if I sound short sometimes, it's nothing personal, I just have to jump in and answer before my wife catches me! Gotta go!
  6. Tempest


    I could be wrong (at least that's what my signature says), but I don't think you understood what Frequency meant. Go to the your configuration, where it says "Database" erase everthing in that field, so that it is blank. Post your config as it is now, I'd like to see if you've been following along....
  7. Tempest


    good eye i lost the L but it still did not work Try not using a database, and see if that helps.
  8. Tempest


    Hard for me to see your files from here, but is the C:\Emulators\VirtuaNES path right? or should it be C:\Emulators\VirtualNES? Edit: I got in there after you Frequency...seems like I had it backwards! I knew something looked wrong.
  9. In setup "enable / disable features" page 3, there is "auto exit games after" set it to "disabled".
  10. No, I did not know that...I've been feeling lazy lately, it's nice outside, and my cab is in the basement. I also (no disrespect intended) see all the problems that updating can cause, and again I'm feeling too lazy to deal with anything. I'm thinking that this must be a winter sport, and am reading the forums to try and keep myself fairly informed, but for now, I am content with that. It sounds like both you and Tom have done some great improvements recently (I haven't updated to the version with built-in CPWizard), so maybe on the next rainy day, I will update and check out the new features. Unfornuately for you, winter is coming...
  11. I don't know if you guys caught this before or not, but when I was helping Barcio in the CPWizard thread, I came up with a way to auto-generate layout overrides from a list created in Romlister. Here is a link: http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?sh...amp;#entry35380 Even if you knew this, I thought it might help someone else following this thread...
  12. it sound like you have it running... Except for the crash that is... I would suggest running the "Run Last Game" batch file in the GameEx menu under the Start menu. It should give you an error for you to decipher. If it flashes by before you can read it, add 'pause' to the end of the batch file. Set "show desktop" to "true", and make sure you have the setting in visual pinball set to run fullscreen. BTW: This would have been easier if you had posted your config as I, and then Brian asked!
  13. There may be issues with snaps in Visual Pinball. Kingb33 was going to do videos...he talks about it here: http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?showtopic=5428 I don't know that it's a problem for snaps, but he implies that there is... Edit: If you are going to pursue this, start a new topic, we are kinda trashing the Mame Compiler thread...
  14. Import the config that comes with Gameex for Visual Pinball. I just checked, and unless I missed something it should work as is. You will have to make sure the paths are correct, and that the command line has the correct name for your visual pinball.exe You will not have to click ok with this method.
  15. I think Mightypeniz was on to the problem... You need to set your working path to your Tables: C:\Emulators\Visual Pinball\Tables set also launch to: [apppath]\vpauto.exe (vpauto.exe should be in your Gameex root directory) your command line should be: ..\VPinball.exe -play -"[ROMFILE]" It does not work if you set the working path to your Visual Pinball directory. Edit : I should add...You will have to make sure the paths are correct, and that the command line has the correct name for your visual pinball.exe
  16. It would be nice (if you were going with a widescreen) if you could use the extra space on the sides to display bezels, instead of reducing the size of your play area to display them. I read a big debate once about 4:3 (or if you will, 16:12) vs. 16:9 in home theaters. They rambled on about what formats you would be watching, and a bunch of other technical stuff. The guy actually concluded that 4:3 would be best, although I can't remember why... I say it has to do with your available area. Let's say height is your limiting factor. If you were to put in a 4:3 screen, the width would be less than what your maximum could be, so if you watch a 4:3 format, it doesn't fill the whole wall, and neither will 16:9. If you go with a 16:9, your wall will be filled to the max at least some of the time. In the case of a Video game cabinet, it seems like you have more height than width, so you should get the tallest format available. That's just how I see it...(no pun intended)
  17. Bkenobi wrote a little diddy called "Mame Loader" to run two versions of Mame (or other emulators) seamlessly. You could set up one with the games (and config) that you need for your wii remote, and another version for the rest. You can find his script in this thread: http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?sh...ost&p=36769
  18. I'll give you a tip, You have that picture of your control panel, use it for the background image in the CPWizard, and then you can use it as a template to set up your panel in the CPWizard. Just place your controls over the controls in your background image (you can resize controls in the CPWizard), and then change your background image when you are done. I hope that makes sense, I'm not sure I explained it well.
  19. And I wasn't being short with you, I just wanted to make sure you had seen it. Basically, you build a software replica of your control panel, and then tell the CPWizard what your key assignments are. You could go ahead and get the "look" of you CP right, but as BK said, you won't be able to do key assignments until you know what they are.
  20. Did you see that CPWizard has a help file? Look for help in the menu bar, then select help again.
  21. You guys know that I'm getting close to building my new cab (I've been waiting for warmer weather, it's 46 out this morning...summers here! ) I really want to try this marquee idea. If I'm going to let the top half stick out of the cabinet as in the thread that HK mentioned : http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php?topic=70840.0 I would really like some idea's on what to display on it. Would it be possible to display three things on the monitor? (Marquee, CPWizard, History) It would really all be one picture, but is there a way to combine these (or some other three) items on the screen to display? Does anybody have a different idea of what the top half of the display could be used for?
  22. Tempest

    Whats new?

    Hey Hansolo, Welcome back! I didn't know if you meant specifically with Gameex, or us, So I will assume us, since I like to talk about me! I'm getting really close to building a new cabinet, I ordered all of the stuff two days ago...I'm hoping it will be delivered while my wife is at work! I'm sure she won't notice it after it is in the cabinet. I'm planning on using Electric Ice buttons, with HK's LCD/LED wiz...I'm excited...I will post pictures along the way...
  23. Just to elaborate, before you try to set up an emulator in Gameex, you need to have it working on it's own (without Gameex running). All Gameex does (That's kind of funny, "All Gameex does") is launch programs, so you need to make sure they run without Gameex first. If you need help with a specific emulator, we will try to help with that too... I'm assuming you are trying to setup Mame, but you didn't really say... Gameex doesn't work well with older versions of Mame, so update to a recent version (currently mame 0.125), and make sure you can run Raiden in mame first.
  24. use *.mds for your romfilter in your config.
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