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Everything posted by stigzler

  1. Spot on - just got to lift my foot and step it forward now Thanks again.
  2. Wow, thanks for the full answer, Adultery!! Lots of stuff there for me to get my head around! I've had a day of NVidia drivers screwing up my cab and 5 minute post-boot delays, so head's frazzled and bad day for success today! I'll revisit it when my head's a bit clearer. I do appreciate the support - especially by the Don of Plugins I'm looking to start simple. A plugin that detects game select change (i.e. when cycling through mame/emu list), and looks in a specified folder (for that system) for a game either mathcing the rom name or some kind of image/selected_game match. It then displays this image, stretched to size on a chosen monitor. It's basically to display marquee files whilst cycling through games... How do I set up Visual Studio and GameEx to work together for dev? I tried running the Plugin template, but get some error about how it needs an .exe to run from or something. Actually, maybe all this plugin stuff is a bit beyond my skills....
  3. Thanks null + yeah - had a good look through the wiki. It's making the conceptual leap I'm struggling with, though.. I understand(ish) the concepts behind variables/classes and events, but just can't grasp how you apply this to plugin development. Hard to explain, but need a bit of an A, B, C to get me started. If can get some kinda dev setup started where GE and a Dev'd Plugin are interacting, I should be able to take it from there. Yeah - using Function logger too - really handy to see what variables are available at what stage and also what events are triggered when... In short, I just need a bit of a 'leg-up' hopefully! Thanks for the response.
  4. First page cap doff is a good idea. Draco has a point about number of systems. The number in the GameEx database below. You'd have a job on. Best to publish a gimp/PShop template and let others make those obscure ones...
  5. OK - so I'm now resurrecting 2 year old topics Thanks for this Adultery. Having made a start with Visual Basic, I'm now trying to understand/develop plugins for GameEx. However, I'm falling miserably at the first hurdle, and think I'm missing some of the basic concepts involved. All VS devs to date have been either form or console apps, so get how things work(ish) from that point of view. Downloaded your plugin template from here: http://www.gameex.info/forums/files/file/38-gameex-plugin-snap-in-template/ Got template up and running fine. However, I'm not sure how to dev a plugin beyond that! It's me being thick probably. A few Q's: - So, I'm guessing that when a plugin runs, you can catch any Events in GameEx by the looks of your GameEx.plugin file (although how does it do this as there are no handles...)? - How do you reference the GameEx variables? Normally you'd just do class.variable, but how do this with plugins? - Where do you actually write you code? gameex.plugin or do you make a new vb.net code document I'm aware I'm sounding really thick - but all a new concept to me. Any pointers/idiot's guides/guided reading would be appreciated!
  6. Wow - I wouldn't call that amateurish - they look fab! Great design and great layout. Definitely add this to the repository once finished! My one reservation would be the GameEx logo on the top right. Now, I realise I may be being a little controversial on this one, but one of the reasons I went for GameEx in the first place was to customise and make it totally yours (ish!). I happily credit GameEx on my system, but am a bit averse to branding on every page. Is it easily removable (i.e. a theme layout component) or is it included on the overall page graphic (i.e. incorporated at gimp/AI stage?) Great work - genuinely love your theme.
  7. That's a fantastic review - accurate and balanced too! Think the best show of appreciation may be to post that here: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,84933.0.html That'd help others out too when choosing a front-end. And I'd agree - I chose GameEx a few years ago precisely for the reasons you outline above - cutomisable and very flexible. I love the idea of it being "organic" - it's got me into all sorts now from cataloguing game-related assets to coding! And tbh, I find it's no. 1 competitor bland and generic. I'll always come back to GameEx being the grifter's Android and Hyperspin being the consumer's Apple.
  8. Like the way it folds up into a box. Wondering if he's planning to take it on the bus with him or something..
  9. "imgur is over capacity" I really don't know why people use that site - there always seem to be problems with it....
  10. Puzzling. Please post the logs from the logs folder. Also, is this happening during the initial install? Lastly you say youre trying to create those folders. Did you elect to instal them to dropbox or somewhere else? If not, they should be there, no need to create.
  11. CPWizBiz V0.8.0.0 Released Totally overhauled installer. Now: - Guides through the Master/Slave installation- Accommodates re-install ontop of existing installations- Auto-downloads CPWizard + sets it up.Tootips added to Admin interface. Added facility to delete game setups and edit game names** Added Assets dowloader - keeps all imgaes up to date from server **** Added Controllers and Game Controls downloader - download other user's setups - save yourself a job**Above resulting in much smaller download.Added some view tools for the datagridsAdded Change GUI font size/style (for old man eyes like mine)Total reshuffle of layoutoh and....** MARQUEE EDITOR!!! **- Autogenerate Marquees from image paths- Add images, animation (flash or gif), vidoes (local or youtube link) + scroller texts to a custom marquee- Flashy text generator - makes styalized text from game name. - In-app image searcher to find logos, backgrounds, fanart etc- In-app game info searcher- Video Intros before marquee display (e.g. for console boots)Loads of other stuff... Get here:https://cpwizbiz.codeplex.com/releases/view/617911
  12. I had a funny feeling it was the same fella, Draco! Thanks for confirming. Thought I was having Deja View. Go-on Franky - have a go at modding the theme. That's where I started a few years ago and now I'm hooked into the misery of a coding addiction. Join....us.....
  13. Talos isn't designed for different views. sorry
  14. Looks ample to me. I always think about this from an emulator point of view. That should run Wii Dolphin games and PS2 PCSX2 games easily. Think the next gen console emus (x360, ps3 etc) are need stoopid power so would be prohibitively expensive/impossible at the moment. Ooops - just noticed this is the PInballX forum. Ignore all of that. No idea when it comes to pinball emulation - sorry!
  15. I think there was another winkawakka with a similar problem a few months ago - it's worth a forum search, OP.
  16. *sniggers "Winkawaks" still makes me giggle like a schoolboy. One day I too shall be a Winkawakka... Sorry Goindimon - Waaaay off topic + welcome to the forums. If anyone can, Draco can....
  17. It's usually this fella that makes sure we all celebrate and recognise each other's birthdays. Well today, the shoe is on the other hand and it's our turn to return the good form and tell him what a top bloke he is! For me, he's an irreplaceable collaborator on what seemed like climbing Everest, but the guy's a trooper and got stuck into the logos project like there was no tomorrow. An all-round good egg, nice guy and true collaborator/supporter of the scene - always willing to help out others. Have a good one, fella and make sure you chill/drink/eat/whutever makes it a good one. Ultraman's co-stars also wished to relay a happy birthday to you:
  18. Now that's how to make a help request post.... especially given it's yer first post. You'll have made Draco happy! If only I behaved as immaculately... Welcome, don
  19. LOL. Some screenies may help too, Franky Screenshot Captor's a good freebie
  20. It feels like this will never end.... Demo in situ: The crappy camera doesn't do the marquee display justice...
  21. That's immaculately done. Wish I could find more of this guy's work!
  22. OK. Open GameEx>Themes>Talos101>Theme.ini Scroll down to the bottom of [General] MakeToolbarTextWhite=TrueMenuTextWhite=FalseDisableChangeView=FalseForeGroundTopMost=TrueHideToolbar=3Change DisableChangeView to False and save Restart Gameex. You'll now be able to cycle through all the different views. This skin isn't designed to have different views, so just cycle around until you get to the default. There must be about 20 different views, so be patient until you get back to the default. You can change DisableChangeView back to true once done. Good luck brother.
  23. Just to chip in - I didn't really make it for different views - it was done in the early days when I had less of a clue what I was doing than now! (which is saying something ) Might work though.. dunno
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