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GameEx Moderator
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Everything posted by stigzler

  1. "If yer having code problems I got news for you son.....I got 99 problems, and..." (my god - my geekiness is getting worse with age)
  2. Ya see... these guys are SO good at support that they answer their own support queries! Be interested to see how you get on with RetroArch, null, cos starting another project and having to use Linux with Retroarch and EmulationStation. Key quesiton for me being "are the emulators they've chosen for each system the best ones?"
  3. stigzler


    ...with a trident..
  4. stigzler


    I know! Draco killed a guy....
  5. stigzler


    By the way....I've proposed a fight: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,149260.msg1557337.html#msg1557337 Who's with me?
  6. 28 days, man... nearly a month!! Stay strong and if you can't - try crack instead. It's better for your teeth.
  7. S'up Dawg.... now thas some rare ole shizzle rit dare! Congratulations old boy...
  8. stigzler


    Very good, very good. Those Hyperspin fanboys are idiots, though, right? (seriously - only j/k'ing - horses for courses)
  9. That shroud idea is genius! Did excatly the same with my speakers, but getting dazzled by the led's - now I know what to do! I'm assuming it doesn't effect sound quality? Looking great - especially the color matching - colors chosen by hand or by script?
  10. stigzler


    http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,149260.0.html (just saying....*whistles*)
  11. Wooosh! Another one in the bag...
  12. OUCH. OK - so this isn't looking good. Stella doesn't seem to respond to the usual sendkey/sendinput from .net. Struggling to find an alternative, short of one of the coding geniuses on here who know more about windows keyboard messages than me either giving me a steer or making another suggestion. In the mean time, you could look at Auto Hot Key (AHK). Doesn't take too long to learn and you could make individual scripts for individual games. Launching these on a game-specific basis will be possible with the app I'm slapping together.
  13. Do me a favour - send me the launch command line for Stella, the emu download link and some example games for which you need remapping (just the names). This'll speed up my looking at it when get a minute. EDIT: Oh - forgive me - you did mention a couple of games...
  14. Watch this space - should be releasing a plugin soon with per-game keyboard remaps possible. No promises though, cos the whole sendkeys business seems quite convoluted, but might work for Stella.
  15. S'OK - found a workaround by using the old plugin manager. Guess only really a problem if you're regularly booting the plugin configuration...
  16. The new Repository Manager is quite slow to load - thinking it's because the "All" filter is selected by default and has to load everything off the bat. Makes configuring plugins a bit of a faff. Any chance of speeding it up by maybe choosing a different filter on boot? Cheers
  17. Ya know... behind every great thing there's normally a mere handful of grafters that make that thing the thing to have, enthuse over and talk about. And out of that handful, there's normally one unsung hero. Lifting the hood on GameEx over the past year has led me to tearing apart the database behind it all and I'm blown away by how much time, effort and graft Greatflash has put into building a huge info source for preserving history. Aside form that, he's from the UK and he's a Commodore 64 fan - so he gets my vote! Happy Birthday, fella.
  18. You may slip. But if you can stay on your feet more often than you end up on yer arse, yer winning. You're bigger than it. In the words of Will Farrell in Get Hard: "punch it in the f**k hole"
  19. So, I notice this under Draco's profile: I was a 20 a day man for 20 odd year. I gave up last year using just NRT patches after messing about with all sorts previously over the years (Champix; Zyban etc). I've now been cigarette free for 8 months. Incredibly tough (whichever way you do it - you're going to deprive yourself of nicotine, hence lowering the dopamine in your brain-bag and thus feeling more miserable), but it does get easier with time. tbh, now - I don't even think about it + the worst of the quit-grumpiness has passed. Go for it dude! Seriously - you CAN do it if you choose to. And 12 days is phenomenal! The two week mark is highly significant. Wtg, fella. (p.s. is it just co-incidence that this tag is so near the 'how to ask for help' links - smoking and this related in any way! )
  20. stigzler


    That is looking pretty awesome.
  21. Yeah. let's face it - he has been coasting a bit since 1983..... Shame really - American Graffiti and THX1138 were also really great films.
  22. http://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/dec/31/george-lucas-attacks-retro-star-wars-the-force-awakens?utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=GU+Today+main+NEW+H&utm_term=147069&subid=14871586&CMP=EMCNEWEML6619I2
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