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Everything posted by stigzler

  1. ouch Hans - is that Star Wars in Comic Sans? My eyes....they hurt...
  2. Urgh. Keys.keycode. VirtualKeyCodes. Left and right modifiers. Low Bytes/High Bytes. Make it stop. It's upsetting me. Out my depth. AGAIN.

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    2. stigzler



    3. stigzler


      Today I'll mainly be bug hunting....

    4. stigzler


      Urgh - .net My.Settings sucks for anything beyond saving your name. Save yourself time + deliberation - custom settings class using ini/xml or registry.

  3. Scary when childhood influences start popping off....
  4. You could rig up some motors and automate entry to and exit from the captain's chair....
  5. Now that's dedication to your passion! But how do you get out that chair quickly if your mother-in-law visits?
  6. Just......can't........resist.....it....... (surprised it took so long really..)
  7. True star of the scene - have a blinding b'day fella!
  8. No Way, Ray!? An xmas eve bday? Man - that could be a doozer, but many happy returns, chap. Awaiting more graphical goodness..
  9. Every front end should have a monitor to call its own, especially at christmas...
  10. You going for wood, gold or granite? Seriously - hope goes OK dude. Novacane!!
  11. Was all a bit wierd and sticky, with lots of restarts and randomness. However, eventually got the SCSI drive working. Thus, have modified my rather hot-headed post title.... Hot headed... me?....what do you mean by that! Now all they need to do is fix the 30 second between-ops lag and I might change "crap(ish)" to "getting better (Slowly)"
  12. No worries + thanks - that's solved that one - injecting into d3d? I'll pass for now... Is there anyway to programatically minimise GE from the plugin?
  13. I used to love it, but it's turned into a monster. So how come the scsi/sptd 'aint working my end?
  14. Bit direct, but had it with Daemon Tools. Just upgraded to Windows 10 and now can't mount to SCSI drives, nor install the necessary components: Product support appears to be mainly provided by fanboys. I'm so glad I paid for a DT licence - did so because of years of good reliable software. I'm wondering whether it was sold on last year to some d**ks who are only interested in making a quick buck. And they still haven't fixed the 30 second delay Anyone know the best alternative to deal with all the various mounting formats required?
  15. The mysteries of the GameEx black box... So - is the Game_Info structure the same in Event_CommandLine and Event_GameRun (as it is different in GameShowInfo). I need to be calling routines with game specific info. Was calling from GameRun before, but can't find a life of me find a way to put a form over fullscreen GameEx. I'm hoping can make same call from CommandLine and that GE minimises at this point. I'm assuming .bringtofront and .topmost=true aren't working because gameex is DX or something? EDIT: Bah! made no difference, apart from the fullscreen GameEx screen just going black. I'm just needing a tiny little form popping up over the GE window prior to game launch telling used files unzipping etc.. any ideas?
  16. Happy 25th December day too, Mr GameEx dude. (still can't say the "C word" - makes my skin blister and my blood run green)
  17. Heh. Fab tags - especially "leader of the good things" Great channel - looks dead profeshunul, like. Vids are nicely produced too. Good to have you visit... now there are an awful lot of HyperSpin videos on your channel. But - "Wot - no Game Ex?"
  18. Ah! I assumed that this held the game bio. That did the trick thanks adultery. However, does raise another q. Wheres the game bio as I was assuming description held this... do you have to grab that from somewhere else? Doh scrap that. Just reread your post and see have to grab that at the show info event?
  19. Query #2: Getting Rom file extension from Plugin Hit a weird one tonight. However, it's super-crucial to this plugin I'm writing, so do hope it can be resolved. The game data available from the GameEx Plugin: <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _ Public Structure Database Public Category As String Public Year As String Public Developer As String Public Description As String End Structure <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _ Public Structure Mame_Info Public Players As String Public Control As String Public CloneOf As String Public Orientation As String Public VideoWidth As Integer Public VideoHeight As Integer Public Cocktail As Boolean End Structure <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _ Public Structure Game_Info Public EmulatorNumber As Integer Public EmulatorName As String Public GameName As String Public ROMPath As String Public ROMName As String Public GameData As Database Public MameInfo As Mame_Info Public RomFilter As String Public SnapPath As String Public TitlePath As String Public CmdLine As String End StructureHowever, ROMName just gives you the ROM name without extension. Can't see any other way to get the extension of the selected ROM. I see in your Quicklaunch plugin, Adultery, one of your tokens has the rom with the extension - how did you extract this from GE? Can't think of any way to do it, unless it's tucked away in a .ini or .cfg somewhere upon game selection. Everything grinds to a halt accordingly! Probably a good thing as have red eyes and been coding all weekend. Would appreciate any help.
  20. I heard the Times (UK) film critic suggesting that JJ Abrams did a better job of Star Wars than George Lucas. That is why: a) Next time I will stop listening at her second word if her first isn't "sorry..." b ) I will continue to refuse to read the Times. c) I will continue to refuse to ever be a Tory. d) I will continue to will Murdoch's passing with renewed vigour. My 2c - haven't seen it yet - have to wait till on DVD.
  21. There seem to be some real quality builds coming out the UK... ...and I'm not really that patriotic either!
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