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GameEx Moderator
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Everything posted by stigzler

  1. I always wondered "woody, woudn't he?" but now I know... What is that i5? Retro-console conversion gonan be my next project, but wanting specs that'd run Wii games - this bad boy do that?
  2. Very nice + polished! What are the two keys for? Freeplay? Doh nemmind - figured it from the CP interior photo!
  3. + btw - whoa! Horace Goes Skiing
  4. http://valid.canardpc.com/si4pw7 Runs everything up to Wii (inc PS2 + PSP). Struggle with some Wii games (that Monster Masher game or something..) but does manage others. Interesting link - so there's someone here in the UK making a living out of this!? They need a new R+D guy for their Driving cab imho.
  5. stigzler


    On the back of this thread, I downloaded the 360 game. Funny as flub, but the gameplay was tedious, so bailed. Maybe I need to be 16 again and buy a comic. What a great character.
  6. then she should be pictured holding that machine by its (track)ball(s) Is it possible to become suddenly misogynistic overnight? I worry for myself some days... Apologies to any female readers.
  7. That's all wrong in so many ways..... Mind you - made me like Chr***mas a bit more (sorry - can't say the full word).
  8. Just.....can't.....stop.....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DazzleHP


      lol gotta admit stigz, sometimes you're so sharp! And so dry with it. As dry as a Nun's count some might say :P

    3. stigzler


      Thanks Dazzle. It's true - I have some dirty habits, but that's nun of yer business :)

    4. DazzleHP


      Aww, c'mon, no need to shroud yourself :P

  9. I couldn't be bothered to go to the tribble.....
  10. Whilst I have a certain nostalgia around XP (OS on my first purchased PC), every dog has its day, and thus it may have to become a casualty of progress.... I do hate to alienate, but needing that LINQ goodness.
  11. Me again! Does it absolutely have to be .net 2.0, or can you use 3.5? Just need to use linq stuff + not avail on 2.0. Have tried it with 3.5 and everything seems to be working OK...unless there some hidden snakes that are gonna bite further down the track?
  12. Yer a star, sir! That put me totally on the right track - I've just dropped the dataset onto a form and doing everything via this form rather than in the plugin class. Now editing my largish dataset is a lot easier with the designer. Ta Adultery.
  13. QUERY #1 (RESOLVED!): Still reasonably new to plugin coding... I'm seeking help from the coding geniuses on here..... I'm lacking some basic knowledge on this one. My project: GemDS is a dataset made via Dataset Design view. I'm trying to access this dataset in the GameEx.Plugin.vb class, but because it's a clas (and not a form) I can't figure for the life of me how to do this!! If it were a form, I'd do this: But, of course, because GameEx.Plugin is a class - there are no controls to 'add.' Sorry - know this may seem obvious to you proper coding guys - but it's got me stumped! As ever, would appreciate any help. Dunno if helps, but full code here: https://gemvoy.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#GEmvoy/GEmvoy/Code/GameEx.Plugin.vb
  14. Probably redesign it again in another year and come back and ask again. Hardest bit of the build, this. Even considered paying megabucks (relatively) to have someone do it/decide for me!
  15. Oops. Forgot me manners - thanks for the feedback chaps.
  16. Cool.... always particularly interested in fellow dynamic marquee builders! Looks great.
  17. Man - they do look awesome. Quick question - where did you get the 1942 graphics from? I need to make a custom marquee for 1942 cos all existing are LQ
  18. Wicked Dazzle. So, the full Playstation 2 catalogue in 1080p on EmuMovies any day soon?
  19. Gawd. Where's the time go? Marquee sorted. Plexi on order. Last thing to do: Sideart. I am finding this the hardest thing to sign off/do of all the build! Ditched my previous designs. Think I'm going to go for a single grpahic-art type image. My remaining dilemma is whether to keep the sideart green-toned to compliment the rest of my cab (all green - green lighting etc - see earlier posts) or go full whammy and go colour? Two possibilities below - whatcha think?
  20. Helpful link ta null. I did try a bit of a search, but got confused by all the reference to non-statutory, federal and god knows what.... so the ole "ask the fella down the [virtual] pub" routine worked a treat again Long may it prosper... + heh - next in line from Xmas + Thanksgiving day is Independence day... A whole continent celebrating getting rid of British rule. Mind you, I think I'd do the same, tbh. No offence to any British Nationalists. Enjoy the break - the buggers have us proles working like navies for peanuts these days..
  21. Enjoy yer turkey, fellas. How many bank holidays do you get over there?
  22. I vaguely remember the sun - does it still exist? I'm sorry null - I think I'm hijacking... *schtums
  23. Yeah, all about the love here - cos everything's just so brilliant.
  24. Ezio's cool. Or Dave. I call my Home Server "bastard," my main pc "f*******g bastard" and my cab "less of a bastard than yer two brothers..." Nothing to see here. Move along....
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