Played Eve online for a bit. Great atmosphere and presentation. However, for some reason, I just get bored of highly open world games. Likewise, I also get bored of being led-by-the-nose story driven games (Final Fantasy 10, anyone?). These games are fab, but I just cant seem to get on with them. I did like the way Eve left you skilling up when you're not playing. But, dunno - hard to explain, but it's just for stuff that everyone else can get given the time and playing. Thinking about it, I think the chief driver for me is difference and change. For example, whilst Skyrim and Fallout 4 are fantastic games, I just remember feeling really bored at points - bored of the grays and greens - the best moment in fallout 4 being the exploding hotel and finding that Oasis place (the graphics style changed largely). Think with these games, you tend to get too much of the same. Discovering or earning something different is what keeps me hooked in games. Won't ask how many hours you've put into the new Elite, Rocky!