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Everything posted by stigzler

  1. Well, its due to obligatory narcisism required by an awful western socio economic policy. "Its all about me and sod everyone else" sheesh. Medic!
  2. And it still persists today, Dazzle in the field. You'd be amazed....it's the eternal battle of parental expectations of norms vs true free will. It's a funny old game - the people who create this s**t are cast as geeks and outcasts. But then it becomes a social norm and people start consuming and using it every day. Personally, I can't stand Facebook (telnet + bulletin boards!), any big game franchises (read: 1980s ocean) or even tbh my smartphone. However, I do love the journey to get there - testing what's possible and making things happen. Watching a lot of Steve Jobs today, trying to get my head around my unease with Apple. And I think it's precisely that - some amazingly fantastic creative minds go into design and development at Apple (and undoubtedly in Massive software houses + social media groups), but then it all seems to disappear into the big gray mush of bread and circuses for the masses. Bit like bringing the Venus De Milo into the world then using it as a door stop. All one big anti-climax. Anywhoos - tis true - you were there during the genesis Daz! Something to tel the grandkids about. It'll be a bit like your grandparents going on about Harold Lloyd, Laurel and Hardy or the introduction of television. They'll yawn and take more than 8 sprites; parallax scrolling and more than 4 voices for granted. Sheesh - the yoof of today.
  3. OK - had a play today. Basically, you just have to use DTAgent.exe rather than DTLite.exe. Command lines preserved as per last (pointless and annoying!?) update. Working examples: DTAgent.exe -get_count DTAgent.exe -mount, F, "C:\Test.vhd" DTAgent.exe -mount dt, F, "C:\Test.vhd"
  4. Just watched it - thoroughly recommended for UK old-skool nostalgia + hey - all these fellas from our youth (e.g. Zzap 64 fellas) aint looking too bad and they're older than me! May also be of interest to others too!
  5. This looks interesting; docu on the development of the UK games industry since the 80s: http://www.frombedroomstobillions.com/
  6. stigzler


    https://www.atariage.com/ normally good place to start for atari
  7. Played Eve online for a bit. Great atmosphere and presentation. However, for some reason, I just get bored of highly open world games. Likewise, I also get bored of being led-by-the-nose story driven games (Final Fantasy 10, anyone?). These games are fab, but I just cant seem to get on with them. I did like the way Eve left you skilling up when you're not playing. But, dunno - hard to explain, but it's just for stuff that everyone else can get given the time and playing. Thinking about it, I think the chief driver for me is difference and change. For example, whilst Skyrim and Fallout 4 are fantastic games, I just remember feeling really bored at points - bored of the grays and greens - the best moment in fallout 4 being the exploding hotel and finding that Oasis place (the graphics style changed largely). Think with these games, you tend to get too much of the same. Discovering or earning something different is what keeps me hooked in games. Won't ask how many hours you've put into the new Elite, Rocky!
  8. More info here: http://forum.daemon-tools.cc/f19/dtlite-command-line-not-working-36674/#post145856
  9. oh ffs. Just tried the new 10.1 - and it would appear that these fekin geniuses have broken it again!!! Spent ages redesigning an app to run with the 'new' command line. Just ran it with the new 10.1 version - crashes. Are these guys thick? ffs x 10. Idiots. Sorry - just winds me up.
  10. Yerp - fair point daz. All depends what's happening Franky's side. Franky - if you've added new logos with different filenames (e.g. "FrankysPlaystationLogo.png") then you can use this via the above dropdown (e.g. by selecting "FrankysPlaystationLogo") However - if you're just looking to update/use the existing drop-down names - just replace as daz suggests. I'm sure it'll all be OK...
  11. Make sure this matches this:
  12. Think they're all there - all match the GameEx System names too. One day, I'll match it with this to check got logos for all the systems: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ynb4qx3mruzj39i/AADUnaWwwfZUIDkJhOaZK7zHa?dl=0
  13. Sweeeet!! If you want things just the way you want it, you have to factor in software and setup for just as long as your cab build. I started my cab 2 years ago. Last time I touched the hardware of cab was about a year ago.... Keep on trucking and it'll be sublime!
  14. Here's a set if useful:# https://www.dropbox.com/sh/las7myjhhjy849e/AADo2D3eY3lSYrMJkl2yrEKYa?dl=0
  15. ..then we could call it the "unfinished business" thread...
  16. Long time, no see, null. My sarcasm ambiguity seems to be getting worse with age. Progressively told these days that people "just can't tell." In this instance, no sarcasm intended. As a rule, I'm only sarcastic about bureaucracy, the government and people of privileged/power being thick. I was thinking more of a single thread - one post per man of their rig (or two if they have two - what the hell - three if they got three)..... Unless everyone's like me and never got it finished.
  17. My thinking is that if you buy a cpu now that can run wii games then youre golden. My impression around ps3 and xbox360 emulation is that thay are going to require stoopid fast cpus. Probably beyond future proofing presently. Another thing to consider when buying a cpu is to go for one that can be overclocked. Mine was about 3 years old when I bought it, but managed to get an extra 1ghz out of it! Buy for now, but if you start taxing your box in the future you can always overclock it.
  18. Great share, Kustom and that does look great for a cab. Unfortunately, I never get round to playing games! however, in 30 years time when I finally do, I'll defo sample this one! btw - is it me or "how many bloody adverts on that site!!!???" (I'm off on that one again...)
  19. Code grind...urgh...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DazzleHP


      I know right, if I could afford to pass on the responsibility I would. *shrug, burp*

    3. stigzler


      Have a duff for me...

    4. DazzleHP


      Sure thing - it's plugged into me veins. One Duff has though already...2...3... tell me soon if i should turn the tap off :o

  20. In a cab or running to a pc?
  21. Hi - there's loads of different ways to use psx zipped files. I knocked something together to deal with any zip issues (e.g. ecm'd files) and also to stop having to unzip each time. Also deals with per-game settings. It's also already setup for psx emus (asside from xebra which I never got round to). I'd reccomend a combo of epsxe and psx-r (I use the latter mainly). Take a look here if you think it may be of use: https://emvoy.codeplex.com/ There's a video on there which shows you how it works with psx.
  22. I'd love to know yer rig, Exed... We should have a special section in the social area called "Show us yer rig..." or something, where the GE regulars reveal what they're playing on....
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