Success! Winclose worked! So for future reference is anyone is interested, here's a script that exits MAME by holding down P1 start + P2 start for a couple of seconds: #InstallKeybdHook #SingleInstance force QuitWaitTime:=0 #Persistent SetTimer, WatchQuitCombo, 250 return WatchQuitCombo: if GetKeyState("1") AND GetKeyState("2") { SetTimer, ComboQuitDown, 100 SetTimer, WatchQuitCombo, Off } return ComboQuitDown: if GetKeyState("1") AND GetKeyState("2") { QuitWaitTime:=QuitWaitTime + 100 if QuitWaitTime >=2000 { IfWinActive MAME { WinClose, MAME } ;IfWinActive <Another Emulator> ;{ ; Send {Blind}{Escape} ;} QuitWaitTime:=0 SetTimer, WatchQuitCombo, 250 } } Else { QuitWaitTime:=0 SetTimer, WatchQuitCombo, 250 } return Thank you very much, you've totally made my evening. Emph