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Everything posted by emphatic

  1. Thanks for the info guys. I don't need CPS3 games at all. But if someone would like to play Bubble Bobble "as it should be" you need MAME 0.111 or higher, since they only "cracked" the Dragon-chip then. Emph
  2. Brian Hoffman: Why the 0.96? Did some big code find it's way into MAME after that build? I have a "little project" that would require a "light" build as well and I'm curious. Have to check in MAWS what games it supports I guess. Emph
  3. Actually, for MAME games, just add the "-norotate" to the MAME command line, and all your vertical games should be in the right orientation for you (i.e. you will only have to rotate GameEx with you button). Emph
  4. emphatic

    Theme help

    Okay, you have my blessing. Emph
  5. emphatic

    Theme help

    I think that the grid is nice, but it should be tighter. Better to go with 1. Reminds me a bit of my own themes. http://www.gameex.net/themes%5Cimage1%5CRe...amp;%20Blue.jpg http://www.gameex.net/themes%5Cimage1%5CBlue.jpg http://www.gameex.net/themes%5Cimage1%5CBl...20the%20Sky.jpg Emph
  6. My top five: 1. Rygar (Argus No Senshi) - the japanese version is superior 2. Flying Shark 3. Ninja Kid II 4. Black Tiger/Black Dragon 5. Out Zone Of Course I have a lot of other favorites, but I like to keep my lists as short as possible. Emph
  7. Try to buy a board on eBay and get a Supergun (let's ju play it on your TV). Or play similar games in MAME while waiting, like Undercover Cops. Emph
  8. Does anyone know of a .diff patch that integrates Autofire (from MAMEUI+) into the MAME source? It would be nice to have that in the builds you can do now. It's the one thing I miss about "other" builds. Emph
  9. What happened? I installed it without ANY trouble at all in my laptop btw using the built in LCD. Just set your screen to 640x480 before hooking it up to the cabinet and things should work. Emph
  10. Yes, that's the script, even though it's not the issue here. And I have no problems with it running either, just "wanted" to to do a batch file. Emph
  11. Don't know if this error is version specific, but when I added items to the "Tweaks/Performance" / "Launch On Start Don't Wait" (compiled .ahk-script) I had to place this in the GameEx folder, because even though I browsed to my .exe (placed elsewhere), the path is not entered into the field (not supposed to show up?) and GameEx crashes on startup with an error (the grey box with the close button at the bottom). On Exit, I had a .bat-file that lets taskkill stop the .ahk-script, but I had to move that to the GameEx folder as well or GameEx would crash on exit with a "send report to MS" message. Just reporting. Emph
  12. Success! Winclose worked! So for future reference is anyone is interested, here's a script that exits MAME by holding down P1 start + P2 start for a couple of seconds: #InstallKeybdHook #SingleInstance force QuitWaitTime:=0 #Persistent SetTimer, WatchQuitCombo, 250 return WatchQuitCombo: if GetKeyState("1") AND GetKeyState("2") { SetTimer, ComboQuitDown, 100 SetTimer, WatchQuitCombo, Off } return ComboQuitDown: if GetKeyState("1") AND GetKeyState("2") { QuitWaitTime:=QuitWaitTime + 100 if QuitWaitTime >=2000 { IfWinActive MAME { WinClose, MAME } ;IfWinActive <Another Emulator> ;{ ; Send {Blind}{Escape} ;} QuitWaitTime:=0 SetTimer, WatchQuitCombo, 250 } } Else { QuitWaitTime:=0 SetTimer, WatchQuitCombo, 250 } return Thank you very much, you've totally made my evening. Emph
  13. Popup worked. So basically, it's the new MAME input that screws it up? I'm running a custom 0.124u2. Anyway to disable Raw input? Emph
  14. Hi, thanks a lot for your kind effort, but the script doesn't seem to pick up when I press 1+2. I've tried holding them down and counting to 20. Perhaps it's because I use a laptop? What does {Blind} do? Thanks Emph
  15. So what I have to change is: WatchQuitCombo: if GetKeyState("Joy1") AND GetKeyState("Joy1") { SetTimer, ComboQuitDown, 100 SetTimer, WatchQuitCombo, Off } return ComboQuitDown: if GetKeyState("Joy1") AND GetKeyState("Joy2") { QuitWaitTime:=QuitWaitTime + 100 if QuitWaitTime >=2000 { Right? If I wanna use keyboard 1+2 I just switch out Joy1 -> 1 and Joy2 -> 2, correct? Thanks, I'll give it a go. Emph
  16. Thanks Obi-Wan, you're my only hope. Emph
  17. I managed to set MAME's 'GUI Cancel' to Right+1+2. But if you just run MAME from Windows, exiting it kinda impossible, since the 'Select a new game'-menu pops up and everytime you try to hit the correct key-combo, the search has a higher priority than executing the key-combo/exiting. I found that the solution was to tie 'Escape' as well as the desired combo. So if you're running games outside of GameEx (testing or whatever) you don't need to do the combo-thing. Emph
  18. Okay, but how? The thing is I don't want just a buttom combo, since that can easily interfere with gameplay. Holding the buttons for say, 5 seconds would be optimal. Can I do this with AutoHotKey? Does it have timed key mapping like that? I know that GameEx has (had?) some remapping functionality. But perhaps most people have six buttons or more on their CP's? I was looking in Advanced MAME configuration, AND GameEx inputs (in the wizard) but there's no mentioning of this. Thanks guys. Emph
  19. I'm using my EGRET II for MAME gaming and I don't have any free buttons for exiting MAME games, so I thought I'd give the Exit GameEx plugin a go. However, I can't seem to get it to work at all. My ideal function would be holding down Player 1 and Player 2 start to exit a game. Is this possible? Emph
  20. Tested with the SpywareBlaster "off". MAME games seems to run just fine now. I also updated GameEx from 9.16 -> 9.19, not that I think it matters, but for your information. Emph
  21. Here's my command line for MAME: -resolution 640x480@60 -video d3d -noflt -joy. I tried running GameEx with "GameEx will not change resolution", but then I got graphics in GameEx cut off, so I changed it back to running in 800 x 600. I also tried setting MAME command line to run games in 800x600@60, and it looks the same. he weird thing is that I pressed 'printscrn' in MAME running 1943 and the screen dump in clipboard (after GameEx was exited) was 1024x768. So I'm really confused, as this is my standard way of checking what resolution is running in a game. It seems like GameEx setting 800x600 is ignored by MAME (as it should) as well as the 640x480 I've set for MAME. I've shut off SpywareBlaster protection (so this might be the solution for me when playing games). Focus seems to work. Emph
  22. I'm running Win XP Home Edition (my laptop is a couple of years old). I'm gonna try disabling SpywareBlaster as I suspect it could be one reason. Perhaps I will have time to test this tonight. Emph
  23. I'll try the "not change resolution" tip next time I hook it up to the cabinet. Thanks. Emph
  24. In "MAME mode", when creating the gamelist, GameEx lifts the vertical/horizontal info from mameinfo.dat I think. Perphaps the emulator listfiles should be expanded to include this info as well. Or like I suggested in the 'feature requests' thread, with a checkbox Vertical Yes|No in emulator setup. Emph
  25. Sorry for the lack of info. I connect the laptop with a J-Pac when I want to play PC games or ridicolously expensive shmups in MAME. Otherwise I play my JAMMA pcbs. No remote stuff no. I just don't have room for a dedicated MAME PC atm. No Antivirus installed. Can a virus cause the behaviour? MSN? Windowblinds? I'll try to shut down an app at a time. Pehaps in the Wiki a list of "disturbing apps" would be good? Or is it a graphic driver issue? I'm running Omega Drivers 3.8.421 on my ATI Radeon Mobility 9700 with Soft15hz @ 640x480. Emph
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