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Everything posted by u-man

  1. Totally agree with tthurman´s points here. I do this regularly and I can only say, that jumping from 0.149 to 0.157 in one step, will not be possible, except you have such a update-pack, but I never have seen such a package in my whole MAME-life . Incremently is the way to go... sorry to say that . That is the best tutorial i know, for clear mame pro: http://www.cphsoluti...protutorial.htm it has all the info you need . dont hesitate, it can be frustrating sometimes, but if you follow this tutorial, you cant get wrong... I do this everytime and I never had a single problem with it. cheers, u-man
  2. Great improvement, considering that GameEx is a Frontend, I would say equally good. XBMC has the advantage to choose from different Database sources i.e. Imdb, Tmdb, TVdb etc. that way you earn more matches with your library. I allready have some movietitles that will be blank, cause they are not featured by Tmdb. Also a nice feature is to use the media-librarys from different TV-stations and get them well and nice presented. If the X-Box could handle HDTV it would be my first option for a HTPC. Hook up a W-LAN repeater and you have a seriously nice media and gaming center for cheap money AND unbeatable native 15khz Retro support. I was really impressed how well it suits at my girlsfriend home CRT-TV and I am considering buying a second one for my own. But this new feature is a real bummer, if we make some nice themes that cover especially the media-library it can be a even greater thing. So far, I can say it is very nice, still room left for even getting better. I need to check it further, to make a good statement and if something is missing or not. Comparing the PC version of XBMC and GameEx, I would say equally strong/good. Off course, i like GameEx more, because it has the main focus on games, which XBMC cant beat in no way.
  3. Never mind... during testing I renamed some movies but I forgot to rename my subtitles to the moviename too .... all working now. Big thumbs up .
  4. the master has spoken and..... he was right . yup, works now.... big thanks at this point. still got two questions : 1. where is the metadata stored? 2. any chances for subtitle support? anyway, this thread can be considered "resolved"
  5. I did all this, but the "Get Meta Data" option only appears in the Menu Bar for Jukebox. Not for Videos or Movies .
  6. Hello Gentleman, as my topic-title allready says, i have problems with the "Get Metadata" function. It doesnt appear in my menue-list. I have more than one moviepathes and i see my movies all listed but no description, no artwork, no metadata. I tried the default - default theme... no luck. I tried also just one moviepath on a external drive. The menue shows just: play all, play randomly, change view, back, home, quit..... thats all, but I got the categories like titles, actors, rating, etc. In the setupwizard, i see the "Get Metadata" textbox in the custom-text section, but thats all. I did a automatic update, so maybe it could get better, if I try the standalone version. Any help is welcome... greets u-man GameEx.ini log.txt
  7. sadly no .... play all, play randomly, change view, back, home, quit..... thats all, but I got the categories like title, rating, etc. oh my luck again....
  8. where is this "Get MetaData"? cant find it in GameEx.... is it maybe in the setupwizard? but also there, i cant find it. :/ want this badly and is this metadata somewhere stored? where? anyway thank you
  9. OMG....Tom.... i am speechless and you know why must say it again, this is the best Frontend on this planet...... hugs from me.... GREAT. God bless you.
  10. good point
  11. I just tested my gamebase v10 on GameEx and descriptions are working, but I guess IMBerzerk use his own favorites or just a view C64 games. no wonder, if there are over 23.000 games.. looks like very hard work .
  12. sounds legit to me... I have 4001 games in MAMEUIFX 0157, with a full romset and all working CHDs. I just filtered clones, non-working and mechanical. considering you use a 0156 romset with 0157 MAME and no CHDs, I would say, thats what you get out of it. In your case, I would rather use a 0156 MAME to matchup with your romset, then to use a 0157 MAME. I am sure, you will get some more games, maybe not much more, but with 100% compatibility . Also I am sure, you have a split-set romset (being able to generate any parent or clone) and its normal that you have 29.000 roms, I have them too .
  13. How that??? I tried a lot with GameEx and my own HD movie library and it didnt work. Also I fully understand the problems that can occure with license stuff (my own project comes to my mind ). Its not that I dont like XBMC (or Plex) but the PC version of it, is not that cool and customizeable like the X-Box version, which also has a lot more plugins that are great. IMHO there are worlds between those versions. Sadly a X-Box cant play HD movies, at least not a "normal" one . I dont want to hijack this thread or upset the OP, I would be happy enough if a movie description would show up in GameEx and it is just a wish, not a must have. I have maximum respect for your (or Ben, or any other contributing GameEx member) allready done work. Time to go to the Feature-Thread .
  14. the answer is in my post#8 in this thread. you need to be sure that the "Javaw" process in the taskmanager is terminated, if you leave ParaJVE. So read the posted link carefully (especially the last three posts) and do the same... it should work. Keyword here is: #Additional processes to wait to exit or close on exit. Dont include the .exe. Leave blank not to use. Process1=Javaw Process2= Process3= Process4=
  15. I like XBMC on my X-Box (original) in every way, kind of GameEx replacement for me and it has very nice plugins, that I miss on the PC-Version . But on the PC, I like only the nice presentation of the media-library and it would be so nice to have that features INSIDE of GameEx, like the automatic Mdb and Imdb stuff for movies and the automatic posterart download for the movies, but I think thats not easy to do and I would rather see Evolution in complete status .
  16. my guess is, it is broken. microsoft dont support the weather tool anymore. dont know how this effects GameEx, but I have the same issue for weeks.
  17. u-man

    mame.map file

    I tried Retroarch a lot.... the most reason for using Retroarch, would be the awesome shaders you can try on different emus. You can put up to eight different shaders, to create a specific look. HLSL looks like "kindergarten" comparing to these shaders. But Retroarch has many downsides when it comes to MAME. First, most of the shaders are hungry for a good GPU, so many shaders will not work fluently with a integrated GPU, like i.e. Intels HD-4000 for example. Second, I got display (i.e. aspect ratio) problems with many vertical games. You can correct that, but you will need to go into the shader-code itself to change this and you need to make and save a config for this, this will result in many different commandlines to start games properly from GameEx. You cant self compile a MAME-version (no-nag, autofire etc. not possible) and you will need to wait until the MAME core is updated by the developers. I use RetroArch only for SNES but the results with the shaders are awesome: If you want to try out RetroArch, than I recommend the latest build: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/91sakv0qdyxjx9f/AAAKWBfDHBtIQtNfnp4rlyXea?dl=0 It contains many more cores, sliders for shader settings, more shaders etc.
  18. Hello imagamejunky, That is the best tutorial i know, for clear mame pro: http://www.cphsolutions.f2s.com/guides/cmprotutorial.htm it has all the info you need . dont hesitate, it can be frustrating sometimes. CHDs are games that used laserdiscs or hdd´s to display in game content, therefore they are rather huge. I only have a view (i.e. Carnevil), as the most of them dont play well enough, to enjoy a game (imperfect so to say). So I wouldnt look for a complete CHD setup, at least not now, because if you want to update CHDs, then you will see the real hell . Start with roms and try to understand the logic behind it, then you can still expand with CHDs . Best wishes, good luck
  19. If it runs fine outside GameEx, then just put "-readconfig" in your commandline (without quotes).
  20. , what a brief description.... maked my day
  21. What if you manually switch to fullscreen with ALT+ENTER? What is your native Display Resolution? What kind of Display do you use, is it a HDTV or a PC-Monitor? You could use a solution, like in this thread: http://www.emutalk.net/threads/55159-Wrong-PAL-aspect-ratio-temporary-work-around With WindowedBorderlessGaming you may get it to show the correct aspect ratio and still have a pseudo-fullscreen. This is also bad news for your case: https://code.google.com/p/demul/issues/detail?id=201&can=1&q=wrong%20aspect%20ratio&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Priority%20Reporter%20Owner%20Summary But like I said, I dont have that problem, no matter if I use DX10 or DX11 and I tried on two different PCs.
  22. You need a grafics-card that support DX11, otherwise you will get that choppy stuff. I just tried Crazy Taxi and it works. My Display has a 1920x1200 pixels. Video Mode in Demul is set to VGA. 4:3 would be correct and I wonder why its squished if you go fullscreen. I also remember that on the very first start of a rom, the game will be slow, but if you start it again, it will start with "normal" speed (some kind of caching needs to be done). This still dont explain your strange behaviour. Check your Demul .ini files. Sorry that I cant help you better, but this is not normal behaviour of Demul. I guess this all happens outside of GameEx, as you try to configure Demul.
  23. Thats how Tom does it... kinda "Back to the Future" thingy, you know. He writes the code in the past then come back to sell it to us, like he has done it in one day . Gotcha... You cant fool us .
  24. Advance MAME is actually a special MAME version and a very old one too. Its usage is aiming to CRT-TV-Tubes setups and can create pixel perfect resolutions for MAME games. It was created by the italian Andrea Mazzoleni, it is discontinued without no further development and it support MAME only to version 0.106. So if you dont use that MAME, you dont need it and I am sure that caused your problems with the gun or your "normal" MAME in general. Yeah, I am also interested in this. Please post pictures of your model, if it turns out that it works. And I am glad to hear, that everything works now...
  25. Dude, its getting scary .... well done and thank you.
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