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Everything posted by u-man

  1. Hi Tom, just wanted to inform you, that this and the last update, lead to the "looping-update" bug on my side. So the automatic-update, didnt work for me, only the manual update , but that without any problems .
  2. i think it depends on your graphics-card and what directX it supports. As far as i know, the 0.7 version is directX 11 only, if your graphics card supports directX 11 you should go with 0.7 (faster than 0.5.8 ) , if it does NOT support directX 11, go with .
  3. Believe me, i had exact the same thoughts, before i joined the MAME dev groups, but i will try to explain you this. Retroarch is a nice Frontend/App, but there is nearly no own developing involved regarding all the emulators it contains. Sure, they do alter the cores, for the many platforms they are supporting, but they didnt wrote the whole Mednafen core or MAME core or any else core . What will happen, once a developer has stopped improving a emulator? And this is a thing, that already is happening to many emulators. Now lets take your state "There's a reason that we're not still watching VHS tapes anymore and that's because technology improves things over time." What will happen if 4k/8k displays with HDR are common things in households? How a abandoned emulator will face the improved technology? Who will and can improve closed source projects? Questions over Questions. These facts alone, makes MAME a way more serious program/platform for any developer. MAME has over 75 main developers and god knows, how many others, that occasionally improve drivers. So from a pov of a developer, isnt it nicer for him to join the MAME group, rather than just doing his project all alone? And dont you think, he will also reach his goal way faster? It may sound sad for us gamers sometimes, but the main goal of all MAME devs, is not to bring us games to our hands at all costs and in no time, this is just a nice side-effect that we can actually play these games. MAME devs are trying to avoid hackish attempts, just to make games working under all circumstances. They could easily make some games playable for us, by inventing hackish tricks or altering/overclocking drivers, but accuracy stays over gaming. In the long run, this principle will win and stay over many other projects that are maybe considered dead meanwhile. Sometimes this means that devs rather sit and wait Moore´s law becoming true So you maybe think there are many games not working at 100% speed in MAME, but the time will come, where technology will improve to a point, that it easily handles the cpu-hungry resources of some MAME games and at this point, MAME will beat easily any other emulator project . Take Vectrex for example, I always thought, hey ParaJVE is the ultimate emulator for this console and comparing to MESS 2 years ago, this fact was true, but looking now at it, MAME beats it in terms of look and feel, because the vector-shading improved vastly in MAME and as soon as HDR will be available, it will improve even more and i am not counting in the things that will additionally come, that i will not talk about yet . And what happened to ParaJVE meanwhile? Exactly nothing, development is on hold or rather dead, considering there was nothing improved in 4 years and probably never will. Or take SNES for example, currently BSNES is still the ultimate, but offer BSNES Super Gameboy? Its not perfect in MAME, but it will be... sooner or later and this is true for many periphals in other systems of MAME. So taking stigzler point of lightgun support into account, here is the answer. You maybe have a clue now of "Why giving priority to MAME" Its this, why i have no problems with that state of Nonmame.
  4. So i start here with Mednafen vs. PCSX-R. If PCSX-R has all these upscaling, filters advantage, then you forgot that you use the Mednafen core in Retroarch, and there is no doubt that you can pretty fast forget all the PCSX-R filters, upscalers etc. , because there is absolutely nothing that can compete vs. Retroarch regarding shaders... i repeat, nothing. With 'post-processing' app, you mean Sweet FX. Yes, you could use this, but there are not many CRT-Shaders and the ones that are there, are not as good as Retroarch or MAME´s HLSL. I see Sweet FX´s advantage more for modern games and not in Retrogames. Regarding http://nonmame.retrogames.com/ . I once had the same opinion as you both here, thinking "ha, they forgot this and that emulator", but the more i looked into it, the more accurate i found it. If you read closely, then you will see, that they often give/show alternative emulators and for all the other reasons you mentioned, i can only quote a sentence from nonmame "Please note this does not mean any of these systems are "perfectly emulated" either - emulation is never truly perfect!". Thats exactly what I think meanwhile and i started to collect the real stuff that i like the most. Leaving emulation more and more behind. Its also more fun and less hassle to be honest. Real hardware is more "press play on tape " and done. No configuring, fiddle-ing or other headaches. So far i have PS1, Xbox, Xbox360, SNES, Gameboy and Vectrex. With awesome solutions like Everdrive, PSIO and other Multi-Cartridges, i have the same huge collection, as with emulators, but playing at a 100% accurate rate . At the end, i will be left with MAME and a view emulators, at least thats my plan. Like i said, there is nothing, that can compete against the shaders from Retroarch. They have literally hundreds of shaders and not only this, you can all mix them up to your own like, giving you thousands of possibilities. You maybe realized at the nonmame page, that Retroarch and MAME are sharing the "main-emu-market", regarding who can support the most. This is good for the emulation-scene, because this way we have way more available systems. It was one of the reasons, why i adviced Jezze to focus on things, that Retroarch dont have, like the recent vector-shading improvements. Even with tons of shaders, Retroarch has nothing to offer when it comes to vector-shading . Also MAME follows a completely different philosophy, in terms of accurateness and grown up seriousness. For HLSL this means, that only real physical aspects of CRT-simulation is considered worthy, unlike Retroarch, that also has shaders, that are far away from any CRT-simulation. I like both and its good to see, that each fraction can learn something from the other. Muh man ... yeah, thanks for the links, but i dont have any config problems, its just what i see and read when surfing through different forums, that other people struggle with the configuration of Retroarch, especially when it comes to specific problems, like running a CRT setup with Retroarch and other things.
  5. The simple answer is, if the devs from Retroarch have the permission from the authors, then they use the best available cores, if not they try to get the next best option. At least for windows i can only recommend this site: http://nonmame.retrogames.com/ There you will find answers, when to use MAME or another Emulator for specific consoles/computers. As you see, Retroarch is mentioned very often . If you follow the advices, you can be sure to have the best emulators for your desired goal. I like Retroarch very much, but the downside is, that it is very, very geeky to configure etc. It really lacks on proper documentation/manuals. On the other side, the forum+members are very friendly and helpful, just like here . For example, admin Hunter K. helped me a lot to port the OpenGL CRT-geom shader to MAME and as a result, this shader is now a inherent part of MAMEUIFX. I would maybe convert more shaders, but the MAME dev team, will sooner or later abandon the current shader systems OpenGL and HLSL and introduce BGFX. So i am not in the mood to do convertions until that step is done and i rather help Jezze (current HLSL dev.) where ever i can, as this make more sense to me . Currently i am trying to make a more "precise blueprint" for Adultery, in the hope that he will really help me doing the PlugIn discussed in the VIP section. I still think, that this would be a very helpful thing to further enhance GameEx. It is really sad, that not many people realize what huge steps HLSL makes in the last 1-2 years through Jezze. As a result, they miss really awesome stuff regarding the "visual" presentation of all kinds of Retro-gaming. The main reason for me to use Retroarch, are not to have all the different emulators under one hood, it is rather to have the awesome shaders to use with all the emulators it offers and nothing else. It is way easier to configure and mantain the original emulators, than to do the same with Retroarch, but the original emulators dont offer these shaders .
  6. Glad to hear that you all like the preset, i just want to remind and urge you, that it is better to honor and thank Jezze , because he is the person who constantly is improving HLSL. I just help him sometimes or fed him with ideas, but he is the smart mind behind the changes and he deserves the most respect. The latest vector improvements are really awesome and i attached you here my Asteroids.ini settings. If you have any asteroid.cfg files, please backup and delete them prior using this preset.
  7. Glad to hear that you liked the preset . Yeah, Jezze and me posted some settings a while ago, but Jezze optimized HLSL even further, so that the high prescale is not needed anymore. Probably it will vanish at all in the near future . He has fixed a lot of bugs/quirks of HLSL and i think it is now the time, where more features will be added . If you really go the CRT+ATI card route, please do yourself a favor and buy one of the recommended ATI-cards here: http://geedorah.com/eiusdemmodi/forum/viewtopic.php?id=65 If you plan to use the more graphics-card demanding emulators, like Supermodel, Demul etc. I would recommend to buy at least a mid-range card. I bought the last supported ATI-card... the 4890 (toxic edition, for even more power) and i am very happy with it . You will get it for about 50euros, maybe less on e-bay etc. Depending what kind of CRT you will use (15khz or Multisync), you will need to use specific themes for GameEx. If you decide to use a 15khz CRT, then only the low-resolution and arcade-mode themes will look good. With a multisync CRT you will have more possibilities that will look nice with GameEx.
  8. If i want to use a CRT-setup (doesnt matter if arcade-CRT or TV), i would go with a recommended ATI card and GroovyMAME. Its relative easy to setup at a cost that is way below of the setup you describe... as you dont need that arcade-vga-card. I dont miss any bezel or artwork in my multi-sync-arcade-cab. Why would i? You play pixel perfect arcade games with zero lag issues, that is way more worth, then any LCD-Bezel setup IMHO. You can achieve a close to a real CRT setup "picture/look" with HLSL, but you cant have pixel-perfect, sync-perfect, lag-free experience with HLSL+LCD... this is simply, technically impossible . Your config for HLSL, looks ok for me... but i would reduce the prescale from 8 to 5, because it is overkill with 0167 and steals way to much power from your graphics card. Test it, and tell me, if you see any difference . This is my current HLSL setting:
  9. mmmhh.... just to be sure... did you start the "GameExMenuEditor.exe" once and enabled "Enable Custom Menus" there? Also looking at my setup, the "GameExMenuEditor.exe" has administrative rights and i guess they are needed by the MenuEditor. Maybe it is some rights management, that is causing trouble?
  10. This problem is not a GameEx generated problem. We just try to help you here and i am (no offense) a little sad, by your short descriptions and answers. To tell you the truth, i cant really estimate the problem, because in one post you write this and in another something different, so it is hard to tell, what is really happening. I still dont know exactly, how your MAME behaves (without GameEx) ? From all your posts, it seems you are not able to switch resolution with Windows 7 alone, which indicates that you have some graphics card driver problem, maybe a messed up Windows 7 installation or your monitor is not able to change the resolution, to something different than 1366x768. This resolution also indicates more a TV than a monitor. At least it is not a common resolution for a computer monitor. So our first step and goal, is to get a working solution outside of GameEx (do not use it). This means that your windows 7 alone, needs to be able to switch resolutions. Right click on your desktop and choose "screen resolution". Under "resolution", check what resolutions are available and tell it to us please. please remove the SLG-3000 from your setup... we can add it later, when the setup is working correct. please uninstall your hrc program please install newest drivers for your nvidia gt 730: http://www.geforce.com/drivers please use the "Auto-Detect Your GPU" function here. please install new direct x drivers: http://www.microsoft.com/en-US/download/details.aspx?id=36805 if all of this does not help, create a new user-account for windows 7 and test your setup with a new user-account.
  11. but is the resolution really 800x600? does run MAME in fullscreen, but is small in the upper left corner or does MAME run in a window? do you have installed the direct X drivers, as you said you did a fresh install on your pc?
  12. and you are sure you can switch to 800x600 outside of MAME, i.e. your desktop? Because this is really strange otherwise. If the resolution is available, MAME is forced to use it by the mame.ini . You could also try to deinstall you hrc.exd software program and to try it again. Maybe this program is blocking something. Do you use only one screen, or two? What videomod do you use in MAME... direct3D, direct draw or OpenGL ?
  13. Ok... if I understand you correctly, you want a resolution of 800x600 while playing MAME and 1366x768 if you are going back to GameEx. You can change the resolution in your mame.ini and force MAME to switch to 800x600. Just look for this section and change it to this: ## OSD PER-WINDOW VIDEO OPTIONS#screen autoaspect autoresolution autoview autoscreen0 \\.\DISPLAY1aspect0 autoresolution0 800x600@0view0 autoscreen1 autoaspect1 autoresolution1 autoview1 autoscreen2 autoaspect2 autoresolution2 autoview2 autoscreen3 autoaspect3 autoresolution3 autoview3 autoYou can also copy and paste this. I also use a hardware scanline-generator... a SLG-3000 for my XBOX from time to time .
  14. i am pretty sure, i did this allready a long time ago.... i still hope you understand my reasons, to ask for this . Tom gave me the answer now... thx.
  15. I think you misunderstood me... Why so salty? The Lagarith codec is part of the LAV pack, thats why i am asking, if this codec is supported now by GameEx and if it is, does GameEx support a movie with a alpha channel in it? thats all
  16. Okay.. maybe stupid question, but with this update GameEx supports videos with alpha channel, like Lagarith etc. ? That would be a awesome update, especially for theme-makers, if this is true.
  17. Hallelujah.... , I guess many users will like the rating system, but I am really excited about the Gamebase improvements as well. Thank you very much for this, Tom and everyone else who was involved in making this update .
  18. awesome news.... i like the idea very much good job, Tom.
  19. Tom, my absolute respect for this update. That you had the nerves going through all the MAME changes lately.... maximum respect. I didnt like the merge at all and still dont see any benefit of it, but i am very happy that GameEx will support both... old and new MAME. Many, many thanks for this.
  20. ... i will not move any of my lazy fingers to create a theme, until Evolution is released. That high are my hopes and expectations for Evolution. Not that is impossible to do really nice themes with the current GameEx setup, but in my case, i want less "limitations" .
  21. I think this is a good discussion: http://www.mameworld.info/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=340524&page=0&view=expanded&sb=5&o=&fpart=1&vc=1&new=#Post340524 It brings it to the point. I hope it is of any help for you. Tom, you maybe remember the discussion we had about the filtering, look at post# 25: http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/14917-vip-exclusive-beta-evolution-mame-enhancer-plug-in-need-help/page-2 Maybe its a good time, to implement the changes of filtering which Headkaze talked about there, only if this is finished off course. I still use my method, for faster updates and with all the changes now, i think it is even faster. You and Headkaze are also very known and nice personalities and i think if you speak a word of rationality to the mame devs, maybe there will be some hope of changes . Especially the .ini filtering, DazzleHP talked about, is a bad thing, because of the dependencies to third party developers. If we can avoid this, we should do this .
  22. I dont think that this will happen , because the MAME-devs announced this a while ago: "Note that output XML is changed so rom managers and frontends need to get updated too." from MAMEDEV.ORG To be honest, i didnt thought that the MAME devs will do the whole MAME, MESS marriage that way. My understanding from reading the first announcement of this was, it will be a option for those who compile their own MAME to combine MAME with MESS. Now it turns out just to be the opposite . Its not only that i dont like MESS (i hate it ) , i also think MESS is not in that good state to explain such a step. However i asked mamesick from MAMEUIFX, if he maybe knows a good solution for this. Here is, what he has answered: "Hi. I believe there's no a simple solution. With the merging MAME-MESS the XML output has changed and there's no distinction between GAMES,COMPUTERS,CONSOLES in the file. The fact I filter all that stuff out in FX is because we don't use the XML list but the internal ARCADE.LST file to create our own. You should try to create a DAT directly from FX at this point but be careful again that in the new XML there's no more a tag "game" which identifies the ROM but a more generic "machine". I know this caused troubles to frontend and ROM managers maintainers." I didnt had the time to update to v0162, also i dont know, if i will even do this, reading all the trouble that comes with it. Does this also means that a update list in GameEx needs to go through all this software-list bullsh*t ? I am satisfied with 0161 as I have all the new HLSL stuff, since along time and will wait until this whole MAME-MESS chaos becomes history.
  23. Like i Said , it is possible to create a arcade.ini, to Affect only arcade or ex-Mame so to say. So i guess there is a Filter that only Filters Mame or arcadegames. I May have a Solution tommorow. I Hope that i could help somehow
  24. Since there is the possibility of using a arcade.ini (which would only apply to arcade games or "old" MAME), my guess is, that you can also filter games by "arcade" .
  25. sry for asking maybe stupid questions, but what is fixed for latest MAME release?
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