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Everything posted by u-man

  1. Did you check it? I tried every section in the Download-Forum.... without any success. No comments, no likes possible .
  2. Maybe I am missing something there.... but I cant comment that . I cant even like it.
  3. I noticed it... and I was very suprised, because it contained nearly a double amount of new 3D models vs. my old 3D cabs folder. I couldnt say thanks in the download section, but I am saying it here. A silent update with big impact .
  4. Sounds really awesome... looks like organizing rom-collections for GameEx will be a lot easier. Thumbs up for this
  5. OMG, did i said how awesome this community is? No? Guess i didnt tell it often. Thank you for all your wishes, memes and jokes. I enjoyed the postings and my birthday too off course . Its strange, but the buddies here, makes me feel younger. Next year, my age will be the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything . Sadly, I am not often in the social club... need to follow this topic .
  6. @Krakerman: I wish my Girlfriend would do that for me.... but she dont like it, when I am on my killing spree my Lightgun: http://www.blood-is-red.de/mw/index.php/Logic_3_PX098_Assault_Rifle soon it will work on my PC too.... and there will be very good news for Guncon2 users in the future ... stay tuned. The only thing, i want to know, how accurate are the Wii-stuff? I heard only bad things about it.
  7. Then try to convert them into MP4 with a slightly higher bitrate (in your case 1500-2000) like Draco allready said and see if you can import them afterwards. Thank God they are only 640x480 . Regarding Lossless codecs: thats why studios use massive RAID setups . If you want to do this, on a regular basis, i recommend you to buy a 2-4TB HDD, they are not too expensive. Try to avoid Xvid or MKV formats.
  8. No, i dont have a better or more "professional" solution other than to convert your AVI´s to a lossless codec. Thats what I do in general, because even when the apps are telling you, that you can use compressed or lossy codecs for cutting/editing, i have experienced often many problems, that came with them . The only exception for me, are files from cameras, which i bet is not the case with your AVI´s. Especially Xvid is somehow "problematic", because it is not a "official" codec, it is derived from Divx (see it like a hack from Divx). I hope for you, that these AVI´s are not too long in terms of time-length, because 1 hour lossless codec is about 20-40GB. In the past many apps did this conversion automatically, but with the time some apps started to skip this process to be a "faster" competitor and using less diskspace. I am not a fan of this behaviour, as lossy codecs often change, like (hopefully ) your underwear and that will automatically leads to problems i.e. with color-grading plugins. I could write a book here, but I want to keep it simple.
  9. as long is i dont know what kind of codec is used in your avi´s, i cant really help you . avi is just a container and inside can be many different codecs. it seems that you dont know which one is used .
  10. Yes it is possible, but you need to find a theme that use the arrows, which show you that you can scroll down or up. You can see the arrows in my theme here: http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/14725-theme-magnum-need-help-wip/ look at second picture in first post or download video in post# 8. Sadly i didnt do any further work, as I wait for Evolution . PS: hahaha Adultery was faster...
  11. First thing: both mentioned games are working without problems on my 0157 setup. Both games dont use CHDs, so my guess is, that something is wrong with your roms regarding these games. with these commandlines, you can verify your roms or do it with GameEx and "verify roms" option enabled: -verifyroms [<gamename|wildcard>] Checks for invalid or missing ROM images. By default all drivers that have valid ZIP files or directories in the rompath are verified; however, you can limit this list by specifying a driver name or wildcard after the -verifyroms command. -romident [path\to\romstocheck.zip] Attempts to identify ROM files, if they are known to MAME, in the specified .zip file or directory. This command can be used to try and identify ROM sets taken from unknown boards. On exit, the errorlevel is returned as one of the following: 0: means all files were identified 7: means all files were identified except for 1 or more "non-ROM" files 8: means some files were identified 9: means no files were identified Check that you have all roms marked in red, because sometimes you need the clones to get one working version. the example here, is for "Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes": The "mvsc.zip" should contain the following files, but this is for MAME 0157, it may differ for your version : NAME SIZE CRC ------------------------------------------------------------------- mvce.03a 0524288 824e4a90 mvce.04a 0524288 436c5a4e mvc.05a 0524288 2d8c8e86 mvc.06a 0524288 8528e1f5 mvc.07 0524288 c3baa32b mvc.08 0524288 bc002fcd mvc.09 0524288 c67b26df mvc.10 0524288 0fdd1e26 mvc.13m 4194304 fa5f74bc mvc.15m 4194304 71938a8f mvc.17m 4194304 92741d07 mvc.19m 4194304 bcb72fc6 mvc.14m 4194304 7f1df4e4 mvc.16m 4194304 90bd3203 mvc.18m 4194304 67aaf727 mvc.20m 4194304 8b0bade8 mvc.01 0032768 41629e95 mvc.02 0131072 963abf6b mvc.11m 4194304 850fe663 mvc.12m 4194304 7ccb1896
  12. can you tell us what kind of codec is used in these avi´s. if you dont know it, i recommend to download mediainfo: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mediainfo/ it gives you a brief description of the used files and is very common under video-editors.
  13. The lately added meta-data download function for the media-library is a awesome feature and I really like it. However this genius feature only works, if "create snaps" in the menue is enabled, thats why I ask for a feature request, to "unchain" the meta-data from the "create snaps" menue item. My main problem with this is, I have that menue item now everywhere and it clutters my menue bar, as I dont need it anywhere else, except in the media-library and only to use the meta-data feature. Is there a possibility for this? Elseway a great addition to GameEx . Again, thank you Tom, for adding this.
  14. Sad thing is... Nvidia will not work with GroovyMAME, not without Powerstrip and I cannot recommend it, as you can damage your awesome CRT, if you make it wrong. Sell the AVGA, buy a used recommended ATI on ebay... i have spent 40euros, for the fastest possible card, that was supported by GroovyMAME at that time and I am more than satisfied. Funny part is, I started also with a Nvidia and Soft15khz... it did worked well, but comparing to GroovyMAME... its inferior . And like i said, you have one of the best CRT-Monitors of the world, I wouldnt do something "inbetween".
  15. Ok it can work, but only with the app Powerstrip, as it seems you are a novice, i wouldnt recommend this. Sell the card and buy one of the recommended "official" ATI cards shown on the CRT-Emu-Driver page. Sad to say this .
  16. I dont know exactly what ATI-card is the equivalent to a AVGA 5000, it should be a HD5450, but my guess is a yes . I use a HD 4890 toxic edition.... just try and see what will happen. here is someone with AVGA 5000: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,143550.0.html and he got it working .
  17. Dude, you have one of the best crt-monitors ever produced. I also have a NEC 3PG, which has the same frequenzy range like the D9800. With the D9800 you can run 800x600 in progressive mode and even 1280x1024 in interlaced mode. To find GroovyMAME go here: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,135823.0.html Deinstall all graphics driver you have and install these ones: http://geedorah.com/eiusdemmodi/forum/viewtopic.php?id=65 Then read and install Arcade OSD found here: http://geedorah.com/eiusdemmodi/forum/viewtopic.php?id=46 Arcade OSD does the same like Quickres, but is way better There are even presets for your monitor, so its very easy. GroovyMAME is the best solution on this planet, when it comes to MAME-Emulation, it generates "pixel perfect" Modelines on the fly, so regarding MAME-games you will ALWAYS have the best settings possible. No matter what game you start, with your setup you can play ALL games in native resolution and nearly all, with native frequencies (depends on horizontal or vertical usage). It has way more resolutions available than arcade-vga drivers. If you have any trouble, just ask, as we have nearly the same setup... and I will never go to LCD again, because CRT is just to awesome. LCD is for noobs LCD is no joy at all, if you ever had experiencied a true CRT setup... believe me, I know what I am talking. my Cab: and the beauty of a NEC 3PG (XM29) picture, look at this awesome scanlines and slot-mask: just watch this video :
  18. What kind of codecs? Doesnt Vegas installs the codecs needed? I use only Sharc codecs and Quicktime, on my working machine... no problems at all, while video editing and doing other media stuff. You also should know that the FFDshow codec is allready installed, if you use the Shark codec pack . So I guess, you installed it twice, which can lead to problems, because FFDshow in standalone mode, makes stuff like you described (i.e. pop-up-menue in taskbar etc.). If uberpubert69 really do video cutting / editing, then I recommend to use the 64bit pack, because the codecs are significantly faster than their 32bit counterparts, when it comes to encoding, hence faster working . If you only need codecs for "watching" media, I agree with Draco and the 32bit stuff is maybe enough. Also be aware of this, as stated on the Sharks forums: 64bit users... - The default Windows Media Player is 32bit, so make settings in the 32bit app for this player. - Media Center is a 64bit player, so you need to make settings in the 64bit app for Media Center.
  19. I am not aware of this described problems here.... my advice, use GroovyMAME and try it. In GroovyMAME you have the option to do "correct" stretching even in D3D. If the topic would be true, the GroovyMAME forum would be full of the described problem here. Also I wonder how you manage a 800x600i resolution on a standard 15khz monitor, on mine it is impossible to do. GameEx can handle only the resolutions, that are available for the windows OS too. I am sure you can change the resolution prior starting and after exiting a game, but I dont know the command line for this. Thats something I hope others here can solve .
  20. You dont need to "hack" the mame.ini . You can use a horizontal.ini and a vertical.ini and make so changes to them, that it fits to your configuration i.e. telling which screen is used based on orientation of the games.... easy as that . For your info (sadly i dont know where the horizontal.ini / vertical.ini order belongs, but I am sure that they will override the mame.ini): All settings defined in the mame.ini file, are global settings. These settings are the first, that are read by MAME. However other .ini files can overwrite those settings. MAME reads the following .ini files in order: - mame.ini - debug.ini (if the debugger is enabled) - vector.ini (for vector games only) - <driver>.ini (based on the source filename of the driver) - <parent>.ini (for clones only, may be called recursively) - <gamename>.ini
  21. Yup, sounds awesome.... but the work to achieve your goal will break your neck i guess....still wishing you all the best. maybe you didnt know stigzler, but the mame controls.dat is kinda outdated and the guy (or people) need help to update it. IMHO i would start there and enter the hall of fame nobody has the balls to do it, as it would be needed to start from scratch (ok not really) bringing it to a new up to date format, that is easy to handle. As i dont have any database skills, but saw recently many good stuff from you, i thought maybe it is something for you.
  22. I used MAMEUIFX for filtering. Rightclick the CHD category, choose "custom filters" and select "non working". I ended up with 190 games and I needed only about 90GB of the full 300GB MAME CHD 0157 set. From what I understand "non working" in MAMEUIFX really means "non working", hence the game will not even start (the red box, where you cant go further than that). If you ask me, I wouldnt bother with it, there a games that are 10GB huge like Firefox i.e., you decide if it is really worth . cheers u-man PS: I attached 0157 list of the CHDs that are working or have imperfect status. keep in mind that you need a decent system for most of them and even then i believe you will not have satisfying framerates to enjoy the game in its full glory. Off course you can use them to benchmark your system. For example "California Speed" is said that it has a "working" status by the MAME developers, however i bet you will barely see a 100% framerate and the game will have hiccups and sound stuttering and I tested it on a really decent laptop . There are many games in MAME, that are not playable well with MAME, but with another emulator they can be pretty playable. A good webpage for this is: http://nonmame.retrogames.com/ Daphne, Demul, Sega Model 2 and Supermodel (discontinued RIP) are the most important ones here, bringing back about 374 arcade-games (clones included) , which you cant play well with MAME. chd_games_list.txt chd_rom_list.txt
  23. Totally agree with tthurman´s points here. I do this regularly and I can only say, that jumping from 0.149 to 0.157 in one step, will not be possible, except you have such a update-pack, but I never have seen such a package in my whole MAME-life . Incremently is the way to go... sorry to say that . That is the best tutorial i know, for clear mame pro: http://www.cphsoluti...protutorial.htm it has all the info you need . dont hesitate, it can be frustrating sometimes, but if you follow this tutorial, you cant get wrong... I do this everytime and I never had a single problem with it. cheers, u-man
  24. Great improvement, considering that GameEx is a Frontend, I would say equally good. XBMC has the advantage to choose from different Database sources i.e. Imdb, Tmdb, TVdb etc. that way you earn more matches with your library. I allready have some movietitles that will be blank, cause they are not featured by Tmdb. Also a nice feature is to use the media-librarys from different TV-stations and get them well and nice presented. If the X-Box could handle HDTV it would be my first option for a HTPC. Hook up a W-LAN repeater and you have a seriously nice media and gaming center for cheap money AND unbeatable native 15khz Retro support. I was really impressed how well it suits at my girlsfriend home CRT-TV and I am considering buying a second one for my own. But this new feature is a real bummer, if we make some nice themes that cover especially the media-library it can be a even greater thing. So far, I can say it is very nice, still room left for even getting better. I need to check it further, to make a good statement and if something is missing or not. Comparing the PC version of XBMC and GameEx, I would say equally strong/good. Off course, i like GameEx more, because it has the main focus on games, which XBMC cant beat in no way.
  25. Never mind... during testing I renamed some movies but I forgot to rename my subtitles to the moviename too .... all working now. Big thumbs up .
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