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Everything posted by tthurman

  1. Is this a move to create their own ecosystem, effectively removing themselves from future console wars? https://www.theverge.com/21449178/microsoft-xbox-bethesda-zenimax-media-acquisition-xbox-game-pass
  2. In memory of a very talented member of our community! Thank you slickgd
  3. tthurman

    MESS in EVO

    I haven't personally configured these to run, but this is how I've seen it done.
  4. Thanks for taking the time and effort to post and share with us! Your dad clearly was very gifted with ability and produced some fantastic looking cabinets.
  5. Hah, have you ever seen his cab thread? Large and in charge, no wimpy lightweight fold-able construction here
  6. Be sure to check out the preview trailer in this link, it's really well done! https://www.gamespot.com/articles/star-wars-squadrons-preorder-info-prices-bonuses-and-release-date/1100-6478482/
  7. That's a great idea! I have fond memories of playing board games around the kitchen table and puzzles in the dining room, but no room for something like that in my present living conditions. I suppose it breaks down adequately to fit through doors
  8. Before it's all over you'll end up paying the same, and almost certifiably it will be once again for mostly half ass programing!
  9. Saw this over on Bob's site.
  10. These look real nice, thanks a bunch Tom!
  11. The big question is will this be anything aside from another poor adaption? Trailer looks promising and the names are certainly here, let's hope this is THE ONE!
  12. Still reading a lot about this project and recent discussions are moving me closer and closer to building one. Here are a couple decent "help" items for anyone else interested. http://www.racketboy.com/retro/mister-fpga-the-future-of-retro-game-emulation-and-preservation
  13. Hah, I don't see anything of that sort happening, would you really want it changed this late in the game?
  14. The short answer to your question is there is no official built in support for this feature. You may be able to achieve a similar, albeit less than ideal end result with CP Wizard if GameEx AE supports it. CPWizBiz is no longer being supported by the author.
  15. Another classic being restored, and this one really needed it! https://comicbook.com/gear/news/total-recall-hits-4k-blu-ray-for-its-30th-anniversary/
  16. Kudos to Niro007 for the link
  17. Happy Birthday and looking forward to many more to come!
  18. I played this one a good bit, probably more than the original, definite classic in my book! Thanks for another great review
  19. Terrible loss and at such a young age! I wonder in today’s world how long the memories of our childhood pastime will continue to survive on once it’s solely in the hands of younger generations. Hopefully enough groundwork will be completed by people such as Curt carry on the legacy.
  20. So very sad, I was shocked when I saw this the other night. The world we live in has removed "age" from much of the equation in regards to many cancer screenings. Don't buy the "you don't need to worry about this until "insert age" standard anymore. See your doctor at least annually for a physical and be completely open with them.
  21. I have no idea where it came from, GameEx doesn't create these folders, it simply looks for the contents within the the folders you point the setup wizard to. If it's incorrect for some reason then simply click on the folder icon next to that particular path in setup wizard and browse to the correct folder. The default paths in the setup wizard are nothing more than suggested possibilities.
  22. Check you games path, it doesn't seem to be pointing to the the folder that contains your MAME games set.
  23. In the setup wizard there is a page that allows you to zip your logs to the desktop, please do so and provide the support files.
  24. Kudos to DragonFlame for the tip via STEAM https://store.steampowered.com/app/209630/Magrunner_Dark_Pulse/
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