As everyone here has similar interests in regard to video gaming, then you might be interested in this upcoming coffee-book title. I've done a fair amount of checking up on this since I was turned onto it just a couple of days ago, and it looks to be a decently planned release. I realize that not everyone will appreciate or give a crap about a higher end quality hardback that this promotes itself as being, but having spent in excess of two decades in the industry, I have a thorough knowledge of the commercial printing business, and what Van is describing will look amazing, assuming it's done by a qualified printer and binder.
The first one, Supercade: A Visual History of the Videogame Age 1971-1984, sold better than expected and the hardback is impractically priced now days, if you can find a decent copy. Anyway, the first book isn't without it's faults from what I've read, but is still highly regarded by many within the gaming community. The author acknowledges these short-comings and has taken steps to ensure they do not occur on the second edition.
Anyway, just over 2 days remaining as of this posting.
Found my new signature thanks to this as well!