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Everything posted by tthurman

  1. Disable touchscreen support if you're not using it and update again. You have it enabled in the last gameex.ini you submitted.
  2. Great, glad it's all up and running for you! Thanks for reporting back news of your successful installation and configuration.
  3. Without changing anything else I would follow Tom's advice and toggle "verify roms" back to the default value of "True" and update the list again to evaluate what difference it makes. We touched on the topic of "verify roms", as it seems perhaps what I'm recalling either isn't correct at all or perhaps was an anomaly of releases from years ago that is no longer relevant. I mostly use Arcade Edition, in which there is no option to defeat the verify roms setting, so my recommendations certainly don't represent the knowledge and experience that Tom brings to the conversation, as he is the author of the software. Please give that a go and let us know your results.
  4. That's an awesome cab dude!
  5. I think it's safe to say that's not normal behavior. You're going to need to attach your log and ini to at least give us a glimpse of what's possibly going on in your configuration, but it sounds more like a windows thing to me.
  6. Arcade Gaming Art You guy's may already know about this place, but I stumbled upon it and thought I would post a link.
  7. Gotcha, thanks for following up with additional info!
  8. mamepath=X:\GameEx This is your MAME path? unless for some reason you've made it as a shortcut then GameEx doesn't know what to launch. In a windows environment this would typically be C:\MAME64.exe VerifyRoms=True (takes a good bit to verify a set and removes anything that isn't pretty much perfectly emulated) EnableTouchScreen=True (unless you are specifically using a touchscreen) Recommend these to be false Also: It looks as if you've got MAME, or at least parts of it, configured on emulator slot emu_4. When running GameEx you basically have two options for MAME, Integrated MAME (which allows for filter use, vector, shooters, etc) or running it as an emulator (which is configured like any other emulator would be in it's respective emulator slot) DON'T use both,. GameEx intergrated support is the "Setup MAME" and ADVANCE MAME SETTINGS" that you come across early on during the setup wizard. Once these paths are pointing to the correct directories, you're done. Don't keep drilling down and pulling over MAME in a emulator slot and start doing it again, it just confuses matters.
  9. I'm don't recall this, but it's been a while based on what I found. Can you link to one of the old threads? Thanks!
  10. External drive shouldn't be an issue, at most maybe a little less responsive. Emulator? Did you set MAME up as an emulator? Sounds like you may have watched Simply Austin's video, in which he utilizes integrated MAME support and not via an emulator slot, IIRC. GameEx requires .NET Framework 2.0, is that supported in Parallels?
  11. The online setup wizard guide is what I was referring to when I said it was a bit dated, but the similarities are still prevalent throughout, just not exact. The "only existing ROMS" function isn't necessary in GameEx AE, as instead AE verifies the roms in your path. So in other words it doesn't go looking for anything that you haven't pointed it to in the paths section. Also, due to this it wasn't available in earlier releases either, that is an original GameEx option. There is no video on your above post showcasing the problem, but I think I understand what you're describing. Regardless of that I have no idea where it could be pulling game titles in from items you don't have in the roms folder. I've never seen this behavior. What your describing sounds as if the database is coming into play here or possibly a map file, and you don't need those. It is normal for it to auto complete items such as your emu-movies login and GameEx Onine login information., but that's it in my experience. This rompath, is this accurate? ROMPath=C:\Emulation\Emulators\MAME\roms;C:\Emulation\ROMs\MAME\Roms Try making a copy of your roms in a very generic path that is completely unrelated to anything you've done before. Once done, go back into setup wizard and change the path to it and try again. If it doesn't work: Run "verify setup" at the end of the setup wizard and look for obvious path errors related to MAME.
  12. It isn't hard at all, but it's easy to load the MAME emulator and by-pass GameEx integrated MAME support, which is what Draco was alluding to. Then you've got a conflict on your hands because the Game Launcher mode isn't compatible with the emulator selection of MAME. The setup wizard is a bit dated, but functionally basically the same. With a fresh install of GameEx, you want to focus on the Setup MAME? section and complete it through the Advance MAME Settings section. Make sure all your directory paths are correct for your particular installation. Download and install the LAV filters. Launch GameEx, "Update List" while within GameEx and try and launch a game. From here you can start tweaking in your inputs and launcher mode, but for now just get the basics up and running.
  13. That's what I'd try as well. Good luck!
  14. No, but I will now! I completely agree and would go as far to say that I was disappointed with it myself, but still enjoyed it. On the other hand, it could have been disastrously worse as so many before it. To me, RPO sort of took the same route Solo did, it could have been so much more, but instead they just took the safe route and left a lot on the table by doing so.
  15. Far as I know .7z is still fully supported in current Mame releases, although many sets are no longer in this format. There once was a time where you had to make sure "only existing roms" wasn't selected in setup wizard in order for them to work in integrated MAME support within GameEx, that Tom addressed long ago. It does however seem that if they were merged .7z sets it may be a problem. See this post/thread:
  16. Building a full-size Star Wars Cockpit Arcade Machine!
  17. I'm very sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. I was having this exact discussion with my mother on Sunday, and while I know the intent is for good reason, the lack of visitation privileges creates a disconnect for our family members that they are unlikely to overcome. It's a tough time to have to make these decisions and I fear we haven't seen the worst of it yet. My condolences to you and your family!
  18. Trying to adapt Ready Player One to the big screen was compounded by the fact that this book really ignited a lot of emotional imagination fueled by nostalgia. This particular book made that worse by having ten times what could ever feasibly have been stuffed into even a long movie. I really like the movie, but realistically speaking it was really more of a "Ready Player One - Re-envisioned" .
  19. Did you try running as administrator? Also, does "Verify Setup" in the setup wizard give any errors?
  20. I like it a lot and I'm sure it would make for a really nice setup. It would be really in your face if the monitor is destined for those extended tubes going up, but you could offset that or angle it to compensate. The design has great potential and I like the fact it represents thinking outside of the box.
  21. It is normal, and while I can't deny it's something that interferes with what most would consider "streamlined" , it's basically letting you know things are being checked for accuracy. Ultimately, this is to ensure things work as intended. As silly as that might sound, I couldn't tell you how many times I've asked someone in response to GameEx threads, "did you update?". For now, it's the best solution, since any delay like this without notification would have most users killing the process thinking it was hung.
  22. Fixed that for you Don't get me wrong, I like the movie and I'm glad I bought it, but it's weak compared to the depth the story really contains. The audio book is fantastic and sucks you completely into the world of the dystopian future and escape of the OASIS. It's just to much story for one short movie. The movie is very good and has replay value, so don't read into this that it sucks.
  23. Agreed 100%, Will brought this book to life.
  24. Okay, that's what I was referring to in setup wizard. Advance MAME Settings is directly tied to the integrated MAME support in GameEx. This section allows for further customization of GameEx mame support, game filters, etc..... AdvanceMAME is it's own launcher and completely separate, but the name serves to confuse matters.
  25. Are you looking in Advanced Mame settings, not to be confused with AdvanceMAME?
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