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Everything posted by tthurman

  1. I've used O&O Defrag a good bit, and had no problems with it. Defraggler is made by Piriform, so yeah same parent company as CCleaner. Also have had no problems with it either. I/O bit makes smartdefrag which I've also had no problems with. These are just the ones I've ran in recent years, and all in all I can't say that I see a huge advantage in one over the other. Maybe O&O, but that may be because I paid for it, but I wouldn't consider it to be a game changer amount of difference though. Most likely I've ran the IOBit one the most, in both the stand alone, and their entire utility suite (which gets to bloaty for my liking) IMO any of them are better than the older windows versions, but honestly I haven't even bothered with third party ones since Windows 7, and I can't tell any performance hit, but it is ran more routinely.nowdays too. FWIW, I always did the deep optimize, total defrag, whatever each respective company refered to it as for their best defrag routine (aka the longest time eater) the first time, and about every month or so after that.
  2. Sort of hard to believe! There's been several milestone 10 year olds here recently!
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  3. You should be able to go into the full editor, as opposed to the quick reply, and edit it. I'll go ahead and mark this one, but we are here to help if needed! NM, you got it Cool that it was just a theme, but you can always play around with versions than default if you like. There's a lot of them out there to fill a wide range of resolution needs.
  4. Several years ago I ran this on exactly the same P4, I think anyway, 800 mhz fsb, HT...etc., and so on in my case. It was a 875P Chipset but on XP Pro. It ran fine until I plugged up my Sammy LCD TV. Perhaps a HDCP issue here? Just a suggestion, I stuck a 1950 AGP card in and my problems.....gone!
  5. What GPU are you using? Check this topic about asking for help. Was this running before, and this is just a new problem? Do you have .net framework installed? Some details will help everyone to provide some insight that could very well get you up and running.
  6. Is anybody watching this one? I was a Quake DM and (mostly) LMCTF junkie during this time, and remember being floored by the original UT demo, one that probably came with my monthly PC Gamer. I played it constantly, and bought it as soon as I could get my hands on it. Later releases in this franchise seemed headed in the wrong direction to me, and so I gave up on it, I believe with UT2K3. Epic had moved onto the big huge hulky models, and consoles, seemingly abandoning the very group that made them successful, and the PC gameplay suffered, IMO. The rest as they say is history, so I was skeptical when I first heard of a new UT, one that was supposed to mark the return of the old style, mod community and PC development. I have to admit, it's looking promising! Preview
  7. nah, it just looks that way, it's just a set of header pins on the PCB. The other card in the linked review in my post above is a daughter card of sorts,that can work with these header pins. Like Draco mentions, BYOAC is a great resource. mayhem has a real informative post that gives a good general overview, and may give you some ideas for your trackball...
  8. jaydee posted this over at anandtech, looks like a good deal for a S-IPS. I would love to have better image quality than a TN panel, and with these response times, gaming should be pretty good, but I really want a 27". So close...... Shipped and sold by amazon in the other sellers side bar for the deal, but 3 - 5 weeks out. I prefer amazon's return policy over NE when it comes to monitors for sure! Real estate advatage over 1920 X 1080 in pictures,
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  9. Don't be ridiculous! Credit Karyn Kelly
  10. If you have installed the full Catalyst Software Suite WITH the Gaming Evolved Client by Raptr, it has recently been discovered that this client causes both GameEx and PinballX to crash when launching. We recommend exiting the Raptr client when utilizing either front end Additionally, if you get flickering with AMD GPU's in PinballX, run full screen windowed
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  11. Completely messed up, but on this page, scroll down just a bit, I've got that Electronic Touchdown (the Mattel one was the one to have back in the day) , and right next to it; yep, that's the space invaders handheld rip I have. They are both in the closet next to me to this day. I can't believe how easily I found those.
  12. That brings back some memories for sure! I've got a couple, nintendo LCD games similar to that, and an old space invaders. The space invaders is something along the likes of old hand held football games with the minus symbols, only bigger. You can see the invaders clearly on the printed board underneath the tinted plexi. Boy that dates me
  13. Looks like the zabrin stumbled across the culprit, how odd that it's raptr! Glad I stopped installing this some time ago Thanks for updating us on this!
  14. Have you looked at romlister? RL homepage I would think you have a distinct advantage with the split set, as you should have more complete individual games vs. shared files found in the merged sets. It sounds as if you've already hand selected your chd's, so trimming your current set should result in the desired effect. Whether you do it in place or start with a fresh directory and slide it into place once finished, it would seem pretty straight forward, just remember to update when done. The downside to this will be when it comes to staying current with MAME releases, as this will become cumbersome additonal step that could easily prove aggravating over time with all the other varibles involved with this hobby. Tempest did a tuturial on this that you may want to check out too.
  15. What catalyst release are you running? A member over in the GameEx General forum seems to have narrowed his crashing problem down to possibly being related to the Raptor client in the full suite catalyst release. If you got it installed it may be worth giving uninstalling it a shot.
  16. Just for future reference though, the codecs in Windows 8 should work out of the box so to speak, but the Sharks standard are preferred.
  17. Yep, I've start doing a custom install everytime on my gaming rig because of that. It will be interesting if that is what it turns out to be. Thanks for keeping us posted.
  18. Thanks for the update!
  19. Could be a stretch, but check out this thread.
  20. Hey zabrin, the over the top installation Draco recommends should not impact your current config. The update process actually works this way too. Obviously Give the file Tom supplied try
  21. My IPAC 2 has a set of header pins for this. I used the scroll lock header to toggle my trackball LED on/off. Works great! GameCab used to make a LED driver board that could use these headers to power several different functions, but they are no more. You could direct wire it too Might want to check out this review and see if you can dig up something similar, or perhaps even a old new stock. If you find them somewhere, please post where in this thread!
  22. Yep, I figured so, it would be hard to miss since it's directly above the place you enter the zip code.
  23. At the risk of stating the obvious, you do have the weather feature enabled, right?
  24. Glad to hear you got it all sorted out, even if if it remains a bit of a mystery! Thanks for sharing your solutions!
  25. Highlights for me: Crashed Star Destroyer on the planet surface X-Wings hauling it across the water surface (but that was in the 1st one too) Tie Fighter hovering in the landing bay blasting away, super cool effect Tie Fighter pilots Millennium Falcon stunt flying, TESB and ROJ style (no surprise here, my fav spaceship of all time ) The end sort of blew it for me, that just didn't seem like the smart ass, witty Han Solo....
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