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Brian Hoffman

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Everything posted by Brian Hoffman

  1. Actually, I wrote it to be CLI friendly for any FE. I just happen to frequent these boards rather than some other FE's. We have quite a talented bunch of regulars here. If you look at this part of the code. Gui Destroy Send, {ALTDOWN}{ENTER} Sleep 100 You can see I am sending ALT+ENTER whcih is suppposed to make it full screen. Perhaps adding a sleep 1000 before will make it work.. EG maybe it's sending the keystrokes before the emu loads. Gui Destroy Sleep 1000 Send, {ALTDOWN}{ENTER} Sleep 100
  2. I dont see a problem with the post. I was just insinuating that Nintendo finds out about these projects when they are advertised. They would be the ones sending the C&D.
  3. I've been lurking I got finals due Sunday, after that I will have my AA degree in Information Technology. Honestly, It has been taking a toll on me. I thought for sure I would jump all into the client/server mame thread. That is a great addition and I wanted to do something like that a while back. I will have two weeks off, then perhaps I can get in on some more action.
  4. I never heard of it, but I can think of many remakes that never fully came into realization. A Chrono Trigger project sticks out in my mind. I smell a cease and desist coming.
  5. Wow, this is good news. Especially for those that are just starting out! Thanks for your quick updates!
  6. Well, with no modding you can have this... Its called Pandora. Much better IMO than what your thinking about getting. Either this or a PSP. They are really fun when you run a custom firmware.
  7. I have that actionmax and its used with a special daphne.. Its a lighgun based video game. I have it working with bat files in vista. I have not tried my win7 64 bit.. If I figure it out I will let you know.
  8. I found this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdBB1RWzlx8
  9. Roger, Welcome to the fun world of emulation, where everyone knows the information you want yet no one can give you the information you need. We were all new once. As much as you dont like to read "google" is your friend. It really is the best start. So, you played Gorf.. An older amusing game. I had it for my VIC20.. Anyways I am assuming your are playing it in MAME. Mames default keys are Ctrl and Alt for buttons 1 and 2. That should get your space fighter shooting. Gameex is a front end and has little to do with the emulation it self. So please take the time to familiarize yourself with the emulators you are choosing to use. Emulators, are written by different people, some are discontinued some are not, some older ones work better than newer ones. Some games simply do not work with certain emulators. Gameex has the ability to "group" emulators together. So if you have a few rouge games that work better in a different emulator. you can group the two together, for a seamless presentation. MAME, is the best (most compatible) arcade emulator. Sure there are others, but... It would be a hassle to go through the many variants of arcade emulators. In my opinion you would use Mame for all but Naomi and Atomis wave systems.
  10. Do you have multikeyboard enabled in the mame.ini? Do you have a mame.ini? What build of mame are you using? I would also second BK's suggestion.. However I believe this can be resolved as well.
  11. Its all good, and well deserved. To be honest I thought about that while replying
  12. So, why not uncomplicate things, unpak your stuff, keep it unpacked... Then mount the images before running the emu. I just got a 1.5 terabyte drive for 100 bucks. Seagate Barracuda LP 2 TB 5900RPM SATA 3 GB/s 32 MB Cache 3.5-Inch Internal Hard Drive ST32000542AS-Bare Drive $109.99 On Amazon
  13. YES! You more than likely have other programs starting up that are stealing focus from gameex at start. You may want to look into disabling some tray apps by running MSCONFIG. Or... create a timer that will load gameex after X amount of seconds, thus giving time for your PC to fully boot.
  14. Yea, sorry... I think that link is pushing it as it links to a torrent site, specifically one known for hosting a regged gameex at one time Personally, I never saw the advantages in zipping an ISO, then having to Unzip it on the fly. I mean these games are pretty large and it takes a bit of time. Throw in the fact drives are so cheap these days. However, I am sure in launch before you can use unpakkiso.exe "[rompath]\[romfile]" "[rompath]\[rom]" Which may unzip it to the Rompath in its own folder titled as the rom name, Then in the command: emulator.exe "[rompath]\[rom]\[romfile]" Or something along those lines. I really do not know, and have not really looked into it. But it should be possible.
  15. I would also have to ask if when you do try and access the files after a reboot, does it require authentication?
  16. Brian Hoffman


    Its the quiet before the storm. You know, there are weeks where it seems everyone is having problems and they are the same. It comes in waves.
  17. Is a power management setting in windows causing this? Eg... Monitor going to sleep after X amount of activity. Not to be confused with screen saver.
  18. I think the next step is to post your gameex config.
  19. Gameex simply launches the game. Mame by defualt will READ the MAME.INI (if you have it) located in the directory where mame is at. In the MAME.INI you can adjust video settings etc.. If you do not have a MAME.INI in your mame directory; at a command prompt (in your mame directory) type "mame.exe -cc" without quotes. Otherwise Gameex will run mame (any version) via command line. The command it uses can be adjusted in the mame configuration portion of gammex. Otherwise you can re-produce the exact command Gameex uses outside gameex via the RUN LAST GAME.BAT found in the Gameex programs group. So, my immediate question is, what happens when you run MK outside Gameex?
  20. 1175x648? What an odd resolution. Have you tried changing your resolution?
  21. Well. there are a couple ways. 1. In the start menu>programs>gameex> you will see a few items. Run Last Game should be in one of those groups. 2) In the C:\Program Files\Gameex directory (maybe a sub directory) you will find a RUNITGAME.BAT This batch file holds the last command used to load a game. If you open a command prompt and run the batch file, it will tell you where the error is. Perhaps, a clone is trying to be launched rather than a parent rom.
  22. Have you tried using the RUNITGAME.bat ? or Run LAST GAME.bat and see the error?
  23. If you press the DEL button on your keyboard, it will remove the game from the list. Not delete the rom. Check your exclude list for games that may have inadvertently been removed.
  24. Mame path being incorrect should simply disable mame, not make gameex crash and burn. At least newer builds behave this way.
  25. Have you updated your graphics card drivers?
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