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Brian Hoffman

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Everything posted by Brian Hoffman

  1. If you decide to get it online then great. As far as the "contents" of your CD's? We have no idea what CD's they are-- if in fact they are not DVD's. One could assume that because Gameex is a gaming and multimedia frontend, your cd's are either roms or music/video. If the above is correct, I would make some folders in your C:\ drive. C:\emulation\nintendo\roms\ c:\emulation\SuperNintendo\roms\ etc... c:\Videos\Movies c:\videos\music\ C:\Music\Artist etc..... I would not use My Documents, as file paths become quite long, and most everything saves by default to those locations. I would be more interested in a uniform look and configuration.
  2. Well, if you don't get any takers, and can put in a wirless usb nic card, or run a 100ft network cable to wherever your cab is let me know. Id start by copying the contents of the CD's to your harddrive.
  3. In the MAME.ini look for things like HWSTRETCH and KEEPASPECTRATIO or similar. Adjusting these will make vertical games take up the whole screen.
  4. Well, I know a little about Gameex, what is it not doing that you would like? What have you got setup and working? I'm sure we can fill in the blanks here. If you need help configuring things, we have a great board. I do not live near Chicago, but I can remote into your machine if you need that sort of hands on assistance. -Brian
  5. Navigate to your mame directory via a command prompt. Type Mame.exe -cc (or whatever you use to run mame) a MAME.INI will be created, you can edit that ini and setup how mame renders the game, aspect ratio, art etc... If you dont want to you the mame INI, you have to specify your options in the command line, use the gameex advanced configuration > mame settings. and add there It does work!
  6. Hello, Thee SSF emulator does not support CD images of any type. The means you cannot launch SSF.exe "[rompath]\[romfile]" To play a game in SSF you need to MOUNT the image in a 3rd pary software. I recommend Daemon Tools. You configure SSF to use a particular drive letter, in the settings of SSF. Then when launched it will look at the drive to see if a disc is inserted. So, you need to mount the game, before the emulator is launched. You can do this effectivly through the gameex config. Please see this thread for more information http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?showtopic=8725
  7. well, that should work fine. People taht do not place a shortcut in the startup folder SHELL gameex, so explorer does not load. Is gameex running at the same resolution your desktop is? Perhaps there is a resolution switching issue, or a try app is stealing focus.
  8. This is a weird issue. Do you have any USB input devices, like gamepads. OR and XPADDER or JoytoKey services running that may be affecting input? Other than that, you will notice a couple config files in your gameex directory. I cannot remember off hand thier names, however it could be Gameex.ini you will also notice a Gameex.default.ini. COPY your GAMEEX.ini or rename it. Then rename the Gameex.Defualt.ini to Gameex.ini Then boot gameex, if it works then we can determine its a gameex setting. Make backups before doing anything if you are unsure.
  9. PM sent!
  10. Dont qutoe me, but I believe virtual clone drive only works with ISO images. That said, you CAN use daemontools. In the launch before jsut use the command to mount an ISO, and the part where you would put your path and file name replace it with "[rompath]\[romfile]" Example: daemon.exe -mount 0,"[rompath]\[romfile]". Then in your command just specify PCE.EXE syscard3 (or whatever your using) make sure your PCE config file is looking at the drive letter of your virtual drive. All should be golden. You will find that other CD based system emulators like SSF for saturn also would work very similar.
  11. I can run those just fine. While we understand you are having problems, you are not giving us any informaition as to how you are trying to get this to work! Please export and post your emulator setting so we can see your paths, rom extention, command and other VERY IMPORTANT information. If you post what your doing, we can tell you where your going wrong. Thanks!
  12. Okay, What emulator are your trying to setup? What format are your roms in? You mentioned ZIP, but there are many variations of ZIP,RAR,7ZIP etc... If you are unsure, open a command prompt, navigate to your rom directory and type "DIR" without quotes. What is the file extension? The 2 or 3 letters following the "." If this seems foreign to you, perhaps we can meet up online at the same time for more real-time troubleshooting. The problem is your are not really providing enough information for people to really help you. You are not providing the information because you probably do not understand what is and is not important. We were all emulation n00bs once. Be patient and you can learn very much. -Brian
  13. If your roms are in "E:\Roms\Mame\roms" that should be ok. Create and edit your mame.ini. It should resolve your issues. BTW: Have you checked the Gameex Advance Config? This is diffrent than the setupwizard. They essentially do the same thing. But Id check just to be sure the paths are indeed correct. Take Care.
  14. You cannot have your ROMS, for any system in the ROOT of any drive. It is a Gameex issue. Your roms HAVE to be in a subfolder. Period. Example E:\MAME\ROMS\ you can navigate to your MAME directory, via command prompt. Type MAME.EXE -cc and it will create a MAME.ini In that INI you can specify many global mame options, such as video mode and resolution and rom path.
  15. To add to what Tom said. You can also launch a MAME GAME, Press TAB, Goto Imput Settings, Other Controls, Look for UICANCEL, Press Enter, Press Button 10, Then exit the menu by pressing TAB again. This assumes you can control games in mame via your gamepad, so either -joy is added to the CL or the MAME.ini has joystick set to 1. I am assuming this is the case, because your questions is not how to control mame games via your gamepad device. Happy gaming.
  16. Command is not a Path. Working Path, is simply the location of the emulator. Example: c:\emulators\nintendo64\ Command would be the Executable name, followed by the correct arguments. Example: Project64.exe "[rompath]\[romfile]" Romfilter, is a filter used to display your roms. If your roms are zipped, your filter would be *.zip . The *. is a wildcard meaning any file name, that shares the extention .zip will be listed. If your rom files have the extention .NES then your filter would be *.nes You have a ROMPATH that specifys the folder gameex looks in to determine your romlist, you can have many diffrent file types in that path, so to keep your list concise you use a filter, to only show what you want to see. In CD based games, you can have BIN+CUE ISO+MP3 etc... You do not want to list all the files, perhaps just the CUE files, as they point to the BIN file. You filter would be *.cue Anyways, if you understand a little DOS it does a long way. I hope this helps -Brian
  17. Well, I am nit sure why it is doing this: 13:14:16.9 6/16/2010: Running: Mame32.exe -help 13:14:16.9 6/16/2010: Running: C: C:\Emulators\Mame32\Mame32.exe -help > C:\Emulators\Mame32\help.txt 13:18:36.3 6/16/2010: MAME CMD options: -nowindow -joy -skip_gameinfo 13:18:36.3 6/16/2010: Loading last used Game List But, In the gameex folder and start menu, you have a RUNITGAME or RUNLASTGAME.bat. What happens when you try and run that? Even better run it from a command prompt. This should explain exactly what Gameex is trying to do and where it is going wrong. In regards to your reg key, funds need to clear from paypal and Tom will generate it and email it back to you. Check your spam or junk folder. It usually takes 24 hours, due to differences in timezone. If you need any more assistance do not hesitate to ask, this is why we are here. -Brian BTW: Do you have a full mame rom set, it could be you are trying to launch a game you do not have. There are settings to only show the games you have. After adjusting the filters you need to update your game list again.
  18. Probably shortening the title and setting titlematch mode will probably fix these issues. ; ; AutoHotkey Version: 1.x ; Language: English ; Platform: Win9x/NT ; Author: A.N.Other <[email protected]> ; ; Script Function: ; Template script (you can customize this template by editing "ShellNew\Template.ahk" in your Windows folder) ; #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #NoEnv #SingleInstance force #Persistent #NoTrayIcon ;CHECKING FOR 1 PARAMS, IF NOT THEN EXIT if 0 < 1 { MsgBox Usage: pcsx2_loader.exe "[rompath]\[romfile]" ExitApp } Blockinput on ; Keeps users from messing up loader my pressing buttons and moving mouse rom = "%1%" ; error level (rompath romfile) gives friendly name as ROM SetBatchLines -1 Gui +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow ; No title, No taskbar icon Gui Color, 0 ; Color Black Gui Show, x0 y0 h%A_ScreenHeight% w%A_ScreenWidth%, HSHIDE ;WinSet Transparent, 200, A ; Can be semi-transparent MouseGetPos X, Y ; Remember pos to return MouseMove %A_ScreenWidth%,%A_ScreenHeight% ; Move pointer off screen Run, pcsx2-r3113.exe WinWait, PCSX2 (svn) May 29 2010, IfWinNotActive, PCSX2 (svn) May 29 2010, , WinActivate, PCSX2 (svn) May 29 2010, WinWaitActive, PCSX2 (svn) May 29 2010, Sleep 100 Send, {ALTDOWN}v{ALTUP}{ENTER}{ENTER} WinWait, Select CDVD source iso..., Namespace Tree Contr IfWinNotActive, Select CDVD source iso..., Namespace Tree Contr, WinActivate, Select CDVD source iso..., Namespace Tree Contr WinWaitActive, Select CDVD source iso..., Namespace Tree Contr Sleep 100 SendInput, %rom% ; sends rompath romfile from exe syntax Send, {enter} ; loads roms by pressing enter Sleep, 100 ; Gives time for loading to finish before unhiding desktop Send, {ALTDOWN}s{ALTUP}{ENTER} Sleep, 3000 Gui Destroy Send, {ALTDOWN}{ENTER} Sleep 100 Send, {CTRLDOWN}{ALTDOWN}{CTRLUP}{ALTUP}{CTRLDOWN}{ALTDOWN}{CTRLUP}{ALTUP}{CTRLDOWN}{ALTDOWN}{CTRLUP}{ALTUP}{CTRLDOWN}{ALTDOWN}{CTRLUP}{ALTUP}{CTRLDOWN}{ALTDOWN}{CTRLUP}{ALTUP}{CTRLDOWN}{ALTDOWN}{CTRLUP}{CTRLDOWN}{ALTUP}{CTRLUP} Blockinput off ; Allows user to send inputs so games can be played Sleep 100 Process, WaitClose, pcsx2-r3113.exe MouseMove %X%, %Y% ; Restore mouse EXITAPP ESC:: { Process, Close, pcsx2-r3113.exe ExitApp
  19. Its probably not my settings as much as it is my PC. I have an I7 Processor, 9 gb memory, a Geforce 275.
  20. That App does look interesting, This version has a file that enables per game fixes based on the label of the disc. When it finds a match it uses the correct fixes. The program you refer too is similar but uses separate inis per game title. It may achieve the same thing. However to be honest I have no clue if it works or not. In regards to the Reg thing it very subjective. No doubt it would be more efficient, however from what I read the reg key is plugin in specific. So if the user is using a different plugin it may not work. So, it may be as quirky as the wait for win title approach. No doubt it would be much faster of a loader. I was not aware that it stored the info in the registry. However I didn't go hunting in my reg either, nor in the config ini. It is 12:35 AM here and I am a bit tired. I will look into this a more Sunday. Thanks for the tip about the reg, it could be more efficient that way. -Brian
  21. Well it was only a couple hours, mainly because I didn't want to dig out a game. Now that I did, Kingdom Hearts 2 runs fullspeed on my PC. So it was a WIN WIN. I am attaching a different version that uses the other send method for full screen. Otherwise the loaders are the same. So maybe this will work better for some. So I believe it is done. For all we know the version that supports CLI may be released next week or next year. -PCSX_LOADER ALT uses Sendinput to make it go into Fullscreen (Worked for me win7 64 bit) -PCSX_LOADER uses Send to make it go into Fullscreen (Worked better for some users) Also remember GAMEEX can send keys too, so effectively Gameex can make it go fullscreen. EDIT: If a few more can confirm this works ok I think we can add this to our sticky and the setup wizard. -Brian PCSX2_LOADER ALT.zip PCSX2_LOADER.zip
  22. Wow, Well this was a little more fun than I thought. The emulator was affecting the keys. It only seemed to release them after pressing CTRL and ALT, very weird. Also the send ALT Enter was a little buggy using the Send command, Send input seems more reliable. This version works for me, thats all I can say. Please give it a whirl. ESC closes the process properly now. LOADER MOVED HERE http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?showtopic=8670&view=findpost&p=63753
  23. Ok, I see the issue. The problem is when you first INSTALL/USE/Reset settings. It will ask you for the ISO image when you select SYSTEM>RebootCDVD Full. This is where it is INJECTING your game. However, after you choose a game, any subsequent launches load the same game and you have to use a diffrent menu to choose another game. So I will have to rewrite the loader. And a user must have loaded a game once outside gameex for it to work. I will report back soon. -Brian
  24. Ok, Here is a bare bones loader. Blocking disabled. Im ripping a game now. My next version should be final. Cheers.
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