@gtxjoe This is amazing. Thank you. My setup looks fantastic now that PBX uses actual footage of the tables I have instead of stock files. The time it's saved me downloading stuff is...just wow. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I have a somewhat weird setup as it's a hybrid HTPC/GameEx/PinballX two monitor rig. For PBX monitor 1 is the playfield showing the tables in desktop mode and monitor 2 shows the backglass and DMD. The backglass records perfectly. The playfield is recording upside down. For the time being I've rotated the playfield image snaps 180 degrees, but I would love to be able to use the table videos at some point.
I've read through a few threads on other forums where you've helped a few people with their recording setups hoping that I could figure out the rotation issue on my own, but I wasn't able to. I was hoping you could help by letting me know what values need to be changed to rotate the orientation of the recorded playfield, if that's possible to do. Thanks in advance.