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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. These are looking cool KRC! Especially digging that Steam logo with the honeycomb/carbon fiber thing happening in the background.
  2. Hello Caspur and Welcome to the GameEx Forums! Glad to hear you’re enjoying the software. Yes, GameEx has native support for Xbox 360 controllers. If you have the desire you can customize your input settings for GameEx in the Setup Wizard on the Input Settings screen. You might find that certain emulators still require the use of Xpadder (or similar) in order to maintain compatibility with your Xbox 360 controllers (although these seem to be getting few and far between). If you find yourself in this position I recommend taking a look at Adultery’s Xpadder Plugin so that GameEx can manage the opening and closing of Xpadder for those specific emulators. If the emulator itself can be configured to launch without a visible console window, then this is possible. In terms of the application itself, GameEx doesn’t ‘know’ enough about the vast multitudes of emulators out there to predict what to hide and when. As I mentioned though, several emulators can be configured to launch without a visible console window present. Often times this is accomplished via a command line switch or some other setting within the emulator itself (I know nullDC is like this, I’d have to double check whether Project64 allows for this sort of thing). You may need to refer to emulator documentation to figure out what's possible and what's not. There are a couple of options here. The easiest and most direct approach would be to use the Skip Intro setting found on the Enable/Disable Features screen within the Setup Wizard. Another option would be to use the Quick Startup Resume feature found on the same page. So those are the easiest answers to this question. If you’d like to get into modification of specific graphical elements of the frontend, then you’ll probably want to have a gander at the GameEx theme editor. The theme editor blows the doors wide open in terms of modifications you can make to nearly every graphical element within a theme. I suggest you take a look at some of the fantastic work occurring everyday in our User Projects forum for some ideas and inspiration. Also check out the winners of our 2012 Theme Competition to get a feel for what can be done. Lastly don’t forget to post the details of your NES PC over in the Cabinets and HTPC Setups Running GameEx. Most of us here love geeking out over that sort of thing. Thanks Caspur, and welcome once again!
  3. Glad to hear you got your problem sorted TomOhio! Welcome to the GameEx forums!
  4. It's a development jamboree up in here! Thanks Adultery! Thanks Tom! MY HEAD A SPLODE!
  5. Glad you were able to root out the source of the issue KRC. Game on!
  6. Hi KRC Stupid question, but have you verified the internal emulator resolution settings against your desktop resolution? Maybe your desktop resolution is set lower than the resolution settings for the emulators? Does this happen with all emulators or only a select few? Are there any other desktop applications suffering from the same problem? Are you running multiple monitors, or is your system somehow configured for multiple monitors?
  7. Oh yeah, that's a very good catch. Nice one Draco! That would probably be the most reasonable explanation as to why it's working as a standalone emulator, but not with the the MAME functionality built into GameEx. MAME settings in GameEx are built to 'standard MAME specifications' and may not play well with unofficial builds.
  8. Hi 2600Pickles and Welcome to the GameEx forums! Yeha there's definitely something strange going on there. In addition to your log would you mind also posting your gameex.ini? That way we can compare your current settings against the result you are seeing. If you're not sure how to access your gameex.ini please take a look at this. Thanks a lot!
  9. Wow, just look at that feature list. It is a thing of beauty! Thanks so much for this great release Tom, Also many thinks to Flash for his excellent work on the databases. And lastly thanks to Adultery for maintaining an amazing stable of plugins. You guys rock!
  10. Your best bet would probably pick up a new 360 controller with the 'For Windows' designation. Another option would be to snatch up a Wireless Gaming Reciever for your controller, but based on the price of the linked device, I'd probably just grab the new controller for a few dollars more. My personal preference is for the Logitech F710.
  11. Do you have the same problems if you connect your computer to your television? A lot of us here run HTPC setups in this fashion. In many ways this can be the best of both worlds. You get the quality and fidelity of computer gaming combined with the comfort and atmosphere of console gaming. It's the only way to fly! You can even use an Xbox 360 controller for windows games and emulators to complete the illusion.
  12. Pretty much all Steam games have at least one snap and a banner. Most of them have a video, but there are also several that do not. It does does take a while for GameEx to scrape and download the associated media depending on the size of your Steam library and the speed of your internet connection. I typically just leave GameEx running for a while, and it pulls in all the necessary files. You can also supply your own Steam media in the event that you want to overwrite existing media or if there's anything missing (you start doing a lot of this if you add non-Steam games to your Steam library). All the Steam media for GameEx resides in the following directories: \GameEx\MEDIA\STEAM\ BOXSNAPVIDEOIn this case all you need to do is figure out the Steam ID of the associated game (it will be the numeric AppID listed in your steamdata.ini), and rename the media files to match the Steam ID. Bingo bango done. Glad to hear it all worked out for you Link2097!
  13. Hi Link2097 Please follow the steps listed in this post and see if that changes your situation at all. I've seen this sort of thing happen with mods and non-Steam games added to the client (namely Black Mesa), but I've never seen it happen with standard games purchased and installed through Steam. Just to verify, this is a registered version of GameEx correct? If it's not then that would be the source of the issue right there (i.e. full Steam integration is a registered feature).
  14. No worries, we will simply revoke your cupcake privileges for today. Posting the files as attachments does help our mobile / tapatalk users to play along, but I'm on my desktop ATM so what do I care? Muah ha ha. I went ahead and put them in spoilers to save on the scrolling. So do me a favor delete your steamdata.ini (or if you prefer you can simply rename it as steamdata.ini.OLD or something), and restart GameEx. This will prompt GameEx to completely rebuild that file, and it may help it to correctly parse the games that are currently missing from your list.
  15. Hi Link2097 and welcome to the GameEx forums! When you have a moment please post a copy of your GameEx log after having experienced the problem within GameEx. Also please post your steamdata.ini found in the following directory: \GameEx\DATA\steamdata.ini It would also be helpful to have a look at your gameex.ini, but that would be of secondary importance to the other requested files in this case. Please refer to the How to Ask For Help thread for details on how to access your log and gameex.ini. Thanks Link2097! I'm fairly confident we can get you on the right track here.
  16. As an FYI ... please refrain from the discussion of downloading ROMs. We are unable to provide any assistance in situations in which there is a question of legality. Please refer to Forum Guidelines and Rules for details. There, now that I've taken care of the serious business of forum moderation, let's tackle your issue. In regards to getting emulators to appear in GameEx there are a couple of settings you'll want to check. Make sure the emulator is set as Enabled on the Emulator Selection screen. Make sure you've configured a Working Path on the Emulator Setup screen, and that it points to the directory containing the exe for your emulator. Make sure you've configured a ROM Path on the Emulator Setup screen, and that it points to the directory containing ROMs for your emulator Lastly try to validate that the emulator command appears to be correct for your emulator on the Emulator Setup screen in the Setup Wizard. This last bit isn't really related to making an emulator appear in GameEx, but it is absolutely crucial to running an emulator through GameEx. Regarding ROMs not playing nicely with your emulator, this is where you may need to refer to the emulator documentation/help forums. OTOH we may be able to provide some assistance if you let us know what file extension you're running with a given emulator. Uff da. My mom has been on chemo treatments for lung cancer for going on five years now. It's anything but a good time. Stay strong. Get some rest before tackling this project. Setting up and configuring emulators is not physically taxing (well at least up until the point that you chuck a monitor through a window), but it can be mentally taxing to the point of frustration. You'll get there. Try the above and if that's mot working for you post up your GameEx.ini and we may be able to better tailor some advice to your specific needs.
  17. Hi katharian and Welcome to the GameEx forums! So I see two questions here, but they basically boil down to the same question. How does one go about adding emulators to GameEx? Before we come back around to that question, let's make sure you covered some of the prerequisites first. Prior to adding an emulator in GameEx, you'll want to first make sure that the emulator is running well outside of GameEx. Here's what I recommend: Install your emulator if any installation is required. If no installation is required you can run the emulator directly. Configure the emulator settings. This may involve several incremental steps. Broadly speaking if you're emulator requires any external plugins for operation you'll want to be sure you have them in the proper directories prior to configuration. Mnay emulators don't require plugins, so if you're not sure just carry on. The emulator will complain if it's missing critical plugins, so when in doubt just attempt to run the emulator and see what happens. At any rate you'll probably want to configure the emulator for video settings, and controller settings at a minimum, but each emulator can be unique in this capacity so take some time to acquaint yourself with the various settings. We can often provide some degree of assistance with this step, but often times the emulator documentation and/or forums dedicated to an individual emulator may be better suited to answer questions geared towards a specific emulator. Everything configured? Great! Let's try to run a game. Did the game run? If Yes proceed to step 4. If No return to step 3. So you've got games running and you're feeling good about yourself as well you should. Let's go for some bonus points here. In order to truly test the emulator outside of GameEx it's a good idea to get a feel for the command line used to run the emulator. (This is how GameEx will launch the emulator so it's a very good idea to become acquainted with this aspect prior to incorporating the emulator in GameEx). See if you can run a game from the command line. This part is optional but highly recommended.So now your emulator is running outside of GameEx and you know the configuration and settings from front to back. Let's put that sucker into GameEx. You'll want to fire up the Setup Wizard and report to the Emulator Selection screen. This is where you'll add your emulator into GameEx. From that screen you'll navigate to the Emulator Setup screen and the Advanced Emulator Setup screen to complete the configuration of your emulator. At this point you may have questions about specific emulators and how to get this or that emulator running properly through GameEx. That's where we come in. If you encounter any specific issues with configuring or running emulators through GameEx please feel free to ask any questions you may have. In order to expedite that process I would strongly urge you to read the How to Ask For Help thread so that you can provide the necessary files when requesting assistance. So that's it in a nutshell. It's a pretty broad question so it's hard to provide specific details, but please feel free to report back if you encounter issues with any of the above.
  18. These look awesome buddy! Please enter this project into the Infinite Win column on your score card. Can't wait to see more of these.
  19. And ... GC is the first person to enter initials this month. Well done man! Also thanks for the pointers on adjusting controls. Very useful information to have.
  20. Hmm ... if it's not too much trouble, I would highly recommend updating to the current version of GameEx. Heck half of us are too old and senile to remember what's in this version of GameEx, let alone the multitudes of legacy versions out there. In all seriousness though our capacity for troubleshooting becomes greatly reduced when trying to figure out what's going on with legacy releases. Sometimes the effort is completely wasted since subsequent bug fixes may have addressed the issue as reported (granted probably not in this case, but I'm sure you can see what I mean.)
  21. These are the aspects I'm most excited to try out given that these have been some longstanding issues with ePSXe: The native support of multi-bin images is pretty huge, and any fix to controller support is always a welcome addition. On the downside it still stores all emulator and plugin settings in the registry (ePSXe has always done it this way and I don't really see it changing in the future). A note to all emulator authors: Please, please stop doing this. Having said that Xebra is actually my PlayStation emulator of choice at least in terms of the quality of emulation, but holy jumping cats is it ever a bear with regard to intuitive configuration and general user friendliness (spoiler alert: it's not. At all.).
  22. This just in from the Hell Freezes Over Department, ePSXe 1.9.0 has been released! (Actually to be fair the time between this release and 1.8.0 has been a blink of an eye compared to the amount of time between 1.7.0 and 1.8.0) I'm pretty pumped to see a new release version of this venerable emulator, how about you guys and gals?
  23. Hi repetto When you have a moment would you mind posting your GameEx.ini and your GameEx log as well? It's hard to say exactly what's going on here, but hopefully having a look at your settings and log will begin to shed some light on the issue. Thanks repetto! Just in case you're not sure how to access those files, have a look right here,
  24. Well if it means anything, you probably upgraded your equipment. I-PAC is about as good as it gets in terms of keyboard encoders. Just consider this an 'unscheduled upgrade'.
  25. Glad it worked out for you JCGamer. For what it's worth your video didn't seem to me like it was a crazy long load time. I store my PlayStation images in a compressed format meaning GameEx has to decompress the image before running it. Now that makes for a long load time!
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