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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Hi JCGamer How fast does the emulator load your game when you run it using runitgame.bat? Start > All Programs > GameEx > Utilities > Run Last Game This may have more to do with the emulator itself than how it's being loaded through GameEx.
  2. Wow, this is awesome news Draco! I'm looking forward to taking this for a spin in glorious 1080p. Well done buddy!
  3. I guess at that point you either have to pick and choose which images you want to include, or you start combining images.
  4. Negative to that one, good sir. To my knowledge he's never offered his database as a download, and the list fills such a specific niche that to my knowledge no one has ever written a scraper to pull the data. Who knows? Bighead seems to be genuinely interested in providing resources to those interested in N64 emulation. It might be worth contacting him to see if he's be willing to share his data source. Short of that, it might not be terribly difficult to write a scraper for his site. Each page consists of a single table consisting of the various game specs. The trickiest aspect to address might be where he's using row spans in which multiple emulator options exist for a single game. Other than that, it looks like in most cases 1 <tr> = one game. But that's me being an armchair quarterback though . My time is stretched kinda thin these days, and what time I do have for personal projects is pretty much already accounted for with a couple of ongoing projects.
  5. nullPointer


    Version 1.0.4


    SwitchDisc 1.0.4 This is an automated disc mounting program specifically geared towards changing disc images in multi-disc games. Essentially this program is intended to be a universal replacement for ad hoc scripts used to automate disc switching for multi-disc games. My intent is that this program will be compatible with any emulator in which it's possible to switch discs for multi-disc games via keyboard shortcuts and/or command line directives. Please visit the official Release Thread for further details, screenshots, and the complete change log, as well as for bug reporting and feature requests. Features Full featured command line interface Runs as a resident application in the system tray Full compatibility with GameEx (it should be launched/exited as a 'Launch Before/After' command) Disc switching through a heads up GUI display or through full automation using no GUI (automatically switches to next disc) Robust configuration application Configurable for multiple monitors Configuration stored as XML Full logging utilities How do I use it? Configure emulators and multi-disc sets through the configuration application Configure necessary Launch Before and Launch After commands in GameEx Trigger SwitchDisc while playing an emulator using configurable trigger key Select the next disc in the set using the GUI, or automatically switch to the next disc in the set (no GUI) Continue playing Bug Reporting First of all, thanks for using this application! If you encounter any errors while using SwitchDisc or are simply looking for some guidance with the application, please feel free to post in the project thread. In order to expedite any troubleshooting or requests for assistance, please include the following files when reporting issues: SwitchDisc config: ...\SwitchDisc\config\SwitchDisc.xml Switch Disc log: ...\SwitchDisc\log\SwitchDisc.log What's new in version 1.0.4 (See full change log) Added automated mouse functionality as part of send key operations. Mouse operations can be mapped via the Send Keys Builder. Improvements to the automated open file dialog special operation. Incorporated updates to ePSXe compatibility. This update adds a special operation specifically designed to send the ESC key to ePSXe. This operation can be mapped via the Send Keys Builder. Placeholder strings will now allow for [ROMFILE], [ROMNAME], and [ROMPATH] to be used in place of [DISCFILE], [DISCNAME], and [DISCPATH] respectively. Enhanced logging information Bug Fix: The combination of a valid emulator specified with an invalid disc file will no longer trigger an exception. SwitchDisc will load the entire configuration under this circumstance Bug Fix: Fixed a Configurator issue which was preventing the removal of send key slots under certain circumstances
  6. I think Lemmy actually does qualify as a dangerous animal, reptile, or insect (simultaneously no less!). Possibly extreme weather too.
  7. I can certainly do that if that if it would be helpful, but in all honesty ever since I discovered Bighead's N64 Game Configuration List that's what I've used as a primary guide for N64 emulation. It's truly an excellent resource. For the most part my lists follows his suggestions. In some cases it's not even so much about what emulator you use as which plugins you use. The only game I've seen that I think he gets wrong is Shadows of the Empire. Mupen64+ is the only emulator I've seen capable of emulating that game properly (but I've not played it all the way through with Mupen64+).
  8. I would suggest taking a look at the Emulator Groups function in GameEx. It’s not the sort of middleware you describe here, but it allows the user to decide what emulators should be used to run specific ROMs, while allowing those ROMs to appear in a single game list within GameEx. Relative to the topic of your post, I actually run four separate N64 emulators: Project64 1.6, Project64 1.7, 1964, and Mupen64+ (One of these days I'm going to take Project64 2.1 for a spin). Each of them is configured as a single emulator slot within GameEx (meaning they each point to their own individual ROM directories), but I use the Emulator Group function so that all N64 games appear within one overarching game list. Each ROM "knows" what emulator it belongs to, and that emulator will be used to launch the associated ROM. In some ways I prefer this approach since it allows me to decide which emulator should run any given ROM, as opposed to letting some nebulous piece of software make the decision for me. This also means that there are fewer "moving parts" within the system should something go wrong. To answer your question in a more direct fashion; there wouldn’t be anything to prevent GameEx from interacting with the type of middleware you describe. In some ways this is exactly what GameEx does when it interacts with GameBase (and then some). I would imagine that middleware of the type you describe would need command line functionality in order to be called from GameEx, at which point it could simply be entered as an emulator slot within GameEx.
  9. Wow, stuff like this is always such a shocker. so glad to hear that you and yours are doing OK Draco. I'll be keeping your neighbors in thoughts and prayers buddy.
  10. Ain't that the truth! Glad to hear you sussed it KRC. I've been considering giving MESS another chance (via UME). It's been quite a while since I've tried to run MESS, and it's probably had quite a few improvements since the last time I tried it. Sounds like a good project for some time or another.
  11. Hi KRC What happens when you attempt to run runitgame.bat directly? Start > All Programs > GameEx > Utilities > Run Last Game FWIW my command is slightly different that what you're running, but it's been so long since I configured this emu I'm not even certain at this point what the various available options are for: ProSystem -Fullscreen 1 -MenuEnabled 0 -Zoom 2 "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" If all else fails, perhaps this is a job for Xpadder?
  12. I haven't seen it happen for a long time, but on rare occasions GameEx can have a hiccup about updating ROM lists. Please try the following which will force GameEx to rebuild the lists: Navigate to the DATA directory in your GameEx installation directory : ...\GameEx\DATA\ Delete the files that contain 'cache' in the file name. (i.e. emuX.dbcache where X is a number) Delete any of the map files in that directory (i.e. emuX.map where X is a number) Restart GameEx and let it rebuild your game lists according to the configured directories Short of that, you might also want to check the permissions on the DATA directory to insure that GameEx is able to write to the directory. Good luck! Let us know how it goes.
  13. nullPointer

    MAME 7-zip

    Yep - MAME has supported 7-zip compression since version 0.146 (search on '7z'). I still haven't made the jump to convert my sets though (sounds like that may have been prudent ). This post on David Haywood's blog contains more details.
  14. Glad you got everything sorted out sty151, and it was a nice bit of detective work on your part as well!
  15. There are a number of questions that must be answered first in order to answer that question effectively. What pinball emulator/simulators are you currently running? Are they all working as standalone applications? As with most gaming frontend applications, you'll want to be sure that your emulators (or simulators in this case) are running properly outside of the frontend prior to incorporating them within the frontend. If you're absolutely at square one, and you're not entirely sure what I'm on about, I would recommend checking out Future Pinball. It tends to be a bit more noob friendly in terms of setup and configuration (at least as compared with Visual Pinball). Once you have that running you can incorporate your Furture Pinball tables into PinballX. Good luck man!
  16. Errors like this are always a bit tricky since they are often related to OS, hardware, and/or drivers. First thing I would recommend would be to reinstall GameEx. You can install directly to your current installation directory, and it will not overwrite your settings. I'm also curious about that theme as it's not one I'm familiar with. Does this error occur regardless of your theme selection? Lastly there are the standard driver questions. Are your Drivers up to date and behaving nicely?
  17. I think you're probably good ... but if I were to pick one aspect of this system to watch out for it would be your PSU. It sounds like I had a somewhat similar experience to yours during my last build in that I upgraded several different parts as I was going along. I upgraded the CPU, GPU, and added an SSD boot drive along the way. My setup is somewhat similar setup to yours (albeit with older components) i5 650 OC'd at 4GHz GTX 460 8GB RAM and a 600W OCZ PSU (to start with) My only issue was during the first few months of operation I would have random system crashes. No blue screen, or anything. It would go from operation to reboot just like that. The error dump was less than helpful, and eventually I pinned it down to hardware issues - so I started replacing things starting with the two components that seemed to be the most likely candidates, the RAM and PSU. So I went with a more reputable RAM manufacturer (Crucial) and I bumped up the PSU wattage to 700W (a Corsair). And that solved my issue. I'm still not sure which component was in the wrong (I did MemTest the crap out of the original memory with nary a an issue to be seen). I do have a theory though. During my OC I left Turbo Boost enabled (I still run in this fashion). So I've hypothesized that perhaps my system would run fine until the turbo boost kicked in on the CPU and push the processor well beyond 4GHz (I think a calculated the effect of the turbo boost to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 4.2GHz). Any how I suspect that turbo boost may have pushed the power demand of the system beyond what the PSU was able to supply at the time. I don't have an solid evidence of this, so it's just a hunch. At any rate, it's likely you won't run into issues like this. I just figured I'd share the experience in the event that you run into anything strange along the way. Looking forward to hearing about your progress!
  18. I'm away from my gaming rig ATM, but does Super Smash Bros..n64 conform with the official No-Intro naming convention for that game (or another standardized naming convention such as TOSEC or GoodMerge)? Obviously it's not required that your games match up with standardized ROM naming conventions, but you can sure save yourself some headaches if you utilize any of the above DATs to whip those ROMs into shape. Be that as it may, to my mind it would make sense to rename the ROM as you described (along with your artwork), and then utilize the database name matching to apply whatever special punctuation you require in the title displayed in GameEx.
  19. Yeah the Virtual Drive thing is purely a matter of preference. I believe the the default ePSXe CD-ROM plugin may still have some issues with multi-track disc images (i.e. one .cue with multiple .bin files), which is where a virtual drive can be preferable to the built in plugin functionality. This may or may not be a consideration with .ccd images - I don't have a lot of experience with that format as I generally run Redump verified .cue/.bin images. Even then, there aren't a staggering number of multi-track games, and it's been a while since I've used the default CD-ROM plugin in ePSXe. They may have everything running pretty well through the plugin at this point. If you do want to use a Virtual Drive for ePSXe, I'd recommend taking a look at Adultery's Virtual Drive Loader plugin which will take a lot of the guesswork out of mounting your images properly. TL;DR If it ain't broke don't fix it.
  20. Thanks a lot for sharing your solution Lardzor! I'm sure this will be of assistance to our Future Pinball users.
  21. This is a very good policy. You never want to drink all the alcohol. Among other things it's good to keep a reserve. Also it makes it more difficult to make friends for any number of reasons, but particularly if it's all of their alcohol you plan on drinking. Very shrewd of you. At any rate congratulations of your richly deserved promotion, and please accept my apologies for the belated well wishes.
  22. Right on. Thanks for testing Adultery!
  23. Invite sent. I'd be curious to hear from others whether this group displays as Public or Invite Only. GameEx Community on Steam It displays as public for me, but since I'm already in the group, that may have some bearing. Also if it displays as Invite Only in the browser I'd curious to hear whether it also shows as Invite Only when logged into the Steam client. Thanks!
  24. No, it should be open. But in the past it has had some kind of glitch where it appears as invite only. If it's currently showing as an invite only group, I'll open up a support ticket with Steam because it shouldn't be. You may also want to check both the client and the web site, as they may display differently depending on which one you're looking at. Be that as it may, I'll be sure to send you an invite when I get home this evening (currently 12:17 PM). Thanks GC.
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