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All my products and services are free. All my costs are met by donations I receive from my users. If you enjoy using any of my products, please donate to support me. Thank you for your support. Tom Speirs



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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. If you would be so kind, please post your emulator config containing your current settings. Like the others I don't know much about BlueStacks, and after researching it a bit, I don't think it's something I'm going to install on my own rig. Having a look at your current progress will help us to make better suggestions about getting you up and running. Please refer to the How to Ask For Help thread for instructions on exporting a single emulator config. Thanks man!
  2. I’ve played bass guitar on and off since high school (I guess as of this year that would make it 20 years - turns out I'm getting old! ), but I never got terribly serious about it. Sure I picked up some licks along the way, learned to keep time, pound out a tune, heck I even learned a somewhat OK slap technique when I really worked at it (OK meaning I can sort of at least do it now). But the point is, I never progressed beyond being a decidedly mediocre player (if that). So having an interest in music I’d been following the progress of Rocksmith over the course of its development, but I was never terribly interested as it didn’t feature bass tracks, or at least not until the last quarter of 2012. So fast forward to my birthday this year, when I decided to give myself a birthday present and bought Rocksmith on Steam (along with the associated instrument cable). Well the first thing I discovered is that my then current bass seemed to have some latency issues due to the pickups. It’s an acoustic bass guitar with cheap piezo pickups – living in apartments during all of my twenties and early thirties prompted the move to an ABG mostly as a courtesy to neighbors and roommates (because let’s face it, not too many people want to hear my happy ass belting out Blitzkrieg Bop through a 15” amplifier at 1:00 AM - least of all my wife). So the first order of business was picking up a new solid body electric bass (I got a great deal on a Matt Freeman signature P-Bass as if anyone cares), and that was it, with my new axe in hand I embarked on my Rocksmith journey. Wow! I feel like my playing has improved ten-fold in my short time with this game you guys! Not only have I learned a bunch of new songs, but I’ve also started learning techniques I would never have even discovered without this game/teaching aid. I had heard of palm muting before, but never knew what it actually was until going through the technique challenges in the game. Tremolo picking? Not a problem now! (OK I’m actually still practicing this one quite a bit … but I never would have given it a thought prior to the game). So yeah I’m sort of gushing about this game, but it really is pretty epic for anyone that even has the slightest interest in picking up a guitar or bass. So this is a multi-part question. Do we have any aspiring or experienced guitarist and/or bassists on the forums? Is anyone else playing Rocksmith? Any favorite tracks? Has anyone imported custom tracks into the game? I’d love to hear of others experiences. I’m currently having a blast. I’m even considering getting a cheap guitar just so I can go back through the game and learn some guitar!
  3. You're looking at it! The OP is (was) the 100,000th post. I snapped off the attached shot immediately before posting (and double checked afterwords to verify). I just noticed the total post count sitting at 99,999 and decided to commemorate the occasion. Yay!
  4. With this post we have now reached 100,000 posts in the forums! Hoo-rah! If you were wondering what the confetti and streamers were about, that's what it was! Well done everyone! Now please quietly return to your desks and resume operations. That is all.
  5. These shots are looking good Krak. It's not quite the in-your-face blow out of Gameroom V1, but the common look and feel across the screens gives the theme a nice continuity. Keep it up!
  6. First a a quick bit of background and then to the point. Unless specifically configured otherwise GameEx watches the application launched via runitgame.bat (the primary command, not Launch Before, Launch After, etc.) to determine when to give focus back to GameEx. So typically a 'Launcher' sort of throws a monkey wrench in this model, since a Launcher is typically a smaller program designed to run only long enough to start another program. So GameEx starts the Launcher, the Launcher does it's thing and closes, and GameEx thinks you're done with your application and takes back focus. So that's what Tempest and Han are getting at. You may need to use an Advanced Config as it will let you configure additional Watched Processes. In this way GameEx will know not to take back focus until all watched processes have closed. ... But here's the catch. You cannot use an Advanced Config when you configure an External Application. So you may need to configure this as an Emulator rather than an External Application so you can apply an Advanced Config. I know it sounds odd, but the Emulator config will allow you greater control over the program.
  7. Well if that ain't cooler than a polar bears toenails I don't know what is! Great job once again.
  8. Happy birthday Starbuck! Drink deeply from the cup of life my friend!
  9. The INI is manipulated through the Setup Wizard, so it's just a resident file within your GameEx directory. Please refer to this thread for the full details on accessing your GameEx INI, the log and other good stuff. Thanks man!
  10. Thanks a bunch Tom! And special thanks to Adultery! Keep fighting the good fight man!
  11. WOW! This is a fantastic update right here! Well done! It's really cool to see that this plugin just keeps getting better and better!
  12. I'll be honest, we're throwing science at the wall here to see what sticks. No idea what it'll do.

    1. celly


      You know what, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Get mad!! I don't want your damn lemons what am I supposed to do with these! Demand to see life's manager!

  13. You may have noticed that your blood is pure gasoline – that’s normal. We’ve been shooting you with an invisible beam that’s supposed to turn blood into gasoline, so all that means is it’s working.

  14. I moved this post out of the User Submitted Configs, Map Files, Wrappers and Databases thread. Please do try to keep your posts relevant to the thread in which you are posting. In response to your question, Yes AutoHotKey scripts will work just fine in GameEx. Typically they are launched as a Launch Before parameter and exited using a Launch After parameter configured via the Setup Wizard. Are you experiencing any difficulty with this? If so please refer to the How To Ask For Help thread to get a feel for the files to upload so that we might assist you with problems you may encounter. Thanks!
  15. So one step at a time here ... Are you managing your GameEx configuration through the Setup Wizard? If not, you'll want to have a look at that. All the directories you're asking about here can be easily altered via the Setup Wizard (if I'm understanding your question correctly). One exception to this is Gamebase (I noticed you had a GameBase question in a separate thread). I don't use GameBase at all, but I do know that you must configure your media directories and whatnot in GameBase before GameEx will recognize them. GameEx simply uses the GameBase configuration, and to my knowledge you cannot use GameEx as a means to configure GameBase.
  16. Hmm ... Perhaps you could elaborate a bit more on what scripts you're referring to? There are huge architectural differences between all the frontends you mentioned, so from a configuration standpoint they are all very different from one another. This would cover differences insofar as how frontend configuration settings are stored and managed. But typically frontend settings are not typically stored as scripts, but as settings files (.ini, .xml, etc). Scripts typically refer to a file that does something (i.e. they perform a scripted routine). So I suppose all of the frontends you listed are capable of utilizing scripts to some extent. This would refer to batch scripts (.bat), AutoHotKey scripts (.ahk) and that sort of thing. To that extent some frontends are much more reliant on scripting functionality than others (I believe HS is very reliant on commonly shared AutoHotKey scripts). To that end GameEx is not reliant on scripts at all, but is very capable of incorporating scripts into your configuration if that's your goal. One of the huge strengths of GameEx is that it is very configurable to your needs, and that it is easy to configure. To that end you can easily configure GameEx without ever having to look at a script or know anything about them at all.
  17. Han is absolutely on the right track there, although I believe the executable for Daemon Tools Pro is actually called DTAgent.exe. You may find this to be of some assistance: DAEMON Tools Pro Command Line Integration So the mount command should look like this: <path to dtools>\DTAgent.exe -mount 0, "c:\dvd\blackjack.iso"and unmount will looks like this <path to dtools>\DTAgent.exe -unmount 0(also remember that you may need to use "Double Quotes" if <path to dtools> contains spaces) Here's the link to DAEMON Tools Lite commands should anyone need that as well (the commands for Lite are different than Pro)
  18. Pretty neat there Ben! Thanks for this. I'm sure I'll be finding a use for this somewhere down the line.
  19. Awesome Adultery! Thanks so much for the update. Good to see you man! (or uh ... good to read the words that you typed!)
  20. Hi jjuillerat and Welcome to the GameEx forums! I'm going to assume we're talking about MAME here since other emulators will only show games that actually exist in the configured ROM directory. So on the MAME Settings screen in the Setup Wizard you'll find a setting called Only Existing Roms. You'll want to change that setting to Yes, and remember to rebuild your MAME list in GameEx after having done so. Good luck, and let us know how you're getting along.
  21. Hi oliverbg1 and Welcome to the GameEx forums I'm afraid you need to keep your artwork in separate directories for the most part. This includes separate directories for different types of artwork as well (i.e. titles in one directory, covers in another, etc.). The reason for this is that GameEx locates artwork files by finding file names matching the ROM name, and you can't have a bunch of identically named files sitting in the same directory. This is actually standard operating procedure for most frontends I've seen, so GameEx is not unique in this capacity. There are no bracketed placeholder parameters that can be used to reference artwork directories in GameEx to my knowledge.
  22. And the PinballX juggernaut rolls on! Thanks Tom!
  23. Happy Birthday KRC! Have a great day man! I sincerely hope that it's the most epic birthday yet! So for those keeping track of birthdays (I'm sure most of you keep meticulous birthday calendars for the purposes of sending cards and gifts) the last four days have looked like this: Han's Mom > Han > KRC > KRC's Mom It's a great week for GameEx folks!
  24. Happy birthday Han! Happy birthday MomSolo! Thanks for all you do, and have a fantastic birthday!
  25. Wow! I'm gone for a few days, and I miss out on all the amazing progress with PinballX! Truly impressive work. Thanks for that! I'm excited to test out this latest update on the widescreen.
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