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All my products and services are free. All my costs are met by donations I receive from my users. If you enjoy using any of my products, please donate to support me. Thank you for your support. Tom Speirs



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Everything posted by Adultery

  1. I dig it personally, so long as we keep them positive. Could be fun!
  2. Hope Drac is doing ok, just saw Jacksonville is pretty much underwater...
  3. Most Arrogant: @stigzler Lol! JK!
  4. They're in the repository manager now.
  5. No "Riders On The Storm" on your playlist?? For shame!
  6. I'm the same. I'd much rather get to work solving a problem. For me it's the satisfaction of doing something, not the worry of someone else making it right later. It's like solving a puzzle even though you can probably find the picture somewhere else. But as was put so beautifully before, if you've been in this hobby for more than 5 minutes, it becomes apparent that waiting for the product owner is almost never the solution. Steam was a pleasant (and extremely rare) exception. I was impressed at their responsiveness, and I'm sure they had no idea it was causing an issue at the time they implemented it.
  7. All of these are good suggestions. I was thinking about embedding a media player, but all of these seem more approachable to me. I think I'll start with a menu for the High Score comp, though. Should be able to harness a good amount of test users for that. I have a pretty good idea of how that will work. I'm interested in a Last.FM plugin though, but I don't know how I can hook the menu list through there. Another project for another day.
  8. Definitely a completely worthwhile giveaway this time around! Expires on 9/9 so grab it now! https://www.humblebundle.com/store
  9. /me already has a dll ready to go for that... Ponder...
  10. I glanced at it last night and I don't know what to do with it. I need an idea first I think, or some simple project to get my bearings.
  11. I thought it was part of one of those monthly boxes? Loot Crate or some such thing? Maybe they come back online and I get one reasonably cheap!!
  12. Pretty psyched to get my hands on this one!! Thanks Tom!!
  13. I have the Etsy N64 case, it does look nice. The cartridge was kind of lame though, save the money on that.
  14. Good luck finding that Genesis hub for a reasonable price!
  15. Haaa! That's dope Han! I never used a public place like that, and can't even remember where I put my first site or what it was for even.
  16. It's seemingly any game that you pass command-line args to outside of Steam. We're only seeing it there because it's probably the only game we pass args to. I'm sure Steam added this prompt because this is not a conventional way to launch Steam games and some game somewhere was confusing people. They should at least add a check box to not display the message again... This (and really any prompt) is also annoying if you use a Steam Link.
  17. https://www.godaddy.com/website-templates Worth a look if you're in the market for an all in one approach (web template, domain, hosting).
  18. Ahh, I see... My Plex server is available anywhere though plex.tv (saving that the server itself is already accessible thanks to no-ip.com). If you don't leave your server running all the time I can see that being an issue.
  19. I personally rip all my stuff and serve it through Plex using MakeMKV and Handbrake. But that's me... I like being able to control my content.
  20. I'm aware who it's for, that's what the comment was about. You get our software for free, use it to make money at a business that operates in a grey area, and come in here ranting about some niche feature request to fix a recent issue that isn't even our fault, but due to a Steam update. I've also witnessed several posts where you were abusive to (or aggressive towards) staff here. You see how that's frustrating? It's rare that I'd even call someone out, but hey, you got my attention too. Maybe Tom jumps for you, maybe not. If it were me I'd just issue you a refund, add you to my ignore list and move on with my life. Oh, wait, my bad... It was free software. Right. We're 1/3 of the way there then.
  21. @Stexe For someone who profits off of a grey area, you'd think you might be a little more understanding and accommodating. It would literally take a few minutes to have AHK press that button for you. Maybe you should have put a bounty on your feature request, considering you came in full of piss and vinegar over a feature request you made a year ago that didn't get implemented. Money talks... I don't have to tell you that. Remind me, how much did PinballX cost you again?
  22. I love gameex - but i never want to tweak my emulator configs again, I just don't have the time or patience to do so anymore. Perhaps some enterprising person here or as an addon to gameex for a fee - you could offer that service setup for a fee? LMK how that works out for ya. As for the Setup fee, maybe ask around and someone might be willing to help you out, but I doubt that guidance would come from staff. We already have enough to do around here. Where is the feature matrix I can see to compare my version to the latest or this new evo one coming soon? There isn't one, since Evo isn't out we can't really do a matrix. Is it worth it for me to upgrade if I dont want to animate Moon Patrols title screen assuming a screenshot and logo is good enough for me? Any new features beyond UI bells and whistles? While it's cool to be able to have animated sprites or 3d marios in my interface, I just dont have the time for content gathering and creating at present. Anything better with running the emus? etc? If u mean GameEx to the recent version, you'll have to at some point because we don't support older builds and the first thing someone will ask is for you to update. If you mean from GameEx to Evo, that's two different products and you'll have to come to that determination on your own. I will say however that your generalization is incredibly short, Evolution is much more than a 3D Mario Sprite. What would you recommend for an alternative toddler interface for my gameex emus? That's going to be a challenge for you. This hobby certainly isn't geared to toddlers. You might be able to simplify the interface in your own theme or in custom menus, but believe me when I tell you you'll never prod it enough. If your kids are like mine were, just one weird button combo is sometimes enough to take down your cabinet. How do I ensure that my gameex setup remains working long term as is without ton of maintence. That's going to be a question you'll have to ask yourself. As I mentioned we don't support legacy versions due to the speed in which we release updates and bug fixes. In the same way you would maintain and update Windows, you should be keeping your GameEx update. If you're in a pickle, it's because of the jump in versions and how far behind you are. If that's because you don't want to pay the nominal fee, then that's on you. Updates aren't fragile, I've done several without any issue at all, and I can't even remember the last drastic change that crippled my rig.
  23. What I'm doing is much lighter weight than that. I actually got a special account/API key from Scott some time ago, so I'm not too worried about that. I'm definitely not looking to do a full scrape, just a user-by-user scrape. That number is much lower if you consider that the people that use GameEx, RetroAchievemebts and my Game Info plugin will be the only ones using it. But I appreciate that Han.
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